Chapter 1026: Chapter 50
Even though she is completely ruined from the inside and outside with her laughing a bit before she starts to cough up blood on her right hand saying this is nothing to worry about as she wipes it with her bandage on her other hand to get rid of the evidence on hand as she looks at her clock hanging on the wall that says it's is around twelve pm something with her saying damn she has so much thing's to do in so little time with daria saying you are still early master just take a deep breath then come up with a good plan to make today work even though she look like a piñata ready to explode at any given time so let's get a plan started with daria slithering around her master arm saying come on consa don't give up on yourself or your own friend life who is trapped by grandmother as her side assassin for almost she said a thousand year's or less she don't know anymore with consa saying a few hundred year's it has been she recalls when she was younger now all she feels here is pain and soreness all over flesh and bones with daria licking her wounds healing them slowly with her saliva while consa figures out what to do today as that.
Is going on back with lucas in his high school who is seen already waiting in the lunch line with his food tray that have watermelon and a burger with cheese on it plus a chocolate milk then his bought stuff that he wants to buy with his money chips and some chocolate cookie along with some chicken tenders that will fill him up to the best of his ability as he arrives in front of the cafeteria lady who asked him to please put in his lunch number code here or show him your student id and with her saying the total amount he will have to pay for the snacks will be her saying around ten dollar's with lucas pulling out his wallet from his back pocket handing her eleven dollars while saying keep the changed as the cafeteria lady says next lucas gets his plate and goes to find a seat by himself so that no one will bothered him in his alone time as he looks around he places his headphones in his ears so that he can be jamming to his music with no outside noise bothering him as he finds a round table to sit in he places his bag down beside him before he smiles happily to his snacks and meal he will enjoy to eat with no nuisance around.
To stop him he starts with the cheeseburger first opening the ketchup packet that he got squeezing the ketchup inside the burger before closing it with the top bun opening his chocolate milk carton next taking a small sip to not get full on liquids only as he takes a big bite of the ketchup covered cheeseburger making a happy face to himself he can't help but feel relax right now with no worries as he takes another bite of his cheeseburger saying so good man time to enjoy some chips as he opens the blue dorritos one's taking a small bite of the first chip saying fucking school food just have a certain flavor to it that makes it's taste great in his opinion as he opens his eye's a group of student's have come face to face with him with the group leader saying hey there kid you must not know this since your new but this here is our table with the other guy's saying yep so get out the way already they want to eat there food already with lucas taking another bite of his dorrito chip in front of the group with no worry or fear in his eye's telling them there's another round table over there with him pointing to an empty table across his table.
That has more seats to sit on so hurry it fast before you lose your spot for good with the group leader saying no he has no right what to tell him he is bigger and taller than him with lucas saying my friend they are almost the same height he thinks with the group leader telling him to get up now as lucas does so with a new bag of blue dorritos chip in his hand matching face to face with the group leader being shocked by this saying no way but lucas just goes back down on his seat telling them all to move it there's people going after there round table already with the ground leader telling his people to let's move out already this ain't worth it in the first place as they leave lucas all alone except for the group leader with him smirking to himself with the group leader telling him this isn't over kid you just wait until the day is over with but lucas says calm down man you don't want to get beaten in front of your girl or your group of friend's right so just forget about him and leave him alone while he is still in a good mood now move it he has to finish his lunch tray before it gets cold with the group leader saying nothing but bitting his bottom lip just leaving.
With veins coming out of his face from being angry at this commotion he had with a nobody who managed to pushed them off there own table and not even try to fight them like they weren't worth it in the first place as the group leader takes a seat by his girl who's angry at there little confrontation not going how she expected it to go she just had to tell the guy's why didn't they jump him and give him a good beating there and then if they had the number with the group leader saying they would've gotten in much trouble in the first place since there's many eyewitnesses around them when they might've beaten up the kid and they would snitch on him making it all pointless in the first place since he wants to graduate this year with good grades and with no misconduct written on his file for him to enter a good college like his family hope for this makes the group leader girlfriend mad at him saying you aren't tough your just a wimpy kid who follows his mommy and daddy order why don't you think for yourself for once do you really want to go to a college and be more in debt from your classes with the group leader saying he has to think about.