Chapter 1: The Thread Between the World.
[Press start.]
> New Game.
[Selected New game.]
[Are you a boy?
Or are you a girl?]
[Selected Boy. ]
[Welcome to the world of pokemon. A world where people and pokemon lives in ⫣H͞⊫ ⫣a͞⊫ ⫣r͞⊫ ⫣m͞⊫ ⫣o͞⊫ ⫣n͞⊫ ⫣y͞⊫ . Pokemon are ₵ⱤɆ𝐚⃥⃒̸尺ヨ己.]
[Gameboy crashed.]
[Autoreset on...]
In the shivering cold night, cold wind blew marking the soon arrival of winter.
It was late at night, the streets was silent, almost every lights were down, except for one.
A single apartment at a huge building, a single light blew warmly and a faint silhouette of a woman could be seen from the frosted glasses. Her figure moving gently while humming a melody.
In the kitchen, she stood near the sink, her hands submerged in the soapy warm water as she scrubbed the plates. Her humming was melodious and sweet, but her thoughts were far from that. Her thoughts were full of the impulsive purchase of a dress she didn't needed but bought anyway, swayed by the excitement and the moment with her friends at a discount event on a mall.
She sighed, her breathing escaping in a visible puff. It was unlikely of her to act in whim over something so trival. Yet, beneath her regret, her soft blue eyes betrayed a hint of excitement, perhaps the dress will be nice to try after all.
Her reverie was broken by a sudden thud from another room. Startled, she turns her head towards the source of sound. It came from her son's room.
"That boy," She muttered under her breath, shaking her head, her dark hair ruffling softly along with the motion of her head. Surely, he was up late playing game as usual.
She released yet another sigh, and turned back to dishes. when will he grow up? She didn't know, but for now, the familiar sound of the dishes clang filled the kitchen again as she lost herself in thoughts again.
[Autoreset successful.]
Flutter!! Pidgeyyy!!
In the clear sky, many small brown
pigeon—like birds flew gracefully. It was a bright, sunny day, clearly it was summer.
The pidgeys flew in horde, covering the sky as if marking their territories.
A small town beneath them, basked in the warm sunlight.
It was a small town, having few houses that could be count in fingers, a small pond at the centre, surrounded by small flowers and bushes that grew small berries of different kinds.
The town was covered by forest from all directions, and a small river going across the town.
A small car stopped in front of a house. A middle aged woman steps out of the car.
"Whew... That was a long ride,"
She said, stretching lazily. She opened her eyes and looked at the house, a small smile forming in her lips.
"Well, home sweet home."
It had been two weeks since she last saw her house, she couldn't help but feel relieved in the familiarity of the environment.
Yup, Jhoto indeed was beautiful and all, but nothing could beat the familiar air and comfort of the home, Pallet town.
Since her husband is always traveling with his work around the world as a researcher, she with her son joined him too. They do this every year, joining her husband in his research, enjoying both sightseeing and family bonding, this time it was jhoto.
He along with professor Oak have went there, seemingly for research regarding pokemon eggs with Mr. Pokemon, and of course, pokédex.
Prof. Oak retured soonly while they stayed, enjoying the sight seeing before returning, and as usual, her husband stayed for further research.
She turned around, towards her son who was sleeping in the passenger seat.
"Still out like a light, huh?" she said with a soft chuckle. "Lazy as ever. What could you possibly be dreaming about this time?"
[Please insert your name...]
The boy stares at the window panel in front of him, asking for his name.
The boy looked similar to the woman. He had fair skin like his mother, her blue eyes and dark hair.
He wouldn't be considered too good looking, around average maybe...
His hair messy and misheaved as if he just woke up from slumber. He looks around the room, it was dark and devoid of anything... even space.
The only thing that existed in this plane was him... And the panel in front of him asking for his name.
How the hell did I got here? I was in my room, playing games and.... Well.. My game boy fell from my hand, I was grateful my mother didn't find out anything...
He opens his eyes and stares at the screen in front of him that just hovered before his face, repeating the same question.
And suddenly I am here in front of well... This thing.
[Please insert your name...]
A slight bulge forms in his forehead, annoyed that the panel is just stuck showing single thing.
