Chapter 2: The Fabricated World
"Hey, Max! My dad bought me a new game!!"
"Hmm? Really? Which one?"
"Hehe.... It's the new Pokemon game."
"Pokemon? Ugh, and I thought it'd be something interesting."
"Hey! Pokemons is interesting too,you know... Sigh, such a great world to live in..."
The sunlight peeks through the window, it's rays landing directly on Max's face. He groaned softly, squinting as the lights forced his eyes open. With a sigh of resignation, he sat up, stretching his arms, trying to shake off the morning grogginess.
The faint memory of the dream still lingered in his mind.
Why would I remember that now?
He rubbed the back of his neck, his thoughts drifting back to those days in his original world. He wad never into pokemon initially, if anything he rather found it boring. It was that friend of his that particularly dragged him into this franchise, which is his favorite now.
A small smile crept on his lips as his thoughts drifts back to those old days. He could hear his friend's voice, full of excitement. Gushing about the games and the "amazing world of pokemon."
Damn.... He would kill to get a life like this.
He chuckled at the irony, but the thoughts died quickly as his gaze shifted across the room.
At the corner of the room was charmander, curled up. The small pokemon was fast asleep, it's tail flame glowing softly in the dim light. Its rhythmatic breathing filled the silent room, a stark remainder of th reality he was in.
Is this really my new fate now? He thought, exhaling softly.
He just started at charmander for some moment, it's peaceful sleep was comforting, as well as reminded him of his new reality.
A life he wasn't sure he was ready for but had to embrace.
Sitting in the tub, Max's thoughts ran wild. Millions if questions swirled through his mind, but they all boiled down to two: why? And how?
On the surface, he should have been thrilled—he was now living in the world of his dreams. But the darker side in his mind kept gnawing at him, casting doubts on how ideal this reality really was. If it really was as ideal as he made it out to be.
He is in a world entirely different from his own. Why? How? Arceus knows. Yet, What surprised him even more was how natural it was for him to exist here.
It didn't felt off, or nothing felt out of place...Almost as if that he always belonged here.
What are the odds of someone being transported into a completely fantastical world? A world they've desired their entire life—and for everything to fall into place so perfectly?
All of this seems just absurd to him.
Still, he tried to piece it all together, and his conclusion landed on three possibilities:
1. This is all a dream. Unlikely. The clarity and coherence of this world far surpassed the fuzziness of the dreams. Maybe a coma or hallucination? Again, that didn't sit right either. It was too real to be mere illusion of mind.
2. I'm in a simulation. Maybe he was being toyed or observed by someone or something he was unaware of. Everything around him could be artificial, and completely not real, mere construct of advanced system.
3. I actually transmigrated into another world. Specifically, into a parallel dimension where a version of him already existed.
He leaned toward the second or third possibilities, dismissing the first outright. This world felt too tangible, too real, to be an illusion.
Then there was his family. His "Mother" here in this world was identical to his mother in his original world. Her voice, face, mannerisms, body e.t.c there is no doubt she is the same being. But what truly threw him is off is how seamlessly she fits into the environment like she had lived her entire life here. There was no way she was the same person from his original world... Yet she was.
Also, Professor Oak's words from yesterday added another layer to the puzzle. There was no doubt that a "Max" had already existed in this world before he arrived. A Max who shared his face, name, and—bizarrely—his favorite Pokémon.
So, If I'm in this world... Does that mean he is in mine? Did we like... Swap places?
Adding up, comes the factor of his parents, his father, as expected wad the same as of his previous world, so did his whole family got transmigrated and his parents memories just happened to morphed?
And what about his father? In this world, his dad was a renowned Pokémon professor, a man respected for his groundbreaking research on Pokémon and their connection to mystic stones.
So, is it like, first his parents were brought to this world and their memories were morphed into believing what they believe now they are?
Then again, that level of expertise couldn't simply be fabricated by morphing someone's memories. His research papers, published articles—they were all real.
How does an office worker Dad like mine, become a top-tier researcher here? The question kept eating at him.
He tried to scrap it all with just a "parallel world. " Argument, but the spefics kept nagging at him. Why only my family? Why no one else from my world?
Out of curiosity, he'd tried searching through TV channels and networks, hoping to find a hint of someone else from his world. But there was nothing. It was just him, his family, and this Pokémon-filled reality.
The same thought circled back to him, over and over.
Am I really in a simulation?
It made twisted sense to him, Pokemon was originally in fact a video game, after all. And whenever people tried to imagine simulation, they closest they often thought of were video games—constructed worlds that were vivid, interactive, yet inherently artificial. And where was he right now? , Pallet Town, the quintessential beginning for any Kanto adventure games. That's right... Games.
