Origins of Fate

Chapter 56: 27. Rejection (part 2)

"Y-You knew?" I quickly panicked, which confused both Nyssa and Eric. However, the vice headmaster only continued laughing.

"Of course! I helped make it."


"You did…?" I quickly turned embarrassed for being exposed, but the vice headmaster only walked closer and patted me on the shoulder.


"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. That necklace might seem special to you now, but in the future, it will be an object that everyone can wear!" The vice headmaster said to me, and I became confused.


"What do you mean…?"

"That necklace is only a prototype. In the future, we're going to mass produce it for everyone to use." She explained her plans, and I had no idea that this necklace is something like that.


"I… I see." I said while looking down at the ground. 

It seems like my upper hand against all the talented people will only last for a while... I shouldn't be sad, and yet...

How pathetic of me.


"No need to look so down! If you're wondering, the necklace only works for a select few. I'll show you." The vice headmaster then took out a similar looking necklace from her storage bracelet. The necklace she took out was yellow, and it looked really beautiful.


"Nyssa, try wearing this." She asked Nyssa and gave her the necklace, and Nyssa put on the necklace. "Do you feel anything?"


After wearing it for a while, Nyssa only shook her head. "No."


"That's right. Because the necklace isn't made for you. This necklace is made for people without a purity in their genes. Or should I say… 'Untalented' people." The vice headmaster then explained to me about how the necklace works, and I listened really well.


Within our genes, there are three levels. The first level that decides the basic origin, the second level that decides the purity of the basic origin, and the third level that decides the special origin. According to her explanation, my origin gene would be 'W-f-L' or 'W-f-D', because my mother has a fire origin ancestor in her blood.


Because of that fire origin purity, my talent is quite behind compared to others. Compared to someone like Nyssa, who is 'A-a-L', her purity is focused on wind origin, making her talent as a wind origin so much better than mine. The same goes for all the talented people in class A, and only I was the impure one.


My sister, Frisena, also has this problem. So, she created this necklace. 


The necklace can change the purity on the second level into something that I needed, depending on the color of the necklace. If my gene was previously 'W-f-L', then the blue-colored necklace will turn it into 'W-w-L'. This will turn me into just as talented as everybody else, and make my origin abilities much stronger than before.


And because I trained and practiced so much harder than others… it's only natural that my results are going to be much better compared to those who are talented but never trained.


How good I've become with the necklace, one might ask?




The vice headmaster took out the crystal ball that can determine the capacity of our origin for me to test it. And unexpectedly, the crystal exploded when I touched it, unlike before.


And the number that came out… was eight thousand.


"Ha… Haha!" I laughed from the change, and Nyssa hugged me from behind.


"Not fair… I also work hard." She said with a saddened expression, and I felt really bad for her. I beat her by just wearing a simple necklace, and she must've felt unfair by that.


"That's a lie. You're lazier than any student I have ever seen." The vice headmaster said angrily, and Nyssa only pointed her tongue out.


"I'm surprised as well… you might be even more talented than that prince." Eric commented after seeing the crystal ball explode, and everyone was immediately reminded by Nathan.


"Speaking of which… that guy is really something, right? Nyssa?" Miss Hilda turned to Nyssa, and the silent girl only looked confused. "He predicted everything that would happen to Lily."

Hearing such words, I became really confused. But before I could ask, Nyssa replied first.


"Oh… right. That's why I said it was creepy before." Nyssa turned to me, and I was reminded of the time when she said it to me in the dorm room. She called me creepy because I told her everything about how I feel, and I never knew Nyssa was that capable of being rude. I got really angry, and Nyssa never got to explain herself.


Apparently… that was never meant to be directed at me.


"I thought you were calling me creepy for giving up…" I said to Nyssa, but she shook her head. Instead, the one who answered was the vice headmaster.


"That was for Nathan. That guy is really the definition of a monster." Miss Hilda commented, but I'm still too oblivious of what is going on.


"Around two weeks ago when we first started the training for the Limit Break, Nathan warned me right here, at the arena, about the possibility of you not being able to catch up." Miss Hilda started explaining what's going on, and she turned to Nyssa. "Nyssa was there at the time, and he also told Nyssa about his concerns."

I turned to Nyssa to see if this was true, and she nodded at me. "He told me that you might give up because you can't catch up. So, he asked us to prepare for it if that were to happen."


"He… did?" I said while trying to understand what's going on, and the vice headmaster isn't done explaining.


"He asked me to call your sister and ask for her opinion. He said that Frisena might be able to help if we told her that you were struggling, and she brought up the necklace as an idea. And for whatever reason, things happened exactly like how he expected." Miss Hilda explained, and I began to understand what happened.


"He predicted everything two weeks before it even happened. It's like he knows exactly what's going on in your head. That's why I said it was creepy." Nyssa told me her perspective, and when she puts it like that, I can agree.


"What the hell? He went that far for a random girl in our class? That's just stalker behavior. Don't you think?" Eric commented quite coldly, and the vice headmaster turned her cold glare at him.

"This is why you're single your whole life."


"W-Why does that have anything to do with this!?"


While the two argue, Nyssa turned to me and noticed I was being silent. She moved closer and placed her face close to mine.


"Now you know why he rejected you?" Nyssa asked while I was too deep in my thoughts, and I bit my own lips out of regret.


To think… I actually hated him for being rejected…


I was just playing right into his hands.


"He wants me to hate him… as motivation to get stronger." I said while closing my eyes, and Nyssa smiled after hearing that. She hugged me tightly because she knew I needed it, and I hugged her back.


After a short hug, I put my obliterated feelings to the side and turned to the vice headmaster.


"Where is he?" I asked about Nathan's whereabouts, but the vice headmaster turned her eyes to the side.


"Well… what are you going to do with him?"

"I want to beat him up for rejecting me last night." I said aloud for everyone to hear, and the vice headmaster got very confused. And after only a few seconds, she bursts into laughter.

"... BAHAHAHHA!!!!! That child is really such an asshole!!!" The vice headmaster even used such a word, and the three of us only became confused. Me, especially.


"Miss Hilda…?"

"I'm sorry, Lily… I'm so sorry, but I think he even predicted that one." The vice headmaster wiped the tears from her face after laughing so hard, and I became more confused.


"W-What do you mean?" I asked, wearing a concerned face, and the vice headmaster only turned her gaze to the left. Specifically, towards a certain direction.


"Nathan left the academy this morning… alongside your sister." Miss Hilda told me, and I was shocked. Everyone else also turned speechless at how fast it took for him to escape my wrath, and Miss Hilda only kept her smirk up.


"He went to the north to help deal with the situation with the Dark Republic."

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