As shreyansh said from other side that Vijay was not there our attention moves towards him and we instantly took a step by started moving towards that screaming sound , after searching for 20 minutes we found a dead body of human which was not in good state and astonishing thing was that it is also in the same condition as animals were , we went close to that dead body and found out it was none other than of vijay , I was feeling ambivalence at that time because it was my closest friend also we can say that second closest person to me who was not any more.
It was in the late twenties when I just joined army , no one talks to me because I had scar on my face a big scar and I was introverted . One day I was out of my army base for some freshness , I went to the market , my mom's photo was in my hand it was a sad time for me I was memorizing my moments with my mom but it didn't stayed for too long , some thugs came from behind snatching my mom's photo from me and making a joke of her , It was so painful moment for me because I didn't had the power to fight with them until someone came from behind and hit them direct to their face taking my mom's photo and giving it to me , he was none other than vijay who stood by my side at that time.
After that vijay was the person who was with me in every difficult situation and he saved my life also manytime.
I was in a deep shock at that time , so I decided that who did this to my friend I will not spare him or her , sneaking out from that situation heading towards that creature in an anger then suddenly someone appeared in front of me it was none other than that creature saying " Are you searching for me? , by the way thank you "
I was flabbergasted by the presence of that type of creature and said in a freezing position and in a wobbling voice "Huh!".
(CREATURE) " your friend had a sweet heart I loved it"
After that something weird started happening in my body , my heart rate suddenly increases , blood pump increases , my eyes turned red , I can feel that heat inside my body , that flame inside my body, which wants to come outside to kill him I yelled and said "Watashi wa anata o koroshimasu (I will kill you)"
(CREATURE) "Come to me with all power you got"
I got all heated up , my hands glowed in black aura that creature took a step back after seeing my hands glowed in black aura , his florid face changes into pale face.
(RONIE) "Watashi wa sore ga sukidesu (I like it)"
And after saying that , I moved forward in lightning speed and tore his body in thousands pieces , I fainted and the last thing I saw was shreyansh's face.