With a long sigh, he stepped out. Washed up and dressed, he steps down to the living room, gave up on any more thinking for today.
His mom was waiting for him down with packed bag resting on the couch.
"Oh, there you are! Took your sweet time didn't you?" She teased, placing plates on the table.
"I know you're gonna start your journey, but it can wait until breakfast."
Charmander perked up at the mere mention of the foods, dashing toward the table. Despite only joining the family yesterday, it had already grown comfortable in the household.
"Aww, aren't you the cutest little thing," his mother cooed, scratching charmander under the chin.
It chirped happily.
The meal passed peacefully in the peace of household, except for some occasional playful noises of charmander. Max minds still occupied with the earlier thoughts, but he had now accepted the situation and his fate.
His gaze falls upon the charmander which was happily munching over it's berries.
His competitive instinct kicked in as his thoughts drifted to his charmander in front of him. Thinking, what must its nature, IVs and ability must be.
Just a habit from his old world, to check on IVs and natures of pokemon he caught. Yup... He was a competitive player, wannabe competitive to be precious. He always wanted to be a Competitive or even shiny hunter but he was too impatient and would eventually give up, and would settle with whatever he had.
Guess I have to take it more seriously this time. Glad I did some research in my old world. All hail YouTube. He thought as he leaned back into the chair he was sitting on.
Charmander glanced up at him, tilting its head curiously. Max chuckled, reaching over to pat its head. "Looks like it's just you and me, buddy."
The lady stood leaning against the front door, her arms crossed as she gazed out. The breakfast was done... Will he really leave now?
Her chest felt heavy. Of course she was happy, after all her son is finally pursuing after his life long dream. But her pride was tangled with some worry and fear.
What if a wild Pokémon attacks him? What if he doesn't eat properly? What if he gets lost or hurt in the wilderness? Will he even be Ok? Of course he won't, Should I stop him? And the thoughts went on and on.
She sighed, a battle raging within her heart. A part of her wanted to just call it all off, to stop him from walking out that door and embrace him forever. But deep down, she knew she couldn't.
Her gaze shifted to Max,crouched near the doorways, tying his shoes.
Flood of memories washed over her as flashes: her little boy, full of boundless energy and enthusiasm for pokemon, who wouldn't stop nagging about wanting a pokemon ever since he saw Red battle 3 years ago... The house would be so quiet without him.
But something else tugged at her heart. He's been so quiet since we returned from Johto. Is he... okay?
She studied him up close. The usual brightness and enthusiasm wasn't there, replaced by something heavier. A look she wasn't used to seeing in him, a look of almost... gloominess.
She was so busy in her world, happy for her son getting his pokemon that she hadn't realized it until now.
Is he sad about leaving home? she wondered, a pang of guilt gnawing at her.
Her lips curled into a bittersweet smile, her eyes softening.
We are so alike...
Taking a deep breath, she stepped toward him. As she stood over him, their eyes met. He seemed smaller than usual, or maybe it was just her maternal instinct magnifying the moment. She raised her hands, fixing out the collar of his shirt.
"Be careful out there, okay?" she said softly. Her voice trembled slightly despite her best efforts. "And don't hesitate to come back if you need to. Remember... you'll always have a home—and a mother—waiting for you."
Max's gaze locked onto hers. Her smile was warm, but her eyes betrayed her. There was a glint of moisture in them, threatening to spill over. She wasn't a good actor, never had been.
He couldn't help but chuckle, a soft laugh filling the tension.
The sound startled her. She flinched slightly, then narrowed her eyes, her face flushing in embarrassment as she stammered. "H-Hey! What's so funny? I'm being serious here!"
Max laughed a little harder, shaking his head. "Nothing, Mom. You're just... you know, always so worried and trying to act tough."
Her cheeks puffed slightly in indignation, but she couldn't hold back the smile creeping up on her face. "Of course I'm worried! I'm your mother. That's my job."
"I know. And I'll be fine. I promise." he said, with a reassuring smile.
For a moment, she stared at him, a mix of pride and sadness filling her chest. Then, with a sigh, she stepped back, wiping at her eyes before the tears could fall. "You'd better be. Or else you'll have me to answer to."
"Noted," Max said, slinging his bag over his shoulder.
She watched him step outside, Charmander trailing behind him. Her heart ached as she saw him go, she wanted to reach out but she held herself back, a flicker of pride warmed her chest.
"Good luck, Max," she whispered under her breath.
And with that, her son took his first step into a world of endless possibilities.