OMNI:First Origin

Chapter 1034: Chapter 58

She relaxes on her comfy chair waiting for her next class to come here and show off there class project that they made over the last two week's to decide what to do in order to get a good grade with lucas seen putting on both of his headphones listening to his music as he goes to his sixth period class being photography class to take cool picture's of his classmates all over the school building for this class year of twenty eighteen yearbook to make it look nicer than before with lucas saying that seventh period bell couldn't get here any earlier with him hating to take picture's of no interest to him with the lady teacher being over the top with her saying meaning behind each picture is what sucks about this he has to do his best in order to do psst this class as he arrives to his class with the lady teacher saying so you decided to come to my class why don't you take your normal seat in the second room with your picture taking group so you guy's can all go out and find your expiration whenever you see something that you would find beautiful or to your own liking with one of the student's saying then can i take a picture of you then your so.

Inspiring to him your smart and beautiful that's picture worthy too him with the lady teacher saying your so funny kid get out there guy's stop making this old lady feel bad about herself not being in her prime anymore so go and take your own picture's that draws you in with her saying not me okay it was funny the first time the second time will lead to a write up with all the male student's running out the class fast as they can lucas and his photography team go to pick out there own camera's that matches there desk number as lucas gets number twenty-seven he goes with his team to find something that they can take pictures of with that happening back with kasha, guilmer, and wilmer who all meet up in the lobby room at the same time with there mission suit ready along with there weapons of choice to fight whoever gets in there way when they try to visit cilan rodes in the hospital that they have him hidden under another name for his own safety measures with them three saying they can't fail this mission at all cost or else it would mean more powerful warrior's to the injustice order and for king jester to lead as his own servant's around.

With no worries of them going against him in the end since he is very very persuasive about why they should joined there side as the three warrior's say they are ready kasha grabs on to her vehicle keys to go to the hospital in the secret location with her armor ride with no one being able to see who's inside and destroy it with ease like they think with them heading into the bunker base garage with all three of them getting inside the car taking there own seat with kasha being the car driver knowing full we'll the in and out of the armor car and guilmer riding shotgun since he's slightly the oldest and wilmer sits in the back like a child watching how they treat him like a kid who's in trouble with kasha turning on her car she presses a few buttons on the dashboard adding bulletproof tires to the ride and some extra added armor protection for the vehicle incase they have to fight strong warrior's like themselves along the way or when they try to escape from the hospital they have to be ready for everything no matter what as she says bulletproof glass windows is a must to not get shot at with rounds or rocket as kasha looks around her car she says.

They are ready with her clicking the garage door opener on her dashboard that leads up the ramp through a big alleyway for them to drive on to the street's with no one seeing them since she has a realistic hologram for anyone dumb enough to try to sneak in as she puts the car in drive mode hitting the gas petal hard going through the whole hologram itself before saying hold on tight they gonna be going at one hundred miles per hour to not be too late to save the man from being recruited by bill who is very big in influencing people with whatever they desire as kasha goes fast through the busy street of new york city she say hold on tight unless they wanna lose what they ate this morning and lunch with wilmer in the back seat shaking side to side with each turn as guilmer sees this through the front mirror he laughs to himself saying your funny little brother as guilmer accidently hits the glass window on his right side face when kasha made a wide turn he says okay that was not cool kasha it was only funny when it happened to wilmer and not him the cooler brother with wilmer saying look we all know he was the cooler one in the.

Group back then with kasha saying how old are you guy's again since your acting like little children with them both saying nothing just keeping there mouth shut making kasha say to herself who's cool she's cool smiling widely as she says they have about close to either five or ten minute's left until they reach there location with them three saying hold on cilan rodes they are coming to help him out from making a bad mistake in his life back at the same old hospital with bill seen entering into the security guard patient room saying how you doing cilan have you gave it a good long thought on what he wants to do for his future this coming year or will you fall again to the same torments of the big man who control's your salary and your work schedule without caring about your own we'll being as cilan hear this he thinks real deeply about this saying you are right in some part's but what about helping other's who are like him without any meaning in there life what's gonna happen to them bill takes a seat besides cilan telling him if you want you could give them a helping hand to become something more than they are currently don't.

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