OMNI:First Origin

Chapter 1014: Chapter 38

To them both deal with neo saying portal should appear now so spill the details with lucas going through it he arrives in front of his school passing yesterday video feed to his a.i comrades to watch and see for themselves in order to understand what's going on but that's up to them to figure out on there own he says thanks to both a.i saying bye he hangs up the chat call with them as lucas can be seen walking through the school open street yard that they can use to get to class that's covered by a huge umbrella roof building incase it starts to rain above them as he uses his headphones playing his music medium loud to not listen to his classmates or teacher's he's here only to his job as a student who wants to get his diploma and graduate on time for his boss and not his parent's approval since he made a promise to him to finish school in order to continue fighting for the crew and the member's in it as he looks at his phone saying he has a few minute's before the bell rings for first period or he thinks maybe he's late in the first place as he sees a group of girls pass by him he ask them excuse what period are they in right now with.

The girl's saying first period should be over soon before they leave giggling to themselves while they go the opposite way as lucas says man he hates high school life he wants to fight more bad guy's as he goes to his second period class while that was happening back at aztec city with consa seen laying down on her living room floor coughing up ton of blood from her mouth saying no fucking way how could she lose that badly to the young boy who was supposed to be weaker than her but he stood his ground while llorona is still watching over here silently saying to consa that the remaining zombie troops have gone back to there burial ground to rest and are ready to be of used to her again when the time comes as consa says she need her golden necklace after all she is super weak without it good thing lucas will bring it next time to have an even match with one another saying thing's will go on her favor without regret is that understood boy she will have her payback soon you just wait until midnight comes over then he will be on the losing side while she tells llorona how much time do you have until you have to go back.

To grandmother side with llorona saying she has only currently about ten more minute's before she leave for good until later today as consa tell llorona thank you so much for not hating her all these year's she will return her soul to heaven's gate to be forgiven for her crimes since it wasn't her who was in control in the first place but llorona says no heaven will not let her step inside the gates since she has accumulated to much sins and blood to her already fragmented soul with each person life she took after being turned into this monster spirit by grandmother in the first place so no she will wait patiently in hell until grandmother comes down with her for her crimes in the world of the living is that understood old friend with consa saying sure you was always the most mature out the two in the start of there friendship all those year's ago with them two seen laughing with each other with no care in the world as that is going on back at new york city the same old factory that was blown up by kasha and her comrades have gotten unwanted attention from both new york police city station and cain right hand bill who asked the.

Nightshift security guard questions who's in the hospital room right now for getting hurt after the explosion on what happened here today since it was his job to watch the place while he was alone how did you let this happen in the first place with the secretary guard dropping down to his knees even though he's wounded saying please forgive him sir he was careless today he will not fail him again he promised with bill saying come on man please get up your already hurt there's no point in harming an already broken man like yourself so please get back to your bed and rest since if he wants a second chance from him like he said he did then he will have to get his hand dirty in return but the reward he will get will be double his minimum paid wage that he has ever received in a month if he's ready to commit to his caused with no question asked since he can tell already that he has so much power within himself and he just wants to unlock his true potential so first rest then think about his offer after he has some time to think about it call him up if your up for it but the deal will not last long so think fast and hard leaving his business card behind on his.

Lunch table saying hope he makes the right choice the bus will leave soon with or without him so think about this personally does he really wants to continue being a servant to the man or become a master yourself like those above him and lead his own servant's around with bill smiling widely saying bye for now kid closing the door shut leaving the wounded security guard alone in his room to think about what rights in the world since he was saved by those who blew up the old factory and then he was given a chance to become something more by his ceo boss bill himself who said he could become more powerful than he is currently so what choice does he make here on out in the first place leaving him to pondered alone while he eats his green jello with his spoon with so much to think about saying man why couldn't he just died in the old factory explosion to not given two options to worry about either stay the same old servant or become the new master along with his own servant's to listen to whatever he says the second option does sound good to him but he instead just turns on the tv with his remote next to him watching the news.

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