Chapter 1027: Chapter 51
His own future and no one else even you babe your just a one time thing for him look at yourself your still in sophomore year and he's a whole ass seniors along with his friend's and their girl's what she gonna do next year when they gone for good be alone and make time for him when he's in college or find another bad boy to protect you like he did since she was a freshman year the girlfriend looks at everyone on her table group saying she doesn't even want to know before she stands up from the round table seat picking up her lunch tray saying to the group leader your right and let's break up leaving everyone in the table shock she looks around for a tough bad boy like her ex boyfriend saying where can she find someone like him in this shitty school as she locks eye's with lucas who is seen staring back at her while eating his cheeseburger with ketchup turning his head around slowly to not make eye contact anymore since it's getting weird even for him as the girl says bingo to herself she goes to where lucas is at taking a seat in front of him saying hey by any chance are you single yes says lucas while he only focuses on his cheeseburger.
Taking another bite with her ex boyfriend and there group member's watching from afar holding in there laughter and smirking at what she is doing with a nobody like him with the girl giving them the middle finger hand sign that causes them to get angry at what she is doing with them getting up from their table seat heading toward lucas table with him still not giving a care in the world as he has one headphones plug in his ear while the other one is sitting beside his lunch tray with the girl student introducing herself saying her name is sarah wang what's your name with lucas giving his full name to her lucas martin with her saying are you new here to this school or have you always been here but kept to yourself all this time lucas tells her don't try too hard he won't bite her unless she does something bad to him and he tells her that he used to skip school everyday because his own parent's wanted him to follow there own created path from birth that they gave him like finish school and then go to college to get a good job and a good wife to have a family with but he want his life for himself he might finish high school but he.
Will not go to college he will become a hunter or an adventurer depends which one pays him the best for his services as the girl name sarah says wow your perfect for her would you like to be my boyfriend with lucas saying immediately nope he has no need to date someone right now he wants to get done with school and just hunt monster's or criminals for money plus he gets to explore new places the more he hunts with his crew but before they can finish there on going conversation three group member's of the ex boyfriend group comes up to them with them faking a smile on there faces asking sarah so this is your new bad boy boyfriend that she she decided to leech on to for her two remaining year's of school left with lucas saying no they are just good friend's for now since she has no hostility toward him and him to her so they are good for now unless you want her back then he wouldn't care with one of the guy's picking up lucas chocolate milk drink from his tray and pouring it all on top of his lunch tray getting his food soggy and nasty from the milk soaking it as the guy says here you go buddy eat it while it's still good as.
The other two guy's laugh in the background with sarah telling them to stop and leave them alone already they was just talking and he has no right to get mad at her or him since she left her ex boyfriend like he wanted in the first place but the first guy says no they aren't here for her but for him to see if this guy here has what it takes to become like his group leader tough and scary but currently he is not impressed all he sees is a coward sitting down on there own table with lucas lifting a hand toward sarah telling her to stay quiet for a bit they are talking right now as sarah says nothing but stay still in her place lucas gets up from his seat taking his ruined lunch tray to the nearest trash can that he can find before throwing his food away without making anymore mess for the lunch lady as he goes back to his round table with the three guy's still waiting for him with sarah sitting still not moving an inch lucas tells her you know what your my new woman sarah from here on out so come here with him right now with sarah standing up from her seat and going besides lucas right side with lucas telling the three guy's that they are lucky.
That he don't whoop there ass here and now for ruining there lunch tray that he was enjoying before they came so he gives them a single warning next time they are going inside the trash can as he is about to leave the cafeteria room with sarah by his side walking together one of the guy's grabs a open milk box from a random student telling him to shut up and let him borrow this before he throws it at both lucas and sarah who don't know what's going on yet with him smiling at how dirty they are about to get but lucas turns around he catches the milk box with his left hand before closing the top and he throws it toward the third guy who threw it at them saying your warning is over here enjoy this as the milk box hits the third guy face that it causes it to blow up from the impact in his face and clothes making him look like he wet himself making everyone watching this start to laugh at the third guy who runs away from the cafeteria room in a hurry who's leaving a milk trail with each step while the first and second guy look at lucas who gives them the middle finger saying no more warning next time they are going down with him leaving.