Chapter 1032: Chapter 56
Through the rat organs causing it to be working again as the rat gets up from her plastic bed looking first around before getting scared from what just happened as if she isn't supposed to be alive anymore as the rat jumps and moves around before the girl catches it midair before it fell out of the table counter hitting the ground hard as she places the dead rat back to sleep as it was before the project started with half of the science class split up from watching this with there own eye's saying cool can't wait to see how it reacts later on making sure it dies on her way home or the other half saying you are so cool to be able to bring back an alive animal from the dead will you try this idea on dead human's next or does she still need more work subject to make this a huge success profit since she sounding evil from get go but they won't judge her from acting a little crazy during time like this with the teacher saying we have enough time for one more person on the list who can go next calling out her name she walks to the front project already in the table counter saying she will blow there mind as person number nine opens her mouth talking.
About what she did for her science project to be so much difference than the rest of her classmates who are smart with there ideas but she has gone beyond that normal means with her own device that she show's to her whole class revealing it to be an actual energy orb of the smaller side with her saying that with this energy orb in her possession they could cut down in energy uses all over the world by using this a small crystal that has absorbed ton of energy with her saying look at this clicking a small button on the machine tower that fire's a beam into the small crystal with her and the classmates eye's opening wide from there test success with lucas saying she better turn that shit off before it gets bigger than a basketball or else they are all dead meat by the sudden explosion they are about to witness in person with the girl saying that is enough time for her to turn down the machine off saying can't let it get too big in front of the entire class with her hitting the turn off button with the machine still not stopping yet adding even more energy to the small crystal making it larger than a basketball already causing the science teacher.
And student's to get a bit worry by this saying stop the machine already before it swallows the whole entire class along with the school with the girl crying tears down her face saying out loud that she can't stop it with the teacher saying they need to call a high ranked evolver fast to help them stop this from getting bigger and blowing up the whole town into little smithereens with lucas saying you dumb stupid bitches with the student's starting to run out the class with the teacher staying back making sure everyone made it out saying okay everyone start running outside and someone please pull down the fire alarm on there way to make sure the other student's and teacher's aware on what's going on right now as the fire alarm can be heard all over the school campus causing the rest of the teacher's and student's to start running out there class door's and finding the nearest exit door they can find while the school principal and vice principal call on the nearest guild they have available on speed dial with the science teacher yelling out to lucas who's still in class sitting down on his desk watching the energy crystal grow in bigger size looking.
Like a whole tv now saying come on you dumb child you don't have to be a hero with him telling the teacher to shut up and watch him telling her that once she cleans up the little girl project mess she want her to give him only A or B in all his graded work from here on out nothing less than a C+ understood since he won't save this school without a proper reward in return you get what i'm saying teacher so get to your ass on the computer and change his grades fast from the very beggining of this starting semester before he can't handle the growing size of this energy crystal ball from it understood with the science teacher working fast to changed all the grades she has for him making sure to not fail at this with majority of the student's and teacher's can be seen waiting outside with the vice principal using her megaphone to tell them that an evolver will be coming here soon to stop this little trouble of their's so don't worry about a damn thing from here on just stay back to not get caught in the explosion as the energy crystal ball grew to the size of an entire class now with lucas telling the old teacher so is she near done or what she's.
Taking too damn long for only the first semester of class grades with the teacher saying done take care of that now with lucas appearing beside the science teacher saying let me take a quick look at my grades for myself with him smiling as he looks at the computer screen revealing his grades with only A's to C's that say he is doing we'll in science class with an eighty-five as his average saying oh wow now this is beautiful as he tell the teacher okay you kept your side of the deal now is his turn to handle this ticking time bomb in front of him turning around to see the old teacher here still yelling at her to get the fuck out of the class already unless she wants to die here with her saying she want to see if he can handle this with lucas saying fine he power's up to his base form saying let's go for a quick flight to the sky as he picks up the growing energy crystal ball with his bare hand's before he blast the energy beam device with his right hand saying your the one who started this as he flies through the ceiling and roof of the school with ease as the science teacher watches this from her huge hole in her classroom with.