Origins of Fate

Chapter 63: 31. Serene Rain (part 1)

Character : Jonah Calfman, Serene Rain




The rain seemed very harsh outside the building, and the morning class only became more silent than ever.


With Nathan gone, the seat next to me became empty once again. It was always like this for over a month, and only recently he came back to sit next to me. But then he started skipping class again, and now he just disappeared completely.


As always, the morning classes were so boring. Nyssa, who sat at the very front, has once again fallen asleep. Lily, next to her, seemed like she was trying to stay awake, but she had to because the teacher was right in front of her.


Aside from us, the others weren't doing well. Prince Rejulus seemed to be the only one taking the class seriously, while everybody else was either toying around with their study tools or just asleep completely. Thanks to the relaxing sound of rain, there are more people asleep this morning.



Very suddenly, the door to the classroom was slammed open, and the vice headmaster's head peeked inside. Everyone immediately woke up, and we all became confused as to why the vice headmaster was in such a hurry.


"Sorry for interrupting the class!" She said while catching her breath, and she turned to the history teacher in front of the class. 

"Sorry, but can I borrow the class for a bit? It's an emergency."

Seeing the vice headmaster being so serious, the history teacher had no choice but to leave. It's not like her class was ever important, anyway. The vice headmaster then walked and stood in the middle of the room, and she took a deep breath before announcing it to everyone.


"Nathan… was hurt." She announced, and everyone opened their eyes wide. When previously we were all so sleepy, it felt like that one sentence has made us wide awake, wider than ever.


"What do you mean!?" Next to Nyssa, Lily stood up and asked for more information, but the vice headmaster looked like she had trouble explaining.


"The names that I mention will go to the earth nation. Not just to visit your friend, but as additional backup.


Children of Avenor… we are now at war times." The vice headmaster announced it to everyone, and we all only felt horrified by this reality.


"The four going to the earth nation will be as follows:"


The vice headmaster listed out the names of students who will be sent to the earth nation. And to my surprise, my name was listed.


Beforelong, we found ourselves inside a flying carriage known as the 'Steelbird', flying to the earth nation. Aside from us, the vice headmaster is also coming along, which leaves the academy only to the headmaster.


"What happened to him?" Once more, Lily asked the same question she's been asking over and over again. And only now has the vice headmaster gotten the chance to answer.


"He met and fought two of the dark republic's strongest soldiers. Both, at the same time… and won." The vice headmaster said from the co-pilot seat, and she has finally spilled the beans.

Hearing that Nathan had won, we all felt relieved. But, that still doesn't change the fact that he is badly wounded.


"How bad were his wounds?" I asked the vice headmaster, and she only turned around and gave a silent stare at me.


I got very confused as to why she only stared, but she turned her gaze back to the view in front of us. "From what I heard, it was pretty bad, but they weren't lethal. You'll see once we get there."


"Then, why are we being sent?" This time, Eric threw the question. He has been one to act without consideration of others, and he didn't care that everyone is worried about Nathan.


The vice headmaster let out a sigh before answering. "The joined army will need your strength. Your abilities as an emerald ranked mercenary are needed, Eric Axwell."

"How did you know…? And what about these children? Aren't they just kids?" Eric asked with such a condescending choice of words, but I can tell he must be saying so for our sake.


"All of you are capable fighters. I will not say anymore about this." The vice headmaster seemed to be quite stern about answering to Eric, and it does sound like her mood is quite ruined.


Seeing that his questions were answered in such a manner, Eric gave up and just turned his attention to something else. Meanwhile, I can see Lily cupping her hands out of worry.


"Nate is doing fine! You heard what Miss Hilda said." I tried encouraging her, and Lily smiled softly.


"I know. It's just… he's been working so hard, all by himself. I'm just wondering if this has any effect on his mental health." Lily muttered her concerns, and I can't really refute that.


The flight ended up becoming the most heart wrenching trip I've ever been to. It's just nine hours of pure silence, because everyone was too worried to fall asleep.


I guess Nyssa was the only one capable of sleeping. Out of everyone else, she probably has the least amount of adrenaline inside her body, so it made sense.


"We're here. Everyone, get ready..." The vice headmaster said after seeing the earth nation from afar, but her face immediately turned surprised.


Everyone else also moved to the front to see what's wrong, and our eyes were locked onto the scene in front of us. The Steelbird had arrived in the city, and all we could see was pure smoke rising everywhere.


It's almost as if the whole city was attacked.


"What happened here…?" The vice headmaster turned to the pilot, but the knight in question only looked panicking.

"I-I wasn't here before! I came from Fiordall!" The pilot told everyone, and we were left to our own devices to figure out.


From the looks of it, the entire earth nation was attacked. But from how the civilians were still walking around the streets, it seemed like the damage had been mitigated, and the battle was already over.


The pilot brought us to the castle at the center of the city. The grand castle for the royals. He landed the Steelbird at the front yard, where many other Steelbirds were found parked.


Seeing a Steelbird arriving, the people at the yard made space for us to land. It took a while for the flying carriage to fully place itself carefully on the ground. And once we had landed, the vice headmaster got up from the co-pilot seat.


She walked all the way to the back, passing all of us, and smacked the hatch door really hard. The hatch at the back of the carriage slowly opened downwards, turning into a ledge we can walk down once it fully opens.


And waiting for us outside the hatch is a young woman who looked around twenty.


"Sister?" Next to me, Lily mumbled and started heading down the hatch. 


Everyone else followed behind her, and we all just awkwardly waited while Lily's sister hugged Lily quite tightly.


"Sorry… I couldn't protect him." The crown princess of the Valkaria empire mentioned her apologies, and Lily only pushed her sister back.

"Where is he??"

"He is on the left wing of the castle, where every wounded was treated. My men will take you there." Princess Frisena then turned around, and a pair of female soldiers was found saluting at us.


Lily then hurriedly headed to the two soldiers, and everyone else followed behind her. I too was about to follow them, but the princess quickly stopped me by grabbing my shoulder.


"I'm sorry…" She said randomly, and she already walked away to the side by the time I turned my gaze at her.


I guess… she felt bad for not protecting my nation? I do feel concerned about the people, so thank you.

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