Pokemon: Nexus of worlds

Chapter 4: The Viridian City.


No. 016: Pidgey

Tiny Pokemon

Ht: 1' 00"

Wt: 4.0 lbs.

Does not like to fight. It hides in tall grass and so on, foraging for food such as small bugs.


A pidgey, with it's wings spread wide, glides across the vast sky. The wide vegetation of Route 1 eventually ends leading up to a city larger the Pallet town.

Without hesitation, the Pidget takes a U-turn, flying back to the direction it came from.

Max who sat under the shadow of tree looking at the pokedex entry of Pidgey.

Max turned towards the charmander, who dat besides him, leaning against his arms in a blissful sleep.

He stared at his sleeping charmander for a while, with a spark of curiosity rosen up, he turns the pokedex towards the sleeping mon.


No. 004: Charmander

Lizard Pokemon

Ht: 2' 00"

Wt: 18.7 lbs.

From the time it is born, a flame burns at the tip of its tail. Its life would end if the flame were to go out.


As the pokedex finished reading the entry for Charmander, Max eyes drew towards it, at the faint fire at the tip of it's tail.

Will it seriously die if the fire goes out?

He couldn't help but ponder at the description, it just sounded unreal, yet, terrifying.

I need to be careful! He thought, letting out a heavy sigh.


With a loud chirp, Pidgey marks it's arrival, immediately gaining Max's attention, Charmander too, squints it's eyes at the sound before opening it completely.

"So finally decided to wake up huh!" He said with a chuckle, making charmander rub it's head sheepishly.

Max extendes his hands towards pidgey diving his way, as it lands gracefully on his hands.


Pidgey chirps, waving its wings and pointing towards the North direction.

"Hmm.. Is it that way then?"


Pidgey nods its head Vigourously, flapping its wings enthustically.

Max nods with a warm smile, taking out a pokeball from his belt.

"Ok, you did great job, take some rest,"

A red light emerges from the pokeball, sucking pidgey back inside it.

"Let's go charmander!"

Charmander chirps happily and follows him in toddler steps, singing it's name repeatedly in a Melody.

"Stop it, you aren't Jigglypuff."

Char~! Charmander~!

Even with his comments, it didn't stop it from singing as it followed him swinging it's tail and taking bouncy steps.


"Pidgey! Tackle!"


"Go pokeball!"


"Charmander scratch!"


"Go pokeball!"


[Ratata have been registered!]

[Spearow have been registered!]

Max spend his time catching Pokemons he encountered along his way to viridian city.

Even though it had been some while since he started walking, it still seem it will take a while to reach the city, so he just decided to catch some mons, it will be good throwing exercise as well as a decent battling experience.

Remember the motto, Gotta Catch 'Em All!

He puts the pokedex back in his pocket, and started walking again, charmander followed him, now more confident and happy after winning some battles, it was it's trainer's ace after all.

It took him a while, but it was finally in sight, the Viridian city!

The city that is the first as well as the last in game, a large sign board stood tall, "Viridian City" Written on it.

The city itself wasn't big, but it didn't stopped it from being one of the most important city, as it was not only the house for one of the eight gyms of Kanto but also had the only route to the Pokemon league from kanto's side.

It was apparent, the city flourished with tourism, the city's had a pokemon centre, and since the pokemon market was later shifted inside the pokemon centre as well, the previous pokemon market building added some floors and increased in size and now functioned as a hotel.

Excluding pokemon centre and gym, the city had a pokemon school and a small pond towards the entrance of Route 22 which eventually led to the Victory road followed by pokemon league, The Indigo Plateu, in Western direction, and led to Route 2 and the infamous Viridian Forest towards the Northern direction.

And about East... Well it was mostly covered in dense forest, but maybe if you managed to cross the tens of kilometers long forest with no route and crossed the massive water body, maybe one can reach to Celadon city, again it was merely a speculation since the city exactly at east side of Viridian City was Celadon City.

Oh... And about the natives, like evey other pokemon games, they were kind... Almost too kind, so kind that you could just barge in their house at any moment of day and they wouldn't even say otherwise. Unless you are a part of the evil team though, who are stupid enough to follow dress code, basically announcing yourself as a bad guy to the world. How much easier their job would have been if only they had scarp their uniform.

Anyways, back to the topic, Max took a deep breath, and entered the city with a excitement.

