Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Showing Ones Worth!: Welcome To The Yellow Flag Bullet Ballet!
Okay, so following up from the most recent situation, regarding the last chapter...
"Hello there all of you sexy viewers, Catherine here again...*I proceed to say this, while looking slightly drunk, due to a slight blush like tint, that is currently present on the cheeks of my face. While I wind up giving a very sexy cat pawing motion, with one of my hands*...Now then...*I say this while proceeding to smile a very sexy and devilish looking smile*...Now what do you say, that we cut the current bullshit, and just get on with the chapter now!...*I proceed to say this, while giving yet another very sexy cat pawing motion, with one of my hands*"
And so, with both me and Revy, jumping onto the top of the bar with immense ease. And upon being greeted by two mercenaries right in our lines of sight. Revy, then proceeded to cap one of them in the head with one of her Beretta, with having squeezed off a round into his head, which instantly dropped him to the floor.
While I meanwhile, squeezed off a round each, from both of my modified Beretta, one of the squeezed off rounds, hitting the other mercenary, right dead center in his chest, and the other, wound up hitting him, right dead center of his forehead, between his eyes. And upon our bullets finding their marks, and dropping both men to the floor in an instant. I then, took notice, of the immense pools of blood, beginning to form around both of them, as they both lay there, dead and motionless.
However, I didn't care about that. As I then demonstrated such, by then speaking up, just as Revy, proceeded to raise both of her Beretta, and then down two more of the mercenaries, with the squeeze off of yet two more rounds.
"Now sis, you need to save some of them for me! Don't just go hogging them all now!" I said, as I then proceeded, to leap up into the air. To which I then proceeded, to do a forward flip of sorts. To which I then proceeded, to slam both of my combat boot clad feet, down onto another mercenaries chest. As I squeezed off a round in his face, hitting him in his left cheek, and killing him instantly.
And while I had done this. To which I then got off the now downed mercenary. And like Revy, was with the mercenaries that she was currently shooting at. I had done all of this, while showing, a most devilish looking smile, on my feminine face.
"Okay sis, I will try. But can you blame me for not wanting to? This is way too much fucking fun!" I heard the voice of Revy, then respond back to me. Which I could somehow still hear, over the massive gunfire.
"Well sis, I don't blame you at all for doing so...Oh, and by the way viewers...let me welcome you all, to 'The Yellow Flag Bullet Ballet!'" I thought to myself, as while I had just finished, with squeezing off yet another two rounds from my two Beretta. Which hit yet another mercenary, in both the chest and face. Which caused him to fall to the ground, in a massive heap, and a dull thud. And this was right after, I had briefly turned my crazed eyesight, slightly to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers.
But, however...
"Okay...Revy, Cat, we're leaving!" The voice of Dutch was now heard saying over the immense noise of the gunfire.
And, although I was about to question his decision. I then realized, that this was the situation, in which Rock, had decided to still tag along with us. And, from what I remember from watching the first episode. We would all, soon be involved, in an impending standoff, with a helicopter gunship.
But, the good news was, that from me watching the first two episodes. I knew exactly the spot on the torpedo boat, that I would need to be in. As the very spot in question, would wind up being the very spot, that the helicopter gunship, wouldn't hit with its ammunition.
However, I decided to push this thought to the side for the time being. And instead, like Dutch had just recently suggested to us, we decided, to make a hasty retreat, of sorts.
And, upon all of us, having now squeezed into Benny's car, which was a 1969 Plymouth Roadrunner. Well, at least for now. Which was conveniently waiting for us, just outside the side door of the Yellow Flag. And with Benny, now putting it in gear, and then stamping hard on the accelerator pedal. The Roadrunners engine then revved up, and roared to life. And, not even a second later, we then sped away from the Yellow Flag. And amidst a small bit of tire squeal as well.
And, while we were currently, driving quickly away from the Yellow Flag. And, while Revy was currently speaking to Dutch, on what Bao intended to do, to me and her. I then, very quietly, took out my music cassette player, and then hit play. All while, we continued, to head away, from the Yellow Flag.
"Hey honey, where the hell
Is my shooter now?!"
You can call me honey
You can steal my money
You can try again and
You can pray to Heaven
But I tell you, honey
Like the sun is sunny
Baby, I won't put
My shooter down
You can call me honey
You can steal my money
You can try again and
You can pray to Heaven
But I tell you, honey
Like the sun is sunny
Baby, I won't put
My shooter down
Now, the man I love
Is a wanted man
With a price
Put on his head
Every deputy
Wants a tag on his toe
He's better off
With me
So together,
We can start a new
You can plow the field
And I will make your stew
Come on, darling,
Settle down with me
Put your shooter down
You can call me honey
You can steal my money
You can try again and
You can pray to Heaven
But I tell you, honey
Like the sun is sunny
Baby, I won't put
My shooter down
You can call me honey
You can steal my money
You can try again and
You can pray to Heaven
But I tell you, honey
Like the sun is sunny
Baby, I won't put
My shooter down
Sometimes I think
That the gun in your hand
Means more to you
Than me
But I know better
You are getting old
You will need
A family
And then, on Sundays
We can go to church
Time for you
To end your search
Here's your life
Take a look at me
'Cause I will be
Your wife
You can call me honey
You can steal my money
You can try again and
You can pray to Heaven
But I tell you, honey
Like the sun is sunny
Baby, I won't put
My shooter down
You can call me honey
You can steal my money
You can try again and
You can pray to Heaven
But I tell you, honey
Like the sun is sunny
Baby, I won't put
My shooter down
Come to me, baby
No, don't tell me "maybe"
When we are married
Your shooter
Are gonna get buried
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
You can call me honey
You can steal my money
You can try again and
You can pray to Heaven
But I tell you, honey
Like the sun is sunny
Baby, I won't put
My shooter down
But I tell you, honey
Like the sun is sunny
Baby, I won't put
My shooter down
"Hello you pervy viewers, Catherine here again...*I proceed to say this, while giving yet another very sexy cat pawing motion, with one of my hands*...Now that song...for those who were wondering...was the song Shooter, by Rednex...And so viewers, with that now being explained to you all...I will see you fine gentlemen, in the next chapter...*I proceed to say this, while giving yet another very sexy cat pawing motion, with one of my hands*"