*Note: I wish I can translate better and faster... Well, anynway, here you have another chapter, enjoy it.
One thing more, I already write 14 chapters of new fic but I won't publish it until I have 30 and 16 translate. Why? Because I want patreon to have 15 chapters in advance. This time I'm sure that the people will like the fic it was about to come in no time.
And remember to suscribe to my patreon if you want to read 15 chapters in advance. In the patreon has already two parts of the new film and the chapters are bigger than this ones.
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Have a good day :)
Erika also seemed to be quite surprised to see a Mew in front of her, however, it was completely normal because in this world seeing a Mythical Pokémon is one of the strangest things that can happen to you, even rarer than winning the lottery, basically only a few trainers in this world have ever seen a Mew, very few have ever touched one, and none have managed to catch one; at least until now.
If anyone ever caught a Mew, it wasn't recorded in history as no one was known to have catched a Mew until now, so Ash was officially the first person to catch one.
"Unfortunately it is not possible to tell how I catched her, so I'll only say that a lot of things just happened and in the end we became friends" – I said.
I can't tell anyone what happened on the island. The reason for this is that, to begin with, no one would believe me and secondly, if people found out that Team Rocket is capable of creating clones of any Pokémon... What do you think would happen? It's best to keep it a secret for the time being, as far as the authorities are concerned, I do not know if they are aware of this fact and we couldn't tell them because of the circumstances around us, so, if by any chance they are aware of this fact, it is most likely due to the other three trainers who were with us, it is possible that some of them (or all) have already informed the police about everything that happened on the island or maybe not, I have no idea and until now I had never thought about it.
"Mew!" – Mew nodded.
Although for her, Ash was like her father, after all, he was the first person ahe saw when she hatched from her egg, so, for her, Ash was not only her trainer, but also her father.
"I see... I guess everyone has their own secrets, you don't need to tell me if you don't want. I assume there must be something you can't tell me" - said Erika.
"That's right, I'm afraid there are things I can't tell anyone who isn't very close to me, although I can assure you that I have done nothing wrong, Mew and I became friends naturally and there was no kind of crime or anything illegal involved" – I said.
I clarify this because my silence could be interpreted as meaning that I could have acquired Mew through illicit acts, although thinking about it, it is impossible that this would be possible, otherwise, other people would have already tried.
"I do not doubt your moral integrity and I apologize if I have made you think otherwise" – said Erika.
I like this girl, she is polite when she has to be and does not get involved in matters that do not concern her.
"No. It was just something I wanted to say" – I said quickly.
"Ok, and now that this whole matter has been cleared up, it is time to battle. It will be a pleasure and an honor to battle a Pokémon like Mew and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity" - said Erika.
From her perspective it is almost impossible for her to face a Mew again in her entire life, so it can be said that this battle is the most special of all the ones she has battle so far.
"Ok, let's go" – I nodded.
"Let's get started, then; Vileplume use Giga Drain!" – exclaimed Erika.
Suddenly, a beam of green light headed towards Mew at an incredible speed.
"Dodge it and use Psychic!" – I said.
Quickly, Mew dodged Vileplume's attack and set out to launch her attack, however, being a newborn and lacking experience in battle, her movements were not fast and fluid enough.
"Use Protect!" – Erika exclaimed.
Quickly and before Mew's Psychic hit Vileplume, a barrier formed around him preventing Psychic's impact.
"He has Protect!" – I exclaimed.
"That's right, you're not the first trainer to try to use Psychic-type Pokémon against us" - Erika nodded.
"Thenm we will opt for another approach, Mew use Mega Punch!" – I said.
A glow of light formed around Mew who quickly headed towards Vileplume with the intention of hitting him.
"It's not a good idea to get so close to a Pokémon like Vileplume, Vileplume use Sleep Powder!" – exclaimed Erika.
Vileplume prepared to use his attack, however...
"Did you think I didn't know? Mew stop and use Nasty Plot!" – I exclaimed.
Mew stopped in her tracks causing Vileplume to miss her attack by the skin of his teeth and then, Mew closed her eyes for a few moments and suddenly, a black aura surrounded Mew which disappeared a second later.
"Mew!" – Mew exclaimed.
Now her special attack had been strengthened. I knew perfectly well that Erika would try to put me to sleep, paralyze me, or even poison me if we attacked her Vileplume directly, so I used a feint to trick her into missing her attack to take advantage and use Nasty Plot, thus strengthening Mew's special attack.
"It was a feint... I was deceived" – said Erika surprised.
But then he understood that it was obvious that someone with Ash's talent wasn't going to hit a Pokémon like his Vileplume head-on. It was complete nonsense. Too bad he realized it late and now he had let his Mew strengthen his special attack.
"Mew; use Psychic!" – I exclaimed.
"Use Protect!" – Erika exclaimed.
Erika didn't know what else to do. Vileplume wasn't as fast as Mew and now that Mew had strengthened her special attack, she wasn't sure her Vileplume could withstand a direct hit, she was also not sure that her attacks could hit Mew since the fact that she could fly and her small size gave her an absolute advantage, this battle could not be won by her.
Vileplume protected himself thus avoiding Mew's attack.
"I think it's impossible to win, we give up" – Erika said suddenly.
I was surprised by her words: Can a gym leader seriously give up in the middle of a battle?
"Are you sure, Miss Erika? If you give up and according to the rules of the Pokémon League, the winner will be Ash from Pallet Town" - Carla asked.
"I played my cards wrong, Mew has strengthened her special attack and because she can fly and due to her small size, my attacks wouldn't be able to hit her and my Vileplume's speed isn't too good, so I have lost, that is clear and I prefer to give up before my Pokémon gets hurt by my ineptitude and stubbornness" – Erika nodded.
"I didn't know that a gym leader could give up in the middle of a battle" – I said surprised.
"It's not usual, but in theory they can" – Roxanne said as she approached me.
"So... Erika, the gym leader has surrendered and therefore Mew wins the battle, therefore, Ash from Pallet Town is the winner of this battle!" – Carla said.
I couldn't believe it. I had actually won my fourth gym badge!
"Pikachu, Mew! We have won, we have won the fourth badge!" – I said with joy.
Winning a new badge always cheers my soul, It's as if my experience as a trainer is increasing; as if I'm getting stronger (figuratively speaking), I feel amazing and a sudden feeling of euphoria invades my body.
"Pika pi/Mew!" – they both said.
Then, we all hugged, including the girls, who also congratulated me on my amazing victory, although I must admit one thing, without the evolution of Bunneary to Lopunny, it would have been difficult for me to win and for that I would have had to battle with Charizard, something I didn't want to do and in the end I managed not to do.
"Congratulations for the victory, you deserve it" – said Erika.
"Thank you very much" – I said with a smile.
I was still excited, of course.
A few seconds later, Carla gave the badge to Erika and she gave it to me. I had won the Rainbow Badge!