Pokemon: Nexus of worlds

Chapter 5: Peace wasn't the part of plot

"We hope to see you again!" Says nurse joy, bowing down to Max, placing his pokeball tray in counter.

Max nods and takes his pokeballs, Charmander immediately pops out of the pokeball, and immediately jumps happily on the sight of Max.

It's not like Charmander disliked staying in pokeball, it could careless about it, but it would rather spend time with it's beloved trainer then in the crampy ball.

"Aww, that's a cute charmander you have there," Said nurse joy, her eyes sparkling at the sight of the fire lizard.

"Thanks," Max replied, before asking immediately. "So, uhm... How does one register for pokemon league?"

Nurse joy eyes immediately draws back to Max, a permanent smile plastered on her face.

"Oh!, the league that is... Well, don't worry it could be done here,"

Nurse joy then goes into explaining that to register for pokemon league, one needs to register in International Pokemon League database from International Trainer database, and since Max had neither of those, first he would need to register as a pokemon Trainer Officially then register for the Pokemon League.

Normally all that protocol could take weeks or even months depending on location, but due to the pokedex, it would merely take hours for Max, Since he was trainer referred by Professor Oak himself, nepotism at it's finest.

Nurse joy takes his pokedex and enters inide the door besides her counter.

Max turned around, "Please take a seat, i will call you once it's done.", was what she said before vanishing inside.

He took a seat in the waiting area of the pokemon centre, it was a large building alright, it had a large hall, even waiting and discussing area and a counter for nurse joy, and the treatment area was even deeper inside.

It had a second floor too, mainly a cafeteria, resting room for trainers.

And surprisingly, a underground floor as well, for trading, both physically and digitally. One can trade pokemon face to face there or even using internet.

Charmander sat beside Max's seat, swinging it's tiny legs back and forth and singing the same melody it did earlier, it seems to have picked a habit from mother.

Max hears a footsteps heading towards his direction, he raises his eyes to look at the person standing in front of him.

"Is that Charmander yours?" Asked the person.

It was a boy around his age, brown spiky hair, White long sleeved T-shirt with a dark jacket draped over it, black pants and black shoes to finish his looks.

Max nods slightly, not even bothering to answer.

The boy runs his hands through his spiky hair as if fixing it, then snaps his fingers in front of Max in a smug.

"Trade me that Charmander, it's obviously I am way better trainer for him then you are," He said with a smug. "And I will trade you a higher level, evolved Pokemon for it, take that as a favor really, no need to thank."

Yup, one of those many spoiled arrogant kids from Pokemon.

Max was already beginning to get annoyed, with a sigh he just looked away, not even sparing a second glance.

Why am I only stumbling with these kinds of idiots ever since i got in here.

"Hey, i asked you something!" Said the kid, now narrowing his eyes and his voice a little commanding.

People around the Pokemon centre now looked their way, the argument between two teenagers piqued their interest.

Max was just ignoring him, not wanting to cause any commotion, hoping he will just take the sign and leave.

But Charmander had other plans, it jumped from its seat and walked towards the arrogant kid.

Seeing the Charmander coming to him on its own made the kid smirk a little.

"Oh, at least someone is smart, you know I am way better then him and want to join me right." Said he, as he crouched down to Charmander's level, his face with a wide smug grin and his hands extended towards Charmander.

"Don't worry, I will take way better care of you!"


Charmander wasn't having any more of this BS, it opened its mouth wide and threw its signature ember on him, the kid's face now looked like a burnt charcoal.

Charmander crossed it's arms across it's chest with a sass, proud of it's accomplishment.

Max bites his lips trying to hold in his laughter, almost laughed there!

The kid was shocked of what just happened, he immediately shook back and looked around to the people surrounding them, some where holding back their laughter while some laughed shamelessly.

The kid now blushed in embarrassment, how dare this weak new trainer and his Pokemon embarrass him in front of everyone. There is no way he will have it.

"That's it, you-"

Ding! Mr. Max, you are requested to meet in counter.

"Oh... Seems i will have to leave then,"

Max just shrugs and leaves, pulling Charmander along with him who appeared ready to throw a second ember.

"That was cruel ok... But i like it," He said whispering and laughing along with his Charmander as he made his way out.

The kid gritted his teeth and clenched his fist in anger, was that what he is now? A laughing stock for people by this newbie.

