Chapter 62: 30. Wrath's Fire (part 2)
"You made the wrong choice pissing me off." I prepared my sword, and this time, I focused energy on my legs. I created a fiery explosion right below my boots, and a small explosion propelled me forward.
With a single leap, I arrived in front of the knight very quickly, and he wasn't expecting my speed to be this fast. This is a micro movement invented by the dark knight of Fiordall, an advanced technique that no one can ever copy without training for years.
As a result, it made me able to move as fast as lightning origin and light origin people. And I was able to arrive in front of the dark blue knight with no problem.
The dark blue knight managed to move his body in reaction to my approach, but even then, it was still too fast. My blazing sword only ends up slicing his left shoulder off, even though I aimed at his whole body.
As his left hand fell off, the dark blue knight ran as fast as he could, but I'm already chasing with the micro explosion movement.
He turned around right before I was about to swing my sword at him, and he could only watch as my blazing sword slowly reached his face.
In an instant, a massive blade appeared in front of me, and I was captured by surprise.
I leaped back to form a distance, and it seems like it was the right call to do so. Standing next to the wounded dark blue knight is the golden knight, and he is holding the large golden blade that I know very well. And seeing the golden blade, I immediately became concerned about the owner of that sword, but I can't put my focus away from the two enemies that had gathered in front of me.
"Tsk… to think you managed to wound 'Five' this badly…" The golden knight said out of annoyance while supporting his ally with his back, and the dark blue knight placed his body on the golden armor belonging to the golden knight.
"Why… are you here?" I asked out of pure concern, and the golden knight only chuckled. His helmet is now gone, revealing the smirk of a wounded man as if he has gone through an intense fight.
"Why do you think?" He said, and his hand was lifted to show me the golden blade that belonged to the holy knight.
Seeing the blade once more, it felt like my entire body was shivering cold. Out of rage, I took a deep breath, and I gripped my sword tighter. In an instant, the fire burning on my hand turned much larger, almost five times bigger than before. My eyes began to glow bright red, and the front spike of my hair switched colors to red.
I activated the mastery phase, Limit Break. And holding the blazing black sword in my hand, I stared sharply at my two targets.
"Don't expect you're getting out of here alive!!" I said with rage, and the golden knight bit his lips from the realization.
" 'Five'. Wake up. We have to fight our lives." He said to the dark blue knight, and the dark blue knight then stood on his two feet.
"Damn it… don't rely too much on me, 'Two'. I'm already losing my mind right now."
"Then, at least fight for your own life!" The golden knight shouted, and the two quickly got ready to fight for their lives.
Meanwhile, my flames are only getting bigger.
Once again with the micro explosion leap, I dashed forward at them. Seeing that I was rushing mindlessly, the two quickly dispersed and started dealing with me.
The golden knight is a light origin combatant. His speed was levels beyond anything the dark blue knight can do, but catching up to him is still not a problem to me.
He lifted the holy knight's sword, and it took my blazing sword head on. Unfortunately for him, speed is all he got.
Due to the released power behind that sword swing, the golden knight's body was crushed to the ground since he couldn't handle it.
His stomach was crushed underneath the large golden sword that was pushed by me, and I can sense water coming from behind. I turned around and swung my sword, releasing the most powerful fire wave that I've ever released.
"WHAT!?---" The dark blue knight dodged as quick as he could when the gigantic sword wave was released, but he was still caught anyway. The sword wave still flew all the way to the cliff that isn't too far from our position, landing exactly on the walls.
The cliff exploded, dropping thousands of massive rocks to the ground below. Seeing that the rocks are falling, I've realized the mistake I've made, because now a rain of rocks is coming for us.
I used the micro explosion moves to dodge the incoming rocks falling at me, and I used my sword to smack any large rocks that were going to crush me. This took a while since an entire mountain was falling upon us, and I managed to successfully escape the danger.
Once all the rocks were no longer falling, I turned my gaze back to the ground where all the rocks were now covering the battlefield. I searched for the golden knight, and I found a shiny object on the ground underneath the rocks. I used my hand to grab the object underneath the rocks, and I pulled it up.
Sadly… only the golden armor was pulled.
I cleared the ground from all the rocks, but I couldn't find the golden knight anywhere. Only his chest armor was pulled, and he must've taken these off while escaping during all the rocks falling.
The golden sword was also right next to the armor, and I grabbed it with me. I then looked for the dark blue knight, and I heard his voice from underneath a massive rock.
