OMNI:First Origin

Chapter 1033: Chapter 57

The arrival of the evolver hunter who sees the young boy pick up the big energy ball with his hand's and flying at the same time taking it to the sky to let it blow up away from anything that's living saying that's a real hero he would like to meet him face to face as lucas says to himself that this day just keeps on getting better and better with him arriving to the clouds throwing the energy ball above his head where lucas makes a gun sign with his fingers on his left hand saying ghost shot attack that pierces through the energy ball itself and destroys the small energy crystal with ease causing the whole thing to blow up sending ripples of shockwave all over the sky splitting the clouds that can be seen by the teacher's and student's who cheer out loud with the male evolver seen watching this with amazement in his eye's with lucas getting hit by it saying oh no falling out the sky with him spinning out of control and in circle trying to stop himself from crashing on to the ground near his school saying calm yourself kid before he passes mid fall saying thank god he is good with his energy control skill as he flies near his school hiding his energy.

We'll as he senses an evolver hunter nearby from the emergency call that the principal did made earlier thank goodness he listened to there conversation from the classroom as he mixes with his science classmates along with the old science teacher who says to lucas whispering good job and thanks for his big help today with lucas saying it was easy peasy for him but don't forget that she has to give him good grades from here on out until he becomes a junior grade student with the old lady teacher saying okay okay don't worry she will keep her promises on her end since he did save there life with the vice principal talking saying with her megaphone that they can now enter back into there school with the principal saying to the evolver hunter that the secret student wanted to keep his identity very we'll hidden from him and them all together saying don't worry about a damn thing good thing nothing bad happened here today or else it would have been super bad for them as he gets back in his sport car driving away fast with lucas seen watching this closely saying that was close even for him he had to get rid of all his.

Energy all together in a fast second to not get caught with there class entering the school building with the teacher saying come on student's they have only a few seconds before they have to go to there sixth period class the bell will soon ring out loud with the class going in fast to get there backpack and stuff with the girl who made the little project fall's back with the science teacher telling her she's really sorry for the whole energy crystal ball getting out of control in there class during there show and tell with the old lady firstly looking at lucas who tells her to not get too angry at her just tell her to add multiple safety measure to her device to not let this ever happened again as the old teacher relays what lucas told her to say the young girl to not make her feel to bad about this whole dangerous situation her eye's start to water up from the tears in her eye's adding up to the point that it all comes pouring down to her face cheeks with the old science lady patting her on the back softly saying there there this whole thing is over with so calm yourself down please and her energy adding device might have been blasted to little pieces during the growing.

Energy ball crisis but that itself doesn't mean she has to stop with her project that's the whole point of doing science was to make mistake and learned from them for the next project she will work on for the human race and there planet she just has to grow up to more mature and be prepared for anything that happened beyond her knowledge understand with the young girl seen hugging the old lady tightly saying thank you for your caring word's she will keep them in her heart safe and lock incase she ever fall's off the path again with lucas and the teacher watching her run up the stairs with a much bigger smile with the teacher saying oh no she has to go to class to tell her student's to not spread what actually happened during there class outside there class only with her also seen running up the stairs to reach her class fast with lucas sensing something super odd about this whole thing looking around with his guard up he feels an evil and good presence around him that he can't pinpoint it's actual signature location with him having his fighting stance up and ready for anything coming his direction as he thinks to himself.

About this situation he doesn't realized that there's a woman standing behind him with a black hooded cape on over her head and body to keep her hidden very we'll from anything and anyone who can sense energy with there skills as she is about to lift her hand up to cut his enemy head off with a clean slash adding a bit of her own energy to her own left hand before doing so the bell rings suddenly with her turning off her energy before dissapearing into black smoke with lucas going back to his normal self looking around to find the hidden presence gone for good but he feels his neck to see what's wrong with him as he touches his neck with his right palm he sees a little bit of blood coming out of his neck wound that he somehow gotten with his energy armor on making him look around real closely before running up the stairs to get his own backpack from science class waving goodbye to his teacher saying see you tommorow with him leaving the class with the teacher looking up to the class ceiling to find where the big hole was made by lucas who went through it with no armor or devices just pure head strenght as.

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