He made his way towards the counter, Nurse joy waiting for him holding his items.

"There you are!" She said enthusiastically while holding out his items for him to take. "Here... Your license is ready and you have also been registered in the official Pokemon league."

Max took the license from her and thank her.

The Nurse smiles warmly before continuing, "Remember the league will take place after 9 months, make sure to gather all badges within the time limit, oh! And yes, your participant number is 235,make sure to remember it, ok?"

"And also, As a participant of the Pokemon league, you will be getting all the privilege of from Pokemon centre like foods and staying but only for a week, you need to defeat and claim your first badge in order to make it permanent, and also if you lose, then all of your privileges will be taken away, i am sorry but it is necessary to prevent from free loaders."

"And you will also earn a small money after each official battles from Pokemon league side, higher the number of badge or position, higher will be the incomes as well as more facilities being unlocked, ok!"

Max was fascinated with all the information she just threw at him, that was almost too much... No wonder people took Pokemon training as a career in this world.

Max nods in understanding, "So, uhmm.. Where is the Cafeteria?"

"Oh, just the floor above, take that escalator please," She said pointing towards the escalator leading up.

Max nods and thanking the nurse, he heads towards the cafeteria.

He ordered his food from the cafeteria and took his seat and began eating. It was free as nurse joy said, but the twist was ut had limit, only up to 30$ and the meal he currently was eating was equivalent to 2$, but the foods for Pokemon was completely free and not limited which was a huge relief, with a slight exception being for some... Well, special heavy Pokemon, I mean they don't want to get bankrupt of course.

So the amount of privilege the trainer's were getting, without a doubt it was an investment from Pokemon league and the government, so they were expecting the investment to pay off one way or another, but how? Well, god knows.

Max was eating his meal, which consisted of healthy veg salad and Magikarp meat(it was delicious ok), and Pidgey and Charmander eating their Pokemon food in the chair besides him.

A sound of footstep approaching him reaches his ears and stops besides him.

He turns his head and looks at the owner of the sound, it was the same girl from earlier.

She sighs and pulls her little brother who was hiding behind her and points towards Max.

The little boy, Rio looks at Max and immediately turns away in annoyance.

With a sharp glare from his elder sister he immediately shivers and looks back to Max and mutters some incoherent words under his breath.

"Uhh...What..?" asked Max, trying to make sense of his mumbles.

Charmander too, now stopped eating and was glaring at the kid, ready to barbeque if anything goes wrong.

The elder sister slightly raises her fist and bonks him hard on his head, "Speak!"

The hell is going in here? Max thought as he smiled awkwardly at the kid. "Uhm..maybe you want to say something?"

Rio held his head in pain, he looked back at Ken, in the perspective of Rio, Max must have been enjoying it.

"Oh... You wanna say something" Said Max in evil smirk at the kid in his perception.

"Tch!... It was you! It's your fault that big sister caught me, it's all yo- Ouch! Would you stop hitting me already!" Rio said, crying in pain again as the girl had hit him again for spouting nonsense.

"What did I told you!" Shouted the girl at Rio.

"Tch, Sorry!" Rio said, in voice as small as whisper.

"What was that!" The girl shouted again.

"I said I am sorry, I stumbled on you and was being rude so please forgive me!" The kid said bowing deep down, it was apparent he was forced to say that word and didn't meant a single word he uttered.

"T.. That's not how-"

Before she can even finish the sentence, the kid bends away from her clutches and runs away, pulling his eyes and his tongue out.

"Blehh! Keep crying you bastard!" He said as he ran away like a goblin.

The girl sighs in resignation as she turns back to Max, her expression was little soft now.

"Look, i am sorry for whatever happened, I-I apologize in his stead," She said as she bowed down her head slightly.

"N-No, you don't need to apologize, please, i don't mind it!" Max said in embarrassment.

All of it was again pulling eyes of strangers around as they watched the show with their meal, Absolute cinema.

Charmander now back to it's seat, ate his meal in delight.

The situation had escalated so much, he was unsure weather if he should continue eating his meal or not.

The girl lifted her head up and with a sigh, "A...Anyway, I am Reina, what about you!"

"I am Ma-"


Called out a voice behind him, turning around for the source of the voice, it was that same annoying trade guy.

Can I have my lunch in peace? Please!..

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