I pushed the rock aside, revealing the condition of the dark blue knight underneath. His body was cooked so badly by my fire wave, and then he got crushed by the giant rock. If anything, if left like this, he will just die of blood loss.
But, I can't risk the golden knight coming back and saving him. If he gets help, then there is a chance he might recover. I can't allow him to escape.
I stabbed the sword through his chest, stopping it from beating once for all. The dark blue knight's face that is no longer hidden by the helmet has turned blank, and life slowly left his body.
The golden knight… escaped.
The four knights… dead.
The two Valkarian soldiers, assassinated.
Sir Kayden… I need to look for him.
I started walking leaving the battlefield, towards the place where Sir Kayden previously fought the golden knight. On the set of trees far away from the cliff, a large amount of destroyed trees and rubbles was found, and I quickly searched for Sir Kayden.
I found his body leaning on a tree, and there is a massive hole on his chest. His eyes are closed, and I can see his expression showing a faint smile.
Seeing this condition of his, I closed my eyes as I kneeled in front of him. I placed his sword on the ground, and I tried to take a deep breath.
"You've died a warrior's death… Be proud, Sir Kayden." I said with my eyes closed, and I lowered my head at him. "Jonah will be proud of you too…"
As the tears fell from my eyes, the air around me turned colder. The skies have been quite dark since a while ago, and the first snow has fallen right beside my legs. And as more tears fell, more snow began to arrive. The battlefield that was previously cleared of snow has now started to be covered once more.
With the temperature turning colder, I realized that it isn't right for me to keep being here, so I decided to grab Sir Kayden's lifeless body on my back and carry it with me.
"Just a little bit more, Sir Kayden." I said after getting him on my back, and I started walking while holding his sword with my left hand. "Please wait a bit more before you can rest."
And so, I started walking. Since I'm carrying the body of an honorable man, I don't allow myself to make any unnecessary movements. I walked very slowly and carefully, mainly because I am also quite depleted from all the battle. And as I walked silently underneath this heavy snowfall, my mind was too busy thinking about the fallen.
Darryl, John, Ezra, and Klaus. Those four weren't by any means young, but they passed way too early. The two Valkarian soldiers were quite old, if I'm not wrong. But even then, it was still unfair.
The civilians that I've murdered. All of them weren't just adults. There were children amongst them, some who were even staying behind and didn't fight. But, they got caught by my fire wave anyway and died. I do not understand why they had to fight like that, nor will I ever get it.
And finally… the holy knight on my back. Sir Kayden was a wise man. My first impression of him may seem bad because of all the things Jonah told me. But, after getting to know him better, I realized he was just a bit similar to how my grandfather was back in the day. Serious, but not to a fault. Full of jokes, but with a limit. He is a good man, and very strong as well.
Earth origin can never win against light origin. Just like how fire origin is countered by water origin, light origin will just pierce through any defenses done by an earth origin. I was lucky because the enemy I was facing was looking down on me too much, but for opponents who had prepared themselves against the holy knight, they for sure knew what exactly needed to be done to defeat an earth origin.
Arriving near the battlefield covered in rocks, multiple Steelbirds can be found flying on the skies. Seeing that Frisena and the others had arrived, I realized that I only needed to hold on for just a little bit more.
"Just a bit more, Sir Kayden… just a bit more." I said, not just to the dead man on my back, but to myself as well.
Just a bit more… come on.
After walking through the set of trees, I finally arrived at the main area. The cliff has crumbled, burying all the dead bodies underneath the rocks. But even then, the search party is still digging up for any bodies anyway.
Once people noticed me coming from the woods, they all stared at me. Or rather, at the man on my back.
"N-No… way…" One of the knights, part of the search party, mumbled. He started running towards me after he saw me, followed by some others.
Beforelong, four people had arrived in front of me, and I lowered my back so I could place the holy knight's body off me. I placed his body on the ground, and the knights prepared a stretcher for Sir Kayden. Once the stretcher was ready, they began carrying him to the Steelbirds.
"Sir! Please, take off your armor!" Next to me, the knight is calling me to tend my wounds, but my eyes are locked towards the man being carried away from me.
I couldn't hear a thing and I started to wonder if it's all right to let go now. And seeing Sir Kayden being loaded to the Steelbird on the ground far away from my position, it looks like my time to rest has come.
I can… let go.
My body fell powerlessly to the side, unable to move. Fortunately, the knights next to me are prepared with the stretchers already. They saw how bad my wounds were, and they quickly placed me on the stretchers. It didn't take too long until they finally carried me to the Steelbird.
The next thing I knew… the world has turned darker.
So this is war... huh?