Chapter 1025: Chapter 49
Man make him the group leader already he has the skills and experience to lead this team for them with warrior legislative coming face to face with him saying you want to lead this team when you don't even act like the leader you are just a vice leader that's all following the order's of your leader who is above you with dilan saying so where is he where is our elite group leader at with warrior legislative saying don't worry about that he will arrived here shortly either by today or tomorrow it all depends on the man himself if he wants to be part of the changed itself with legislative asking dilan noxx is that our newest guest to the group with dilan saying yep his name is carl mayne from a small town called houston in texas land with warrio legislative saying not bad vice leader you have been doing many wonders with his skills in tracking worthy test subjects for their programs as a scout no idea he was that good in tracking with dilan saying come on man give him another mission already with warrior legislative saying fine fine you just had to ruined there little fun with him giving a small piece of paper to dilan who reads it.
First to himself before saying he has to find three more targets in other part's of the usa region major land's like he just did in texas land with this kid here pointing toward carl unconscious body warrior legislative saying yep but when he is soon done he can go do his security guard job foreal this time saying he feels that the enemy will try to stop them from getting him to join there elite group as there leader with dilan saying he better be all that like they make him seem to be or else he will have him killed at that spot for wasting there time with warrior legislative saying fine he is your's to kill if he decides to not accept there deal in the first place but if he does decide to joined them then you have to follow his command no matter what with dilan saying okay boss he will take his leave for now waving goodbye before he teleports away from the mountain base into his new mission location finding his next target on the list with him saying where are my little friend as he looks at the entrance sign that says virginia land with him smiling as he walks toward the target energy signature that he just picked up right now following the trail to it's newest.
Target with warrior legislative saying to himself that this little kid thinks he's a hotshot just because he is considering a super genius or super prodigy with his rookie skills that have that much room to grow in with warrior legislative saying scientists take this boy name carl into the lab room to get him ready inside a capsule to either join there side's or die for a better member to join he has already gotten word from bill himself that there elite group has already both the leader and vice leader position picked out now they need four outstanding warrior's to fill out those top executive's spots the rest are officer's or soldier's who can or will try to take over the four executive's spots in the near future wanting to be one of the four executives member's called the four views in order to ruled there own group below them when the time comes as he leaves the whole subject experimenting to the best scientist's they have in there team he says he will be in his office room so call him when something comes up alright with the scientists saying yes sir they will with them carrying the boy name carl mayne unconscious body to the.
Nearest room to be placed in a test tube to see if he has the potential to be an elite or just a lowly soldier on there newly created team with the scientists working there hardest to make sure that no one dies here until they have gotten everything from him in order to expand there program to other region's back with consa in aztec city who wakes up in her house after being asleep for almost five to seven hour's she doesn't know anymore so she gets up off the living room floor with her still feeling the wound inflicted from yesterday fight with the young boy consa calls out to her friend llorona saying where are you show yourself but no one show's up so consa side suspecting that she was sent back to her boss side to help the grandmother with her business after she was out cold for almost a couple hour's as she tries her very best to stand back up saying she might be closed to death door's but she has many thing's to do today with her helping herself get up slowly until she fall's on her long couch saying to herself that was very taxing even for her she has not even recover a bit of her energy strenght after the fight was over with.
As she stays laying down on the couch with her companion snake name daria coming up to lick her face with a sad face expression that let's the snake know that she is not feeling we'll right now or even able to use magic right since the wounds she took in the first place we're deep plus she took upon herself all of llorona extra wounds she was receiving more damaged to her already hurt body was making it impossible for her to not wake up in so many hour's after she rested in peace now look at her cover in so much damaged and bandages that it look like she won't be able to participate in the later fights against with the young man unless she wants to die from her acculated damaged or the boy name lucas is willing to even give her master the golden necklace with the red gemstone to heal herself back to one hundred percent power and continued the fight from yesterday with the snake daria moving around her master neck to try to give her some of her own energy without the master even finding out but consa says no daria you know the rules she can't be a good master if she takes her companion partner energy.