It wouldn't have been as much annoying, if it wasn't for the voice in his head.
An almost female but machinery voice asking for his name over and over again in the same monotone voice.
He takes a deep breath and release his breath and...
...Yup..., he lashed out.... In front of a machine(or something like that).
[Please insert your name...]
And typical of AI, it just kept repeating itself.
The boy's face burned, his face getting red, embarrassed and annoyed. Even the panel seemed to be ignoring him... If it was capable of ignoring that is.
It's not like he didn't tried to insert his name, he did, his hands just passed through the panel as if it was a holographic image.
He tried to search for a way but all were for futile and the machine kept repeating the question after he failed every other time or even after the slight movement he makes as if mocking for his failure. Like right now.
[Please insert a name...]
[Max Jasper.]
[Name selected.]
Oh... So it was voice modulated... Ahem...
He looked around, glad that no one was there to witness the embarrassing moment. Him failing over and over again and lashing out on machine only to find out he just merely needed to utter his name.
The window slowly disappeared, and in its sted appeared another one.
[Welcome to the world of Pokemon...]
[An adventure beyond comprehension awaits you...]
A blinding light emerges from the panel as the whole dark void along with Max gets engulfed in it.
Flutter!! Flutter!!
Spearrow!! Fearrow!!
The pidgeys flying earlier now seemed to have gained some company. being chased by the almost similar pokemon to them but slightly more aggressive and Territorial. Led by a stronger and evolved version of spearrow, its sharp cry commanding the chase.
The earlier lady, looking at the typical skirmish between the two hordes. It was almost normal to see them fighting always.
Her gaze turns back to her sleeping child as she notices him stirring.
The boy opens his eyes groggily, blinking softly and observing his surrounding, finding himself in car seat.
How did I got here?
He couldn't help but wonder, he remember being in his room and since when did they had a car?, his gaze turns to his mother, who was outside and staring at him.
"Finally awake huh? You slept your entire way from jhoto, careful or you might turn into Abra one of these day."
She chuckled softly, her teasing remark punctuated by her gentle giggle.
The boy couldn't help but laugh along with her. She knows about Abra? Guess she is a fan of that franchise too then.
Wait Jhoto?
He opened his mouth, seemingly wanted to ask some question, but his mother cuts him before he could.
"By the way... Prof. Oak called me earlier. He said he have something special waiting for you,"
"So, go on. Get cleaned up, then head over to his lab. I'll have lunch ready when you're back," She said with a knowing smile.
Before he could press for details, she turned toward the house, waving a hand behind her. "Don't keep him waiting too long!"
She disappeared through the door, leaving him pondering in her words.
First Abra, then Jhoto and now Prof. Oak? What is going on?
By now he was out of the car, his mother words still going on through his mind.
Did he just got pranked?
The sudden voice started him, turning toward the voice of the cat, he found something unusual.
A creature he always saw in his games... A white furred cat with a gold amulet —or a coin like stuff—on it's forehead, licking it's paw and casually rubbing it's ears.
A Meowth??
He couldn't believe his eyes but his rational mind starts explaining, is it really Meowth? Nah... Must be a cat cosplayed as Meowth by its owner... Yea, must be it.
His denial then soon again takes another blow as his thoughts draws back to his surrounding, to the things he hadn't paid attention until now.
The usual busyness of the streets, filled with cars, huge building and all the noise... All gone replaced by a clean, green and beautiful small town.
Where the hell am I?
His eyes darts to the sky, the clash between pidgeys and spearrows now joined by a group of higher tier of pidgeys.
His thoughts spiraled. This isn't real. It can't be. And yet, there it was, playing out right in front of him.
The hell is going on? So are birds really a spy drone of governments? Then aren't they making it too obvious?
He let out a shaky laugh, unsure whether he was amused or terrified.
Okay… What the hell is going on here?
It was a large spacious ground. Filled with different kind of Pokemons of various size roaming around, some playing around, others lazing under the sun, enjoying the tranquil while some just kept running around with no purpose.
Among them stood an old man around his fifties. His white hair framed his kind face with some wrinkles, and he wore a simple red T-shirt and a pant beneath a white lab coat.
