As I woke up next morning something was unusual, I saw there was Major, Doctor and SHREYANSH who saved me last night, they were taking about something I eavesdropped them talking,
(DOCTOR) "He is all right now his vitals are normal and on this note we will discharge him now."
(MAJOR) "This is very good news doctor."
At that moment SHREYANSH said " Sir RONIE is not in the bed" but I was there only saying "Hey here, here see" but no respond from there ,"Am I dead ?" I asked a question to myself, suddenly a flash of bright light came to my eye it was very shiny white light and there was a person which is looking familiar but I couldn't see it clearly because of that shiny light, I heard her saying " You are the one chosen to vanish those demons from earth to save this mankind, you have given powers to kill them so train yourself and unlock those powers before He comes otherwise It will be the end of this world".
After hearing that a flashback came to my mind of previous night where I can see myself fighting with that monster with all my powers , I snapped myself out of that dream and saw I was on the terrace of hospital, some officers came running towards terrace to find me "we found him sir"
(RONIE)"What happened? I am here just for fresh air, why are you guys panicking I am alright "
I don't want to tell them what just happened with me until I resolve it. After that I got discharge from hospital and major said "Ronie you are not in that mindset of training you should take some days off go get better and then come back"
(RONIE)"Sir, there is no need for it, I am okay"
(MAJOR)"It is an order"
There was no other option left so, I said yes.