Charmander too, had its eyes shining as he stared at the beautiful city, it was its first time seeing a city different then pallet town.

Apparently, Professor Oak seemed to have raised it form the egg. So, it's knowledge on this world might be on par with Max's if not lower, the world kept surprising him, it was way different, way vast then in any games.

Max made his towards the city, as he was about to enter through the gate a lady stops him.

"Hey kid!, stop."

The lady had a fair skin, a purple hat atop her blue hairs with a golden badge. She had a purple collared shirt with red trim, sky blue chestpiece, and gold shoulder pads. Finally finishing her looks with purple mini pencilskirt and a black high heels.

Yup, it was everyone's favorite officer, officer Jenny, looking even more beautiful in front.

"Who are you kid?" She asked, raising her eyebrows and crossing her arms, it wasn't rare to see new faces around the city, but not everyone had their pokemon out like he did, also she couldn't help but feel a little skeptical.

And after the recent rumors of Team Rocket being back in business, she couldn't afford to make any blunders.

"Uhm... I am Max, newly dubbed Pokemon trainer... Oh yea. Here, this might help." He said, reaching out to his poket and taking out the pokedex.

The pokedex, as well as digital pokemon encyclopedia, also functioned as the temporary trainer license, temporary because the first thing they need to do after reaching pokemon centre is register themselves in trainer database of international pokemon league co, and make official trainer license, and pokedex acted as temporary license until that point, if necessary though.

After seeing the pokedex and the name and photo of Max registered in it, Officer Jenny face softened, only trainer trusted by professor Oak himself had pokedex, and Professor Oak held a huge reputation in not only kanto but whole world. For doubting a trainer acknowledged by Professor Oak himself kinda made her embarrassed, but she shrugged it off regardless.

"I see, sorry for doubting you ki-... Erm... Max, but you could never be too sure you know, sorry if i was being rude though."

"It's Ok, I understand you were only doing your job," Max said, offering a polite smile.

The sight made Officer Jenny's chest feel a certain warmth, can't believe she doubted such a pure and understanding kid. Trust her when she says understanding, you would be surprised how many spoiled and arrogant kids there are in pokemon world, especially new trainers, a huge contrast to kind adult living in it.

She nods and hands him his pokedex with a warm smile.

"Ok then, if you need any trouble just ask me, i will be here in gates,"

Max thinks for a minute, and asks. "Uhmm, may i know the way to the pokemon centre please? I am kinda new to this town."

Officer Jenny chuckle slightly and points out the direction to him, bowing his head and with a farewell, he makes his way towards the pokemon centre, the best friend of every pokemon trainer.

A huge building with red roof and a blue poke ball craved in it stood in front of him, and yes... It was huge.

As he was about to step in the door suddenly opens and comes a boy running towards him, stumbling into him hardly.

"Ouch, who the hell is it! Don't you have eyes!" Shouted the boy.

The boy looked around the age of 8, he had dark hair, blue t-shirt with dark blue jacket above, amd wore blue jeans, he clearly had no fashion sense and gave wanna be cool kid vibe.

Max rubbing his forehead glared at the boy, "Me? It was clearly you who is at fault here you brat!"


Charmander too joined, how dare the kid stumbled upon its best friend and blame him on top, the audacity.

But what caught Max's intrest was something shiny that kid held.

"Rio! Get back here!"

A high pitched voice came from inside, the kid shivered, he glared at Max once more as if giving him a silent message that he would get back to him later, before standing away and making a run.

Soon, a girl came out of the pokemon centre, and gave a single glance at Max and ran towards the kid's direction without even offering to help.

"I said get back here!"

"Catch me if you can big sis!"

"You little!" She muttered in annoyance as she kept chasing.

Max stood up and dusted his clothes off.

Charmander looked at the direction the kid ran, crossing it's tiny arms and let out a harsh breath in anger. The next time they meet, it will make sure to give that kid the taste of its fire.

"Let's go in Charmander." He says with a little pat on its head.

Charmander's expression lightens up immediately with merely a headpat fron Max, and it follows Max in with delight.

But what Max still had in mind was the thing that the kid clenched tight on it's hand.

If anyone was even slightly into the franchise, they would never mistook it for anything else, it was clearly a key stone. Does that mean he was in the timeline where mega exists?

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