He crouched before a small monster with a skull on its head, and clutching a bone in one hand. Tears glistening faintly at the corner of its eyes, as if it had just stopped crying.
"There, there Cubon," The man said softly, holding a blue spray bottle and tending to the Pokemon's injuries. His voice was warm and reassuring. "Horses didn't mean it— it was an accident."
Beside Cubone, sat a small blue seahorse—like monster, its large eyes filled with guilt as it looked at Cubone with genuine concern.
Cubone spared Horsea a brief glance but immediately turned its head with a huff. With a dramatic shake of its bone, it ran off in the opposite direction.
Horsea flinched, shocked at Cubone demeanor. Slowly, it turned back to the pond and slumped in the water, looking dejected.
The old man let out a weary sigh as he straightened up, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Professor Oak, Max is here to see you," came a voice.
A young woman entered the field, dressed in a lab assistant's coat and holding a clipboard. She approached with calm efficiency but offered a polite smile.
Professor Oak's eyes lit up at the mention of Max. His weariness seemed to fade as he stood and walked toward the woman.
"Alright," he said with a small nod. "I'll go see him. Can you take care of the Pokémon while I'm gone?"
"Of course, Professor," the assistant replied with a reassuring smile, glancing toward the Pokémon as Professor Oak headed off.
The lab stood atop a mountain, with a long series of stairs leading the way up.
Inside the lab was a huge room, the walls were of white concrete, shining and reflecting the sunlight entering from windows. The polished tiles of floor gleamed, reflecting the room around it.
There were huge bookshelves lined along the wall consisting of books full of pokemon encyclopedia and research papers. In the background, hummed machines from this world quietly, they were so unique and strange that if anyone unfamiliar of this world saw it, would find them absurd.
In centre of it all stood Max, his heart racing, disbelief written all over his face. He was in denial even though he was witnessing them firsthand.
"Ah!, Max!" Prof. Oak enters through the door, waving towards Max. "So, you finally made it!, did you enjoyed the jhoto trip?"
Max startled, turns towards him. " was great," he stammared, his voice betraying his uncertainty.
He remembers nothing from jhoto aside from everything he learned through games and anime.
In fact he just now learned that he was returning from jhoto trip. That explains why mom was exhausted and why I was in car.
What shook him most was the person he was talking too currently... Prof. Oak, who doesn't knows pokemon and not knows this old dude.
Prof Oak chuckled warmly, his voice radiating understanding. "Good, good," He said walking towards a peculiar machine at the far corner of the room.
"Well, Max," The Professor continued. "I've got something you asked for."
Max froze, what I asked for? His mind spiraled, trying to make sense of the professor's words.
His glance fell back to Prof. Oak, his eyes immediately widened when he saw where Prof. Oak was heading towards. Don't tell me...
Professor Oak stood in front of a large cylindrical machine with a glass dome at its top. Inside the dome sat a single pokeball, it's red and white surface glinting under the lab's lights.
No way...
With a single press of button, the machine came to life, and the glass dome—like cover slid down revealing the pokeball in it's full glory.
"Yes, Max," Professor Oak said, carefully picking up the pokeball like it was some sort of treasure. "It's the pokemon that you asked me...The pokemon you have been waiting for."
Max blinked, pokemon I was waiting for? The one I asked? But... I just arrived here.
"Did you forget? You were so fascinated by Red's adventure that you wanted to be a trainer like him and asked me for those pokemon."
The professor lightly tossed the ball up in the air. It opened with a Clank, releasing a burst of white light that spiraled downward. The light took slowly took shape, materializing into a small figure.
Max held his breath.
Standing before him was a small pokemon, barely reaching his knees at the height of 2 feets. Its small lizard like body covered in orange skin that gleamed faintly on the light. The tip of its tail consisted of a faint orange fire casting warm glow. The pokemon blinked its large blue eyes, looking at Max with curios intensity.
Max heart skipped a beat. He have saw this pokemon so much that he recognized it instantly. It wasn't some game sprite or was it a drawing or animation... It was a real thing, alive and breathing.
"Max, let me introduce you to charmander, Fire-type Pokemon."