Chapter 1017: Chapter 41
Mission done with without casualties on his side since consa side have only zombies and one ghost with one old witch lady who's been alive for so long since the time where llorona started being a thing or when the cult weeps newly formed together to hate on men and what they stand for in this growing community but now they want to rule the world like men's they hated in the past so what's there deal now killing kid's and some men for what reason he doesn't have a clue yet even his own mother won't tell him about it since he's to weak in the end to face the cult group weeps as he is right now lucas walks to his third period class looking all over the classroom to find a good desk to sit on so the teacher won't be able to see him when he wants to asked some dumb ass questions to the whole class as he finds a good desk in the back he takes off his backpack before putting it in the back of his chair with him taking out the same notebook from last class period incase he has to write down anything written on the board today as student's start arriving in either group's or alone while filling up the desk one by one with the bell starting.
To ring letting them know lock the door with the teacher saying time's up locking the door now sending anyone who didn't make it to the tardy station so they can grab there tardy pass and be allowed to enter there class again if they weren't in time as the old teacher start his lesson with him pulling out a black marker to write on the whiteboard as lucas sees this he start writing down what the teacher writes down so he can be ready for this first semester lessons without failing this class as the teacher talks and write down everything he is saying watching his back to make sure that no one is on there phone or falling asleep while he is teaching as the teacher's tell to write down these two sentences on there notebook and fix the mistakes that they can find he will give them five minute's to finish there work alone in silence then he will review it with everyone to see if your either wrong or right now start on your two questions the five minute's has started any question none then get to work with lucas still using his headphones playing his music has started his work on his notebook while making sure that the teacher don't see him on.
His phone while working or else he will think that he is cheating on the giving work as he adds the period, comas, and question mark to the two wrong sentences while he looks around to make sure he got it right on his first try with the teacher looking at his watch saying okay student's time's is up let's get started with the review answer let call out you pointing to the girl student in the front desk row who is seen looking at own her lap so what can they fix in the first sentence to make it better than before with her saying add a comma in the middle with the teacher saying good job so you we're paying attention after all next telling another student for an answer to the sentence as this goes on for a couple more minute's finishing off the two sentences he says to his student's that's it's for today they will now take turns reading a book that he picked out from the library himself so here pass the extra book's he got around to your nearby classmates as the whole class can be seen having a book to read already the teacher's tell the first desk student starting from his left side to please read a whole page out loud to your classmates won't you this will be.
A daily grade so you can either get a one hundred or a zero for today's lesson as he says that once the first student finishes reading a whole page the student behind him will read a whole page then the next and next one after that until they reach the last row or until the bell rings to let them go to there fourth period classes as the first student begins to read out loud to his classmates and teacher with a few of them smiling and snickering to themselves as they hear there friend read out loud with lucas seen taking this chance to think about what he has gone through today and yesterday with the whole cult weeps group and llorona backstory situation along with his mother hiding a huge secret from him about the truth of cult group meaning all these can't be good in the long haul so he has to get some answers from consa or llorona herself in order to figured this whole thing out without making a mess of thing's in his last few day's of staying in aztec city as he thinks about bringing the golden necklace to the animas river to give to consa herself so she can be more powerful than she was yesterday midnight it made him realized that she was.
Way weaker than he thought originally because she had to be the anchor for llorona spirit so she was giving away part of her own magic power each time to keep her here with them to fight on more until he was defeated plus he did damage a ton of time's toward llorona body when they was fighting all night and early morning so he can see why consa herself was collapsing while they was barely fighting one another since she was seen taken much of the damage that llorona took throughout there battle on to herself to make her be at one hundred percent power each time but the consequences was to high even for her who almost collapse during there fight and was forced to leave the battlefield early with there tails tick in between there legs causing llorona to have a huge grudge toward him since he caused pain to her friend or master last night as he thinks about what to eat with him saying to himself that a burger with cheese might be good for today along with slice pickles to eat on back at kasha base with the trio seen sitting down on there table enjoying a comfortable breakfast meal with each other talking about what they did yesterday.