Chapter 45: I vaporize my Pre-Algebra Teacher.
Today was the day of the visit to the museum and I was undeniably excited. This was the first official part of Canon and I was determined to make a difference, even if the outcome might not even change.
Grover and I sat next to each other in the bus and Nancy Bobafit sat in the seat behind us. She was still throwing pieces of sandwiches into Rovers hair. I was going to stand up and stop her from doing that but Grover put his hand on my arm and dragged me back down.
"Don't bother. It will just get you in trouble and more than likely detention with Mrs. Dodds."
"Do you really think I care about that?" I asked Grover in return.
"No, I know you don't but Dodds already has it out for you just like the headmaster does. So dont do something reckless. We can prank her later on."
I huffed in annoyance. And then I used my sinners magic to summon those shadow wolves of mine. I ordered it to pull one of her legs out from under her. It made her fall back in her seat.
I felt the mist surge, changing her perspective and making her think she had slipped instead.
For the rest of the ride we had our peace.
Once we reached the museum, we left the bus and gathered in front of the museum.
From there on everything went about the same as in Canon. We visited the different parts and talked about them.any of the other kids showed boredom during the trip.
Then came the depiction of Kronos eating his kids. And like before Chiron picked up on Nancy talking dismissive, which then somehow ended with me having to answer his question.
So here we are.
"And to repeat Mrs. Bobafits question Percy, could you tell us why this knowledge is still important today?"
At which I had decided to answer:" Because it teaches us to look at what we eat and always to chew."
Or that is what I wanted to say but I didn't, because there was a certain fury in the crowd that served one of the children that was swallowed.
Instead I said: "Sir, I believe it is a cautionary tale about trying to avoid something so desperately that you inadvertently cause it."
Needless to say, Chiron was stumped. Alecto however seemed to straighten up her posture, like she had just heated the one thing she had been waiting for the entire year.
What I had said just now seemed to have hit Chiron pretty deeply as he looked a bit off. Like he was in deep thought.
Then he managed to get out of his stupor and declared that we would take a break for a bit.
With that he rolled out of the museum and we all followed him like little ducklings.
During the break, Nancy had decided to deviate from her fate, as she instead of dropping her food at Grovers lap, continued to insult both him and me. They weren't the childish insults either but more of the type that would make adults cry.
After she had decided to compare Rovers face with that of a blob fish and then telling him that she would rather date said blob fish than ever be publicly seen interacting with Grover, I had had enough. It was time for her to take a quick bath to cool down.
Mere seconds later, Nancy, looking like a wet cat after a particularly bad day and said cat having lost their balls, screamed for a teacher.
"Mrs. Dodds! Percy pushed meeeee!"
"Now now sweety, let's get you some dry clothes and then I will take care of the troublemaker."
Shortly after Alecto told me to follow her back into the museum and knowing my fate and remembering what I had promised my mothers (the fates) I dutifully followed her.
At one point, when I had just entered the Egyptian part of the museum, something small, about the size of an adults thumb, flew towards me.
I didn't notice at first, but when I felt something long and thin, almost like a wire, slither around my neck I automatically reached for it.
When my hand touched what had flown towards me the thing didn't fight against it, not even when I tried to remove it. Which was a good thing. Not that I was worried about it being cursed or anything, since I had the ability to devour curses. When I pulled my hand up, along with the thing around my hand, a small golden scarab bettle was there, hung around my neck on what appeared to be a wire. At first I wondered why the scarab had flow to me, but then I remembered that I was an Egyptian demigod just like I was Greek, thanks to the bloodline I had gained. The scarab probably chose me because it sensed my bloodline.
I let the scarab settle in the small space where my chest and neck met. I would deal with this later, after I was done with Mrs. Dodds.
I caught up with her once we had reached the middle of the Greek exhibition. And then she started her monolog. Please kill me already.
"Honey, did you really think we wouldn't find you? Now come, hand it over and I will give you a quick death."
There she goes again with that sickly sweet tone of voice. Even if I had that dam helmet, I wouldn't give it to her since she sounds like she wouldn't hesitate to go back on her words. She would probably chain me to the back of a motorcycle or something and intentionally drive over gravel.
"I don't know what you are talking about Mrs. Dodds. Or could you possibly mean the illegal sweets I've been dealing out of my dorm room?"
Yes, as far as I am concerned, this is Canon and once I had the idea to do that I decided to go for it. It brought me some sweet money. Yes that pun was intentional.
" Times up, honey. Time to die!" she said.
Then I observed as her leather jacket moved, stretched and then unfolded like the wings I knew they were.
I decided to have a bit of fun with her, possibly mess with Canon as well.
"Alecto. I, Percy Jackson, Son of my parents, swear on the river Styx, that I have never stolen, participated or helped in stealing another gods or goddesses divine weapon or symbol of power.
I, Percy Jackson, dreamer of nightmares, have not helped or kept a gods or goddesses divine weapon or symbol of power from them."
Thunder, violent and incredibly loud, resounded from both outside and inside of the exhibition. No doubt Lady Styx had heard the oath and acknowledged it.
For a moment Alecto stopped but the fury seemed to overtake her.
" How are you still alive! You just lied during your oath! No matter. I will simply kill you and get the answers from your dead spirit!"
And with that she lunged at me. I dove away from her talons, dodge another strike of her wings and the Chiron was there.
" What ho, Percy" he yelled as he threw that damed weapon at me. Nothing against riptide itself, but I would rather use a weapon that had been gifted directly to me than to get something that had been stolen or never returned to the original owner.
Because let's just think about it.
Zoe Nightshade had given the weapon, a hairpin at that time, to Hercules. He however never gave it back. Now here is a question. How did Chiron get his hands on it. Logically speaking there was no way for him to get it, much less carry it with him around, if it hadn't been set up for him.
Hercules should still have it. But let's think for a moment. What if, considering Chroin had at some point in the future said that the sword was a gift from Percys father for him(Percy), Hercules had thrown the weapon into the sea. Then Poseidon must have gotten it at which point the sword was either given to the camp for any of his children to whield or it had been gifted to Chiron so that he would then give it to me.
Now let's consider the fact that Poseidon won't be claiming me until about two weeks into me attending camp. This would indicate that he was still very much interested in keeping the fact that he had a new kid a secret. There would be no way for Chiron to come up with a reasonable excuse why he was carrying a weapon of the sea with him, if he couldn't even whield it properly.
So here is the actual question. Who does this stolen sword belong to? Because it most definitely isn't Chiron or Poseidon. The owner was obvious, especially since Hercules never fulfill the verbal agreement he had with Zoe. The sword, even if it had been in so many hands, still belonged to Zoe Nightshade. And I will not use someone's weapon without their consent. Nor will I ever claim ownership of it. My father better be prepared to fire up those forges of his if he wants me to have a weapon because I won't use this sword if I don't have to.
I dodged Alecto one more time and as she turned around, I kicked her in the back before she actually could. Then, as she was on her knees, having stumbled, I lifted the sword above my head and swung down.
And there her head rolled of, behind one of the steeles around me. Chiron was gone, as if he had never been there.