Pokemon : Reincarnated into pokemon world as a Fanfic

Chapter 7: First Family Dinner 4

As I woke up I got freshed early and directly went to breakfast. Today I am skipping training as a I wanted to be in top condition when I go to the dinner.

Family Dinner was not just a dinner but in full day all family gathers in the house and meet with each other. As a Duke family there are a lot of complicated family struggles present in this family and no one can predict the whole dynamics of what can happen in the future but this day plays a very important part in changing dynamics. As whole family gathers if someone gets positive attention they will also get a lot of support from the family but there can be others who will try to stop them from growing as soon as possible. If someone stands in negative attention even Duke will make sure to not give him support which is very bad in this situation.

And as for me today's goal is very simple to never stand out.

I need to act as normal as possible. And this day will skip and no one will not even here my name that's the ideal condition.

As these thoughts in my mind I had my breakfast. After completing this I prepared myself to go into the main mension where the welcome ceremony of the grandfather will be held. Yes this also helds everytime grandfather comes back every family member can meet him before he goes to another adventure again. This only helds for family outsiders are not allowed on this day well if king himself comes then that is another story but as Grandfather goes to meet him personally everytime there is no point for the king to come here for visit.

As I entered walked out from the side mension which I currently live and travel to the main mension which is not so long but not much near either it takes around 5-10 mins by walking I saw many other people also walking towards it.

Now if you are curious about how actually this mensions are built so basically it is like group of mensions near each other seperated from outside by a wall and this all is Duke's home you can say.

Main mension is in the middle of this region and there are other mensions which are spread in the region. All side mensions are not similar they also have status of there own. The mensions with less distance from main mension have more status and more important people live in them than the people which live in mensions with large distance.

I live in the mension which is not much far from main mension you can say 3rd mension from main mension which is very close than other mensions this is because I am son of Duke which is current main family of this Dukedom.

Other mensions are of Dukes close brothers means Grandfathers other sons and also his brothers son. Well it is quite big family. This happens because even though they live as a side family they have more privilege than normal people so they don't leave this region with there family.

As I am walking I can see many people from side family also entering the main mension I have not yet seen main family members yet but mostly they will come later when all members gathered. I was the only outlier of main family in all this going early.

Well eventhough I look like I am standing out and other members who look at me are also whispering with each other it is common for a young boy going to a function early as he is curious and in previous family dinners also I went early so there was no reason to change it now. About the whispers I am listening I know they are pretty much about how I am lowering my own status as the timing in which you come to a function like this shows your status the people who come early have lower status than people who comes late and if a person with lower status comes later than person with more status then it is considered as a action which has dishounered the person with more status.

As I walk early not caring my status and also observing the people who are coming I enter the main mension. There are many people who were using different pokemon mounts but on a certain distance from the main mension they will not use it as it can cause disturbance hence it is not allowed. The Guards stationed near mension gates and some distance aways from it make sure it follwed.

It is very early for the function but many people have gathered here. Firstly I was not much interested in most people and don't want to talk to them as it will just make me stand out more so firstly I observed the children among them.

They were the real competitors I will be facing in near future.

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