Chapter 3: Britian
A female voice echoed across the room. From that one word you could hear a mix of surprise and anger but it was also tinged with a little bit of sadness and envy.
"Can I go with you?" she immediately suggested but before I could answer she was already packing her things.
I sighed, I knew this was going to be her reaction the moment this quest was issued to me.
"You know you can't go with me" I immediately stopped her from prancing around by holding her hand. It was then that I noticed that she was trembling.
"I know, but is it wrong to try?." Her voice was filled with sadness and self-loathing. Then I quickly hugged her as I whispered slowly in her ears. "I know wise girl but coming with me will do nothing but good. The fates have already decreed that we should stay away from him"
Muffle cries could be heard from Annabeth as she cried herself out until she fell asleep.
After Annabeth finished crying, I scooped her up to a princess carry, and carried her tired body to our room. I gently placed her on our bed then tucked her in a blue comfy blanket. I lovingly kissed her forehead and was about to say my goodbye until I heard a voice from behind me say
"Looks like I came at a bad time."
Usually, I would draw my sword Riptide and point the blade to whoever would try to trespass my home. Yet that deep and gentle voice is ingrained in my very soul.
"Hey dad" I greeted him though I was still looking at Annabeth's tired and sad face.
"Zeus should know how we feel about going to Britain right?" I asked as I gently stroked the hairs of Annabeth, I know I shouldn't blame my dad for the actions of Zeus but I just want to vent my frustrations to somebody
"After all, he should know that he used everything in his power to keep us away from that place. To keep us away from where the fates are playing their little games" My mind went back to the time when Zeus stopped the entire camp from going to Britain. Everyone at camp could not understand why Zeus did so. All we got was instead was a Divine order to not visit Britain without any permission of the Gods
"But now he is basically telling me to go there. As if what he did meant nothing at all" even I noticed that my voice is filled with disappointment
"My son" his voice suddenly gave me a sense of peace like he always does, all of my worries slowly went into the background "I know that what the God's did to that boy was cruel, in fact Zeus should have known better than to let those mortals take care of that child" His voice sounded a little irritated upon remember that day.
"But we can never go back to the past. Live the present and make every moment count." he walked closer and hugged me from behind "I will do what I can so that the child of Athena can join you in your quest." After that he suddenly released me from his embrace then he continued "but for now, you should make haste. The longer the furies are missing the more the darkness spreads."
"I have already informed someone from Britain of your coming." Poseidon said as he started to become water vapor "That person will help you enter the walls of Hogwarts without any problem."
"If you face any problem, just say that you are the Envoy of the Olympians. That reason ought to be enough to garner the respect of the magical world." With that he completely vanished and from where he stood a token with the symbol of a trident was left behind.
I picked it up then carefully placed it in one of my pockets. Then started to walk outside.
I looked at my home for the last time then with determination I whistled to call for my black Pegasus.
After a few minutes a whinnying of a horse could be heard
"What's up boss? Why did you call me?" Blackjack immediately asked after he arrived at the front of my house.
"Nothing serious buddy, we are just on our way to a very long trip" I softly said though my lips started to form an arc.
"Really!? Where to boss?" Blackjack asked, suddenly interested to the idea of a long travel
"We are off to Britain my friend." I replied