OMNI:First Origin

Chapter 1028: Chapter 52

With sarah there group leader ex girlfriend like nothing as lucas holds his head up until they get around the corner with him taking a deep breath saying man that was closed thought he was gonna get caught by the surrounding teacher's around the cafeteria room but he was saved today how lucky he was with sarah saying so are you okay she didn't mean for this to happened in the first place with lucas hitting her head with his right hand both hard and soft to not leave a bruise or caused her harm to her skull and brain with sarah touching her head softly that she makes a sad puppy face saying why you go and do that man with lucas saying real sorry about that but he had to smacked her since she thought this was all her fault from the beginning with him saying that those jerks we're already gonna try and mess him up in the first place maybe when school is over since teacher's can't tell them shit after the last school bell rings as sarah and lucas find a wooden bench besides theater art class hallway making sure to stay hidden from those bullies with lucas asking sarah seriously how she really holding up since he might've.

Heard them talking about how they planned to move to there picked out college this year and she might get left behind and forgotten by her own ex boyfriend and group of friend's since she's still a sophomore this year like him so she will have no one to talk with since she spend most of her time with them now what she gonna do without them here in the first place with sarah looking up at the hallway ceiling saying she honestly doesn't know what to do anymore since they we're all she had in the first place with lucas putting a comforting right hand on her left shoulder saying there there they can't think about that stuff later when she's not down in the slump anymore as lucas tells sarah that you sound honestly like a very nice person to him if he's being honest compared to how she was a few minute's ago with her ex boyfriend and group of friend's around her making fun of him and trying to scared him off there round table like they owned the place good thing he didn't move from his spot but the bad thing is that he lost all his lunch food and snacks that he spend good amount of money on them what a huge waste in his opinion with sarah.

Holding his right shirt sleeve saying im so sorry about what her old friend's did to him she didn't meant for that to happened at all she was just so angry at them for throwing her away to the side from there future plan like that with no meaning or warning as lucas smiles at sarah saying come on he is only playing of course he wouldn't be angry at losing his food just because she was looking for a new bad boy boyfriend first then gave her old group of friend's the middle finger at them with no worries on her end causing three of them to walk to his table to start a fight good thing they never fought since he would've beaten them up with no trouble whatsoever but that would mean he would get in trouble by his boss as lucas says they have about close to ten to fifteen minute's left before lunch B starts to come to the cafeteria and lunch A go to there classes until the sixth period class bell rings to release them as sarah feels super bad for what happened today she tells lucas to hit her again on top of her head to make up for what she did to him lucas once again says no more hitting you and second of all he is all good he has already forgotten.

About there little confrontation they just had all he wants right now is to relax and enjoy the last few remaining minute's of A lunch they have to do there own thing's before they go to there class and be bored again with school lessons that will not help them in any way possible during there lifetime incase of an emergency sarah ask lucas why hasn't he kicked her out already if he knows the real reason why she was sitting down with him in his round table with lucas saying we'll he could sense good intentions from within her that he didn't see in any of her former friend's so he at least first felt piety for her since how they was mistreating her bad then he realized that she was trying her hardest to fit in into there normal fancy lifestyle way to make it seem she had upper class status and elegance but in reality she is just another normal student's like him and everyone else here in this public school who work hard in order to do nothing but stay still in her rightful place where they think they or she belongs in the first place but lucas says nope that is untrue now with no one holding her back anymore she can spread out.

Her own wings like a beautiful butterfly who has grown and mature from this bad to good experience leaving a bad group of friend's who treated her bad to her meeting him a good guy he think to lead her down a good path with no trouble unless she looks for it herself as sarah hears this kind word's coming from someone she never would've thought would treat her this kindly after everything she did to him lucas just says all you have to do now sarah is walk your own path finish or don't finish high school good or bad experience help you grow into the best version of yourself so what does she wanna do now or feel like doing with sarah saying this confusing lucas for a moment who says what looking around with sarah confidently grabbing lucas by his shirt making him face toward's her staring into each other eye's giving him a long sweet kiss on his lips before they split up from one another that causes the two of them to turn a bit red in the face from this unexpected event ever happening to him since he always kept his distance away from anything love related but this is a first for him saying that was new he has never kiss anyone.

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