Origins of Fate

Chapter 55: 27. Rejection (part 1)

Character : Lilyanna Valkaria, Rejection




Ever since I first met you… I've always been amazed.


Whenever you talk to me, it feels like you've been hiding various secrets. Every time you surprise me, I just feel really confused by how much you know about the world. You were always full of new things, and I just can never be bored of you.


You have been my everything. Ever since we met, you have changed my life.


You're very important to me.


So why… can't you understand?


"You got rejected?" Nyssa asked me after she sat on my bed next to me.


Meanwhile, I was just having my face lumped on the pillow.


"Nn…" I muttered not even a word, but Nyssa understood. She moved her hand and stroked the back of my head quite softly, and it really felt like I wanted to cry again.


As for what happened…


"Let's start dating." I told Nathan at the end of our date, and the guy looked widely surprised.


No, he was far too surprised.




"I've liked you… ever since we met. And I know that you feel the same way. So, let's start dating--"

"I can't do that, Lily."


Nathan said so suddenly, and I was caught by surprise. His face looked really embarrassed and regretful, and I can tell that he didn't really want to do this.


"… Why?"

"Because I have someone else I like."

That is… a very basic and original answer. He is lying, for sure.


"You're lying." I confronted him with a little anger, but he only closed his eyes and shook his head.


"You can ask Reju about it. She was someone I've been chasing for seven years, ever since she pulled me out of the darkness. Recently, she has told me that she has some interest in me, and I don't want my seven years of effort to go to waste--"

"You're lying!" I shouted without realizing, and Nathan was too surprised to say anything. But after seeing my tears fall from my eyes, he smiled softly.


"I like you too, Lily." Nathan said while wiping the tears off my face with his fingers, and I can feel his rough hand touching my face. It is the hand of a warrior, someone who spent years practicing the sword until even his thumb is filled with callouses.


"But, I can't return your feelings. Not yet." He said before turning around, and I was too shocked to even mutter up a word. Seeing my silence, Nathan turned around and walked away, leaving me by myself in front of the dormitory building.


And now, here I am. Sobbing at the bed with Nyssa stroking my hair.


"Well… at least he knows how you feel." Nyssa said while only looking at the positive, and I just nod my head while still facing the pillow.


"And he will be more aware of you from now on." Once again, Nyssa pointed out the positive, and I nodded again.

"But you'll be left behind in the end because of another girl." This time, Nyssa really made an enemy out of me.


I lifted my head from the pillow, and she could see the result of all that crying. My pillow was so wet, and my face was just covered in dried tears and snot.


"Should I just leave the academy…?" I asked Nyssa without thinking, and she moved closer to hug me.

"Well, there are always other boys." Nyssa said while hugging me, but I only shook my head around.

"I don't want anyone else…"


"Well, there's his brother as an alternative--"

"I said I don't want anyone else!"

Nyssa chuckled after I shouted, and that surprised me a bit. She wasn't someone who would show her emotions easily, and yet she is laughing at me. It was indeed a rare occasion.


"Wanna go grab something to eat?" She let go of the hug and helped me clear the tears off my face. Unlike Nathan's hand, her hands are soft, and it felt nice when she wiped my tears.


"Yeah… I want noodles." I said after deciding, but Nyssa only turned frowning.


"I was going to suggest something like lamb meat."

"Screw anything Fiordall... You think I have an appetite for something that heavy?" Nyssa ignored the question and got up to prepare. Beforelong, we went to the canteen for some dinner.


The next day, class starts once more. As always, the first lesson is an academic lesson, like mathematics, history, or origin studies. And like before, Nathan is nowhere to be found in the class because he was so 'Busy'. After that and until the rest of the day, it's just training class.


And during training class, I showed everyone how much I've changed. I made sure to wear the necklace underneath my uniform so that no one could point it out, and I came to training class with confidence.


Then, I activated the hidden ability inside the necklace. I took a deep breath and imagined myself getting stronger. I closed my eyes, and started to focus.


But… my focus drifted right away when I saw his face. My mind only goes to him, and the heartache returns. I knew right away that this isn't right, but apparently it was indeed something that I needed.


In an instant, my body became more powerful. My hair turned dark blue completely, and my eyes glow bright blue. Everyone saw the changes happening in an instant, and they all stopped what they were doing to watch me.


After the transformation, I lifted my right hand forward. I imagined creating a powerful bow made of water, and the water bow was formed very easily. With my left hand, I created a very strong arrow of pressurized water. The water arrow was placed on the bow, and I pulled the string powerfully.


My eyes aimed at the super thick and massive titanium wall that has been destroyed multiple times by that guy, and I closed my eyes while thinking about him.


This is my reply… to your rejection.






The bright blue water arrow flew very quickly at the titanium wall, and it exploded powerfully into a billion pieces alongside the remnants of the destroyed titanium wall. The destruction shook the entire academy, and it threw the vaporized water all over the place. Once the vapor disappeared due to the harsh wind, it revealed to everyone the state of the titanium wall.


This titanium wall has been standing strong since last week. It was there as a challenge for us to destroy once we have fully mastered the mastery phase or 'Limit Break'. Only those that have the ability to purposely turn the mastery phase on and off can be said to be successful, and the titanium wall is made for testing the strength of that mastery phase.


And in this whole class, I was the fourth person to destroy it. Aside from me, Eric Axwell was the first to destroy it after Nathan. Then Nyssa, who mastered the mastery phase without even training. And now, I did it with the help of the necklace.


It truly felt like I'm cheating. However, this is fairness.


All of you talented bastards… I'm here now!


"Lily. The vice headmaster wants to see you." Nyssa came to the training building while I was being congratulated by the others. Hearing that the vice headmaster is looking for me, I became worried that she might spot the necklace I'm wearing.


Nyssa and I then head to the arena that belonged to only the special students in the academy. This is the place where all the super talented individuals all train, and not a lot of students are allowed to come here.


Arriving at the arena, there are apparently a few people who are training in the large arena. Some of them were seniors, and amongst them, there's two people who I recognized. One was the vice headmaster who is teaching someone, and the other is the person being taught by the vice headmaster. Eric Axwell, the first ranked student in our year.


"Lily! Congratulations on being able to use 'Limit Break'!" The vice headmaster congratulated me as soon as she saw me approaching her, and I bowed slightly at her.


"Thank you, vice headmaster. It was all thanks to everyone for believing in me." I said to her, but she only laughed.


"Sure, sure. That necklace ended up being useful, huh?"

… What?

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