Pokemon : Reincarnated into pokemon world as a Fanfic

Chapter 5: First Family Dinner 2

After the small conversation dinner arrived. It was very luxurious with looks quantity was also huge. In this word humans are much sturdier and they eat a lot more than earth. Eventhough food from here will give you much energy than the earth they still eat lot more here.

"So Reiss now your 5th birthday is coming near so which pokemon are you planning to choose as a starter "

Mother curiosly asked to Reiss

" I will choose chimchar "

Well that was very obvious answer. Currently most popular pokemon in the kingdom is infernape. From the three champion pokemons of the kingdom. Tortera which is in possession of the old king. Empoleon which is in possession of the Grand Master Aurnames who is currently the most strongest man in this kingdom and Infernape is in the possession of current king even though grand master is the strongest pokemon master present in this kingdom infernape is the most powerful pokemon present in this kingdom.

First prince and Second prince one of them is going to inherit the king also had infernape as straters and not only that my father also had infernape as starter.

If we are comparing pokemons with only types in this kingdom fire pokemons have advantage in most of it and they are very good as straters so chimchar is popular choice among son's and daughter's of count and above ranking nobels and royals.

Below this there is no chance of getting chimchar as starter many times even counts find it difficult to get one.

These people can get chimchar by performing very good deeds towards kingdom and then they can give it to there kids or can use on there own to increase there power and most of them prefer second choice as power of there own comes first and infernape is very good choice.

After 5 years everyone choose there starters and they don't start there journey after that but wait until 10 years increasing there power so that they can survive harsh word but it is not much popular choice currently to become a pokemon adventure but most of them try to become pokemon knights in the kingdom. It is much safe position and most people earn a lot there and they are also respected everywhere.

There are many small schools present in the kingdom which teach them basics of the world, knowledge regarding pokemons, how to survive in different conditions. This happens between 5-10 years. After this they have a choice of applying for a college to become a knight which is again 10-15 years. After graduation they can become knight. Or they can just travel after 10 years or join some other study professions or just do whatever they want. But kingdom had made basic 5-10 yeras study compulsory for everyone.

"It's great choice Reiss like your father you also like infernape. But keep in mind that they are very emotional pokemon so you have to take care of them carefully"

"Don't worry mother I can take care of chimchar , I have also read many books and also consulted with Father regarding this so I am very confident"

Reiss said confidently.

Looking at Reiss I sighed secretly. Just how many people are going to have chimchar as starter there is no fun.

If a lot of strong people are choosing chimchar in the kingdom, kingdom's startegy will become pretty obvious to the enemy's kingdoms and they can overwhelme us in no time. It should be stopped as soon as possible but it is not in my hands.

To tackle this issue old king also used Tortera which is least favorite starter currently among the Royal starters as his starter and made it a champion pokemon to make it more popular but that not lasted long as new king also choose infernape again.

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