Chapter 46: Percy Jackson, cause of aneurysms.
As I left the museum, the scarab on my chest seemed to vibrate for a second. Then, suddenly without any indication of why it did, the scarab flew from my chest to my hand, which was still partially covered in golden dust, and then it transformed. It became a khopesh. A long, one handed blade with one third of its blade straight (close to the handle) and two thirds curved. It was designed to catch an opponents weapon to either redirect it or break it if the materials allowed it.
This khopesh was unique in its design. The leather on the handle appeared to be made out of Alecto wings. The guard seemed to imitate a piece of her spine and the blade was of a unique design. One that I hadn't even dreamed of before. The inner/dull edge, on the side designed to catch other blades, it was black with small golden veins going through it. The outer/sharp edge was blue with more golden veins going through it. There was a black line that followed the edge as well.
The weapon settled in my hand comfortably, it felt almost like it was made for me. An aura of evolution, development and rebirth radiated from it. Even more there were small hints of other auras as well, such as death and travel.
Holding this weapon made me feel like my blood was singing, alive. It made me feel like storming out of the building, finding something to fight and the absolutely demolishing what ever I found. It got my blood pumping.
Then the weapon suddenly lit up with real fire, fire that made my affinity for it sing, fire that switched between regular orange to violet, blue, black and even dark red. I swung the weapon testingly, wanting to see what it could do, as suddenly, mid swing, the khopesh turned from a solid mass of metal into a segmented whip, still covered in flames. The segments were connected by chains with long and black links.
It extended for about five meters before it snapped, sending a spear of fire forward and the segments coming back at me. But before I knew it, the khopesh changed back, becoming once again its regular for. Then it vibrated again, turned into the scarab and flew back to my neck.
I love this weapon already.
Once I actually left the building, I finally saw the rest of my class again. Grover sat at the fountain, staring at the entrance and approached me as soon as he saw me leaving the building, alone.
Chiron, still disguised as Mr. Brunner, sat next to the stairs in his "motorized" wheelchair and read some old book.
"Ah yes, Mr. Jackson. Please remember to bring your own writing utensils in the future." he said, reaching for riptide. I didn't give it to him.
Instead I decided to gaslight him, just like he was currently trying to gaslight me.
"What writing utensils, Mr. Brunner? You never gave me any? Honestly, I don't know what you are talking about."
Brunner and Grover, who had reached us by now, exchanged worried looks.
"Just go back to class, Percy. Mrs. Ker will soon continue with the tour of the museum and Mr. Underwood, please stay behind for a moment." The centaur in disguise said.
What followed was a heated discussion about how much of the "sand" was used on me that I would forget about the fury trying to rip out my throat.
Obviously I hadn't forgotten since I immediately asked Grover, once he had sat down next to me, who Mrs. Ker was and why Mrs. Dodds wasn't here anymore.
"Who?" he had said, like a lying liar. So, seeing as both Grover and Chiron were clearly going to gaslight me for the rest of the year, like they had in Canon, I decided to be a little shit and make me their problem.
For the rest of the day I kept quiet about what I had planned but from tomorrow onwards, I would terrorize the two of them.
But that is neither here nor there.
We visited a few more exhibitions, talked about both Greek and Roman Mythology and speculated about what each tale was meant to teach us.
When the story of the minotaur came up and Chiron asked me to interpret what it was meant to teach, I stared him down and said:
"If you ever have an unsightly child with an animal, don't lock it up in a labyrinth. Instead give it a brother to play with."
Chrion Was at first fascinated with what I was saying, but when he realized that I was implying to, once again, have another kid with said animal, he quickly asked me again to try something different, even though the entire class was giggling and even Mrs. Ker had to hide a snort.
I gave another interpretation.
"Okay so that was apparently wrong. How about...If someone gives you something to gift someone else, don't keep it to yourself or you will end up fucking a cow for some reason? Honestly I don't quite understand what you want from me. The Minotaur didn't do anything bad himselfe.It was just his step-dad and mother that put him in a situation that couldn't be resolved otherwise. He had to eat those people. Also, I am fairly certain that Theseus fucked that Minotaur at some point. I think I heard that somewhere."
At this point I could literally hear the cogs in Mr. Brunners head grind to a halt.
" That's it. We are going back to school. Percy, I expect you to have a real answer to my question by the end of the year." he grumbled like a parent that just geared their child say something truly disgusting that, while utterly stupid, was still technically correct.
Yeah, I think I broke Chiron, the trainer of ADHD and Dyslexic children, today. It was easier than I thought. Though I do feel like some owl out there, probably Athena, was having an Brain aneurysm.
Would that be funny?
Or possibly:
Both would probably make the headlines in Olympus.