Percy Jackson and the Art of Gacha

Chapter 47: 'nother Timeskip

It had been a few weeks since the excursion to the museum. Chiron had at some point given up on trying to get riptide back. Grover had continued to lie to me whenever I brought up Mrs. Dodds.

I in return, continued to play small pranks on Chiron and Grover, but to not be obvious I did play a few pranks on other teachers and students as well. I did one on myself too, when Grover was starting to get suspicious.

Chiron had recently started to wake up in his bed, always finding one or two pieces of straw. Originally I had thought that just the straw mug would be enough, but he seemed to be enjoying it more and more.

The pranks on Grover were a bit more hidden but not mean in any way, since I knew he wasn't entirely on board with Chirons plan to "keep me oblivious".

I would sometimes hide small trinkets in his pockets and schoolbag. Why not the sheets? Because that would indicate that the person in his dorm room, aka me, was the one playing pranks.

The trinkets were small, meaningless, like a carved whistle, a single nut or even just a flower.

The prank I did on myself was another small trinket I hid inside my bag and the retrieved from my bag under the eyes of Grover. It was a small bag of flower seeds I had gathered in my dimension. I planted them in a flowerpot on the windowsill in the dormitory after I had rolled my Gachas once again. As I hadn't maxed any of my current skills or domains yet, it consisted mostly of regular items, useless items and material. Though this month I had received something awesome. I had won the Peverell Lordship Ring. It gave me the right to inherit the entire house of Peverell anytime I entered a universe in which the house existed, either in the past, as a fairytale or even if it's existence was public knowledge. Also it granted me a closer connection to any personification of death and even gods and goddesses of said domain. Not to forget the right to the hollows and the natural necromancy. Which was useless to me as I already was one.

My alchemist class hasn't been maxed out at this point in time but I was close. How? Well I had realized that to max it I would need to make something exceptional in every skill I got from this class and to top it all of I had to create a philosopher's stone as well.

For the achievement regarding the skill: Alchemical Formular, I had managed to create an entirely new metal based on coal, both Black Bone and Stygian Iron and Shriek Metal. The new material had the inherent attribute to hurt and positively outright murder anything without a should or a corrupted one. This roughly translated to anything made from it being able to kill both demons, partially Gods (If they have either lost themselves to their domains or their emotions, or just because they happen to be the type without a soul) and the monsters of any pantheon. I gave it a rather obvious name. I had named it Void Requiem. It had the inherent ability to devour key parts of the things the metal slayed. It was highly conductive for the darker side of magic and elements. Spiritual beings killed by it would have a part of their power stripped from them and added to both the user and the weapon, allowing both to grow in sync. It was also a metal I would be keeping out of anyone's hands. I had already decided that anything containing this metal would be enchanted to return to me if I was ever betrayed by the person I had given it to. I had also decided to never tell anyone of its existence much less of its creation and the process behind it.

The Instant Circle skill I had from this class had also been maxed out when I used it in my fight against that giant zombie and the circle I had created to make all those new Chimera.

Poison and Potion Creation hadn't been maxed yet but I had decided to work on them during the first quest as I had been made aware that next to the bloodlines I would also have access to my chosen class. Either in development or maxed.

The skill Alchemical Knowledge was maxed when I used it and my grimoires to create the metal as it involved the use of dubious ritual circles, ward schemes and star alignments. Not to forget the amount of energy and demonic blood I had to supplement. The blood was mine by the way, as it was both needed to create the new metal and to bind it to me.

More things I had gotten from the Gacha were land deeds to different places in different countries, houses I suddenly owned, a crapload of money and cars, some that had already been made, some that didn't exist yet and even more that came from different worlds. I even got a few games and gaming consoles to play with.

Some of which I either send to Charlie or used to play Goat simulator with Grover. He couldn't guess why I was grinning everytime he played it.

Soon it would be time for me to sneak through the school and eaves drop on Chirons and Rovers conversation, after which it would finally be time for Canon to get on moving.

I couldn't wait for all the mayham I would cause once they let me at those quests.

I had already prepared something nice for that monster aunt of mine. And I had a plan for Echidna already. But I had yet to make something for it but one thing was already set in stone if it went the way I wanted it to.

Echidna will not walk away from our encounter, no sir she most certainly will not.

And then there was Annabeth. I am already wondering if our relationship will be something along the lines of friendship or something else. Lovers? Never. I would rather kill myself than let that happen. So Aphrodite and Eros better keep their hands and arrows away from me before I will make them regret it.

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