Chapter 1016: Chapter 40
From left to right before going back to his screen and he does this in repeat with lucas waiting for the teacher to do his class scanning before putting his head down to look at his monitor while that happens he looks over his classmates shoulder in front him smoothly before he writes down the questions answer then he pretends like he is working on his own work without giving away his eye's sight when the teacher does another class scan as he goes back to his computer lucas writes down the whole front page answers smiling to himself saying yeah he did it while he realizes that they are more questions in the back of the papersheet so he does his little trick again keeping a close eye on the teacher who's starting to stare at the clock saying ten more minute's to his entire class before the bell rings for second period to end and let's them go to there third period class with lucas saying fuck come on man do your work faster he has to finish this paperwork today in order to get a good grade on it for this class period as he thinks to himself what to do he has a small realization that he can used his advanced observation haki skill.
To see into the future even for a couple minute's ahead of time to write down the guy in front him answer's without getting caught cheating or even keeping a watch on his teacher who's in his desk sitting down in the front while he closes his eye's relaxing his body, soul and mind at the same time to get a clear glimpse into the future to find the needed answer's for him to pass without causing anymore trouble to his parent's even though they are a huge pain in his ass constantly nagging him to become something he's not the perfect child in there eye's is someone who's already thinking about college and graduating on the top of his class and joining into a corporate business job like his father who told ever since he was little that it's the safest job to have if you have a house and family to support for a long time as he tries to calm himself down he realizes that he was only focus in his parent's he has to start over fast before the bell rings as he solely focus on his papersheet answer's he gets a small glimpse into the future with him seeing the answer's he needed in order to pass today class lesson without worry as he starts writing them down one.
By one he still hasn't released the future sight and he has gone couple hour's ahead of time making it close to midnight with consa and llorona summoning there zombie troops to attack once again and he sees himself a bit hurt but safe on the ground floor collapse while on his knees tears streaming down to his face while he is seen hugging llorona with consa looking from a far before she leaves the city for good then he returns back to his current self as he gasp out loud in class feeling pain and surprised by what he saw just now with his classmates laughing and smirking at what just happened to him with the teacher saying okay everyone you just have one minute left in class so please start to get yourself ready to leave his class and turn in your work to the front of his desk with your name written down to be checked for today grades as lucas looks around slowly he comes to the full realization why people don't try to look further ahead into the future it is some freaky shit to experience yourself without warning or training in the first place as he grabs his black backpack out the class floor he puts his mechanical pencil away along.
With his notebook while he looks at the clock saying school is so confusing for him he wants to find out more about what that future glimpse he saw meant for him and llorona why we're they hugging he can understand her true intentions from last night mind training but that's all he knows about her are they perhaps related by blood from his mom family side since she knew more than she spoke about that day the cult group weeps and llorona downfall to becoming a vengeful ghost that kills kid's and unfaithful men in her river or lake territory area that she might owned in the azteco region as he hears the bell ring everyone in class start to leave while placing there paperwork on the teacher desk to be checked with lucas being the last one inside the class still he gets up from his desk and places his own paper on the desk with the teacher telling him softly did you even try to do your work today mr.lucas with him saying yeah he tried teach but he doesn't know what kind of grade he will get in the end since he's not that smart in hystory anyways good job on teaching your class we'll he will be taking his leave now as he walks out of class.
With the teacher picking up lucas worksheet first to check it himself and add it to the grade since it was the first time he didn't walk out of class like yesterday and the day before that so he's super curious to see how smart he really is as he finishes grading the whole front and back page question answers he looks shock to find out that this boy is actually above average in smartness unlike his other classmates who are a bunch of idiots in his honest opinion he got a ninety on his first papersheet work that he did do for his class subject making him shock that he was holding himself back on purpose for some unknown reason that he can't figure out from him as a person and student in this school as lucas walks to the school hallway going to his third class period being english three or four saying this dude really gets on his nerve since he picks on those who don't raised there hand up to answer his dumb question that they should know about already since it's there first language and they was taught in elementary school as he passes through a few classmates on his way to his class he thinks about what he has to do in order to get this.