Chapter 5: Dorms
Reagan entered her's and Astoria's dorm and left Astoria's stuff in the living room. She was going to look around then remembered that she hadn't gotten her stuff yet and left. While walking along the halls people were starting and pointing at her,
"Look it's Duke Blanc" on of them whispered
"She looks mad let's not approach her" another person whispered, Reagan was going to ignore them but she heard a kid say
"Man, I feel bad for her I mean imagine having to talk over as family head because your parents are so incompetent that they died"
The kid was laughing with his group of friends as Reagan approached him from behind, and grabbed his shoulder spinning him around and socking him in his face,
"A nobody like you doesn't deserve to talk about my parents"
Every word punctuated with a punch, the kid continued talking trash about Reagan's parents but as Reagan was about to punch him again she heard Astoria shout,
"Blanc, stop that right now!"
Reagan turned to see who was ordering her about and saw an extremely pissed Astoria,
"It's the first day of school and you've already gotten into a fight. Get off the poor man"
Astoria grabbed Reagan's arm and pulled her away from the kid who was crying and thanking Astoria over and over again for "saving him", Reagan looked towards the entrance where her younger brother was rushing towards her, with the Crown Prince
"You idiot" Lancé said while hitting Reagan on the back of her head, "it's the first day your not supposed to be fighting" Reagan rubbed the back of her head as Lancé and the Crown Prince went to help the kid. Reagan wasn't planning on speaking or interjecting when the kid she had punched was telling Astoria, Lancé and the Crown Prince what happened but when he said that he hadn't done anything and Reagan had just punched him out of nowhere Reagan scoffed,
"Stop lying you moron, you decided to insult my parents, so I punished you"
Lancé who had previously been fretting over his wounds froze,
"You what? You insulted my what?"
He asked the kid as he started backing up,
"N-n-nothing, I didn't say anything your sister is l-lying" he stuttered. Reagan decided to leave, she didn't want to see that scum anymore, she pulled her arm from Astoria's grip and left to get her stuff.
Astoria was sitting on the couch in the living while watching Reagan bring in the last of her boxes. Reagan had taken her blazer off and rolled her sleeves up, she was feeling hot after all the walking back in fourth,
"Miss Saint you should put your stuff away, I'll carry it to the bedroom but I will not unpack for you" Reagan said as she picked up Astoria's bags and carried them up the stairs and into the bedroom. The bedroom was as big as Reagan's bedroom at her mansion, but decorated very differently, the walls were a light blue and had a border of gold paint, in the middle of the room was a kings size bed with a canopy. As Reagan placed Astoria's bags on her bed she saw that on one of the walls there were two doors, and Reagan guessed that the first door led to a bathroom and the second door led to a walk-in closet,
"Wow, this room is amazing" Astoria said as she walked in, her eye's were huge and she had a face of pure amazement which Reagan found cute. After a couple of hours both Astoria and Reagan were done unpacking, and in the living room,
"I didn't think the King would go as far as have is share a bed" Astoria said. Reagan laughed,
"the King doesn't think straight sometimes, and honestly I don't know what you were expecting I mean he literally had us get engaged because he found it convenient"
Astoria looked at Reagan with a displeased look on her face,
"Reagan, I wasn't expecting to get engaged. I am just 19, but just like the King, I too think that this engagement is convenient, but as long as we are engaged and you are my protector, then you are not allowed to attack anyone, you seriously hurt the kid you attacked early today".
Reagan wanted to protest but she couldn't because the King had ordered her to protect the Saint and that also meant listening to the Saints orders. Reagan bite her tongue and responded by saying,
"I understand Miss Saint, but if you are in any danger and I deem it necessary to fight I will" Reagan bowed and left but not before saying
"Dinner is at six o'clock, don't be late."