OMNI:First Origin

Chapter 1015: Chapter 39

With a male reporter talking with a microphone on hand about what happened within in new york land one of it's city like new york city got attacked with the old factory blowing up in the middle of the night with a wounded security guard coming out alive and some unknown young vigilante who is out there helping out the poor people of this huge beautiful city with him already stopping multiple criminals before they even start there crime with the reporter going to where the new york city chief of police stands with his pedestal while he explains that he himself along with his police officer's are very grateful for the helping hand they have gotten from the hero but they got this under control so he don't want the vigilante to do there job for them anymore since he might get hurt one of these day's by accident without him knowing it so please whoever you are stay at home and let them do their own job the right way with many reporter's asking him questions about why he doesn't want the vigilante to help them out since he has started to make the city feel even much safer than before with chief of police keeping a cool head.

While answering all the reporter's questions one by one back with lucas walking down the long hallway path who's barely arriving to his second period class with the same old teacher from yesterday who told him that he would be calling his parent's if he walk out yesterday but he just tells him welcome back mr.lucas and please take a seat while the tardy bell rings to let them know to lock the door's incase anyone wants to sneak late into his class while he is teaching them as many more student's start to arrived into the class with a few staring back at lucas who's doesn't at all already listening to his music with his headphones on while the bell for tardy starts to ring with multiple footsteps outside there class can be hear of many student's running to there class before the teacher closes there classroom door's for good and sends them to the cafeteria room where the tardy station is at to get a tardy slip pass for not making it to class on time as the class teacher locks the door from within with two student's barely reaching the door with the old man teacher telling them tardy station go get your tardy slip pass if you want to enter his class again as the teacher walks to his desk he sees.

Lucas with his headphones on he just takes a deep breath to himself focusing instead on the rest of his class who want to learned and have a bright future in life so he starts with his lesson with lucas pulling out a journal from his backpack along with a mechanical pencil beggining to write down what the teacher is writing on the chalkboard word by word to take home for later studying since the boss was very specific in everyone finishing school if not then no more higher class mission for them to do and nobody in the crew wants that so he has to try his very best for now until they are done with school for the summer vacation break as the teacher writes more on the chalkboard and talks about what they are learning he looks around asking simple questions picking those who are not paying attention to wake up this is school not there home's if they want to sleep then stay at home with your comfy bed and blanket as the lessons goes on with lucas having wrote down everything that the teacher has in the board he turns the light's off then pull down the screen while he goes to his computer to play a video for them about.

The past hispanic people from way back then who used to live here before they was pushed out there own land by the caucasian men who thought back then that if they aren't white skin like them then there below them in both class and status with lucas saying yep racism is coming straight out of the teacher himself since he made a face while admitting that the old caucasian men back then we're horrible and wrong in so many ways having other races act as there slave's as he plays the rest of the video fully while he takes a seat in his chair taking a sip out his drink bottle since he's also a coach for the football team and a history teacher as time passes by with the video being over the teacher puts back up the screen and turn on the light giving everyone a warning careful there eye's are gonna hurt now flicking the switch with a few student's saying aww my eye's they burn as a joke with lucas seen already getting used to the light after being in darkness for a bit he sees that the teacher went back to his desk to grab a big pile of papersheet work for them to answer about the video they just watched recently and have it finished by the end.

Of the class with them passing the paper to one another by the rows of desk there sitting on with lucas being in the back of his row he is the last one looking at the work saying shit this papersheet looks hard as fuck he don't wanna do it but he has to for the crew sake if he wants to get much more stronger than anyone before him as everyone either do there work in silence or put there headphones on listening to there music like lucas was doing earlier to not be bored while working on the papersheet for the last ten minute's of second period class saying when are they leaving already he forgot what time second period ends for them so he has no clue what to do if he doesn't get to finish the history paperwork on time unlike the rest of his classmates as he tries to get a look around he sees the guy in front of him already halfway done with his worksheet so he looks at his teacher direction for a bit to see how long he is focus to his computer monitor screen then see when he turns to look up at the class making him say the teacher looks at the screen for about a minute or so then he looks back at them.

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