Chapter 1024: Chapter 48
Like finding or sensing a rare diamond ore inside a whole mineshaft cave to find him among these people he would considered coal to him the guy he sense at first was only a golden ore but he stood out even more beyond him how crazy is that with lucas getting a bit freak out by this whole mood changed encounter saying so what does he want from him right now with dilan saying oh nothing really he was saying that he was sent on this little job to find more exceptional people like him who are only born human but here in this high school he found him someone special who is human but at the same time not even human itself how weird he finds it don't you find it weird lucas with him then saying yeah he kind of do but he has no need to see him as a threat just yet do he with dilan saying nope he is still his training partner or sparing buddy until the bell rings so let's continue from where we we're last time lucas says sure here he comes moving forward he goes for the offensive move with dilan lifting his right hand at lucas and firing a fire blast attack straight at him to caused him to flinch from the overwhelming heat so he could counter him.
When he moves either left or right to take some cover but to dilan own surprise lucas dashes through the fire heat attack by himself saying no way what are you lucas says a ghost user warrior kicking him in the face with a spin kick using his left leg that knocks him off his feet into the mat landing on his butt with him seeing lucas standing over him as he says you give up or are you ready to continue fighting even more with dilan smiling to himself saying guess this is my first ever lost against anyone either younger than me or around my age this makes this defeat even that much better than he thought before with him lifting his hand up toward's lucas who takes it saying get up he thinks time is about to be up for fourth period class so he better go talk to his picked out target from his sensing skills before he leaves the class without him getting in that much trouble by the school teacher's who will find out that he isn't a student from this school as dilan shakes lucas hand one last time before he tells him see you again buddy maybe even sooner if his first job goes we'll he might stay here a bit longer than he had thought while.
Doing his project with the higher ups in washington dc as he leaves the training room with lucas saying you forgot to clean up your mess with dilan saying oh my bad here you go with him snapping his fingers that causes the whole training room to go back to the way it was before they even started fighting that leaves lucas a bit shock by this type of helpful magic with him thinking to himself that guy just now was super weird even for him who fought crazy monster's and criminals that guy was on a league of his own saying hope he never meets face to face with that guy ever again as dilan finds the guy he was looking for in the beggining he walks up to him so casualy before doing a little karate chop at the back of his neck that causes him to freak out at first saying what the hell before passing out on the floor with dilan catching him quick before he fall's face first to the locker room floor saying come on my sleepy buddy let's go get you tested by the higher ups scientist before they get even more mad at him for leaving there secret base without his own two set of bodyguard's looking after him as he carries the unconscious guy on his right shoulder.
Saying he will taking this guy with him to the nurse room to get him check out with everyone saying sure thanks for the big help dilan just says no problem on his end waving goodbye to his supposed classmates as he leaves the locker room and sees lucas who keeps on staring at him confused so he gives him a thumbs up finger sign with him walking out the gym class door's before he dissapears completely without a trace left behind as lucas tries to find or search for his energy signature he comes out in the end empty handed with no trail or mark left behind by him so he thinks about what he just did earlier to the training room making it go back to how it was before they enter the room itself so he thinks he can do the same thing properly in a bigger scale than he just witnessed since dilan did say he was an elite magician who has been trained by the best magician in croatian region that his family could afford to hire with him saying fuck he didn't sense no hostility from him at first but when he was talking about his guarding job in this new region he has never visited his energy was turning dark and corrupt from just him describing there home region.
And his new job for searching new and powerful warrior's to take with him to there base to either get them to join there force's or for other unknown reasons he has no clue since he was caught off guard by his dark energy signature that was emanating from his body and soul so he didn't get to asked the appropriate questions that he was looking for in the first place with lucas saying to himself that he has to tell his boss about this weird encounter he just had at his own school with him walking toward the locker room to get ready to changed out there uniform and back into his school clothes heading out for A lunch to eat all the good food that he can purchase with his hard earned money from being a hunter and adventurer with his boss crew as that is going on with the bell finally ringing back with dilan who appears in front a huge base inside the washington dc capital city mountain that open up when they scanned him head to toe along with the new recruit added to there newest created elite force's the evolved human's hunter's or e.h.h who are led by currently vice leader dilan who is still saying even after his arrival come on.