Pokemon : Reincarnated into pokemon world as a Fanfic

Chapter 6: First Family Dinner 3

Other than that infernape issue, he also consulted with father was also not much surprising.

To me father is not much approchable person. Even if he talks to me I always feel like he is assessing me and every time he gets disappointed as I always give him an average aura which is not good enough for him.

But Reiss is different he is very active in such areas. Father also likes him a lot due to his qualities and my first and second brother are wary of him as he can become obstacle in there succession.

"That's good then"

Mother smiled with satisfaction and then she looked at me with same smile and asked me

"So Rex which pokemon are you going to choose as a starter"

"I am also going to choose chimchar and become great pokemon trainer like my father and mother"

Well I also prepared this answer as it is pretty common and if I didn't gave answer or if I said I have not decided yet it will leave some curiosity in there mind which I don't want.

Mother was quite surprised by the answer but didn't comment on it.

"So both of you enjoy your day and be prepared for tomorrow's family dinner, Duke will present as usual and there your grandfather will also be present"

I was shocked after hearing that. Duke Father is the main reason family dinner is there if he is not present there is no family dinner so his presence was given, but Grandfather will also be there is quiet shocking.

My Grandfather Drase old Duke of this region and one of the champion trainers of the kingdom.

He was from the same batch of old king and Grandmaster and was also rival of them. Same as both he also chose starter different than chimchar which was scorpy and now his most powerful pokemon is Drapion which is most powerful pokemon currently present in the kingdom below champion pokemons.

Having only one evolution is one of the reason it's not yet a champion pokemon but it's on the verge of becoming a champion level pokemon.

Currently even though he was more than capable of managing the dukedom he gave it away to his first son as soon as he has shown some merits as he was not much happy with that position.

He was a adventurer from young age and he has traveled in different kingdoms and also the Empire when he was young.

It is important to note that it is officially not known how much pokemon he has which he caught outside the kingdom and there power levels and there is very high probability that he has at least one champion level pokemon.

After handing over the Duke position he again went for a adventure no one knew where he went. He comes every 5-6 years back to the duckedom to see the situation and goes to adventure again.

And I have not met him yet this will be my first meeting with him and I need to be very careful while meeting him.

"That's great Grandfather is coming, this is first time I will meet him, I want to become great pokemon trainer like my grandfather"

I said excitedly.

"You are changing your role models like you are changing your pokemons" Reiss said while teasing me.

Well that was bait for him and he took it again how smart he is now I look more naive how comfortable.

"Yes this is also my first time seeing Grandfather so I will also prepare well"

Said Reiss with serious tone.

"You don't have to be that serious, he is your grandfather not your teacher who is gonna take your exam but behave well before him he might give you some good advice which will help in your improvement.

" Ok"

We both replied at the same time. After some time our dinner was over and after greetings we went our way.

I directly went to the bedroom. I had some books prepared to read before sleeping which I started to read.

After reading one the books I went to bed. It was quite early for me going to bed but I need to be in top condition tomorrow and also to need to prepare myself to face all the family tomorrow.

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