Reincarnated into my hero academia with the mochi mochi no mi.

Chapter 1: I died I guess

"Hey David I'm going to go home now, it's getting kind of late"

"Alright, see you tomorrow Isaac"

I walked out of my best friend's house, tired and drunk. Probably not my best idea because of how far his house was from mine, but hopefully I'll be fine. I got in my red 2015 Chevy Silverado 1500 and started it up, and then pulled out of the drive way. The moment I started to turn the corner at the end of the street, I saw a pair bright lights closing in fast. There was also a loud honking sound and I think someone was yelling as well.

"Hey what's tha-"


Darkness, that's the first thing I wake up to, and a light humming sound coming from my left. I try to turn my head towards the sound but I find out the I cannot move whatsoever. In fact, I can't feel anything either, not the ground, nor the feeling of clothes on my skin. "Hello my child", Said a loud powerful voice that sounded neither female or male.

"I am sorry to say but, you are dead"

"Huh? Where am I, who are you? What do you mean I'm dead"

"You are in space, or whatever you humans call it now. And I can be considered what your people call a God"

"Wait a second, what do you mean I'm in space I was just - Oh I understand it now, the bright lights and honking sounds, I really am dead aren't I"

"Yes, I'm sorry but you were not supposed to die yet. You were supposed to die at the age of 79 from an explosion by a terrorist group. Unfortunately, there was a miscalculation and you died instead of the other person who crashed in to you"

I sat there, or well floated or something since I didn't have a physical body. I thought about what would happen when my parents and David find out I died. They must be devastated, "Sir, how are my parents and my friend taking this."

"They are very sad, but they will recover in time" The voice said.

"Well I guess it's good they will be fine, but what happens now?"

"Well because of your untimely death, I guess I could give you a pass to another life as compensation for dying early"

"Wait another life? You can do that?"

"Of course, I am a God after all"

" Will I keep my memories?" I said " Yes, you will, and you will be able to choose where to live your life"

OK, so if I'm gonna live another life, I have to think smart of where to go to. So places like berserk or attack on Titan would not be good. I mean, I would probably be fucked if I went there. maybe someplace like my hero academia? or comedy show like the office?

"Sir, I think I'd like to go with the my hero academia universe, if you know of it?" This was my plan, as my hero academia was a way easier place to live and then those other worlds, and I'll be able to use really cool superpowers.

" I accept your request. I will send you there, but do you want any advantages going there like choosing your power?" said the voice." But the power must be in the same power scale as the my hero academia Universe"

Hmm, what should I choose? most of my options were knocked out by that power scaling rule so maybe something from one piece would work or Naruto? Actually, I think I have a perfect idea for this.

" I would like to have the powers of the mochi mochi no mi, like Charlotte Katakuri." Charlotte Katakuri was one of my favorite one piece characters so using his ability in my hero academia would be very exciting. AND I have the knowledge of his moves that I could use there as well.

" Very well, I shall grant you those powers, however, you will awaken them the same way as normal children in that universe. At the age of four."

" Wait before you send me off can I get observation haki and armament haki with it?"

The voice chuckled, " You will have to find that out for yourself. Goodbye my child hopefully I will not see you soon."

After he said that, I saw the brightest light I have ever seen in my life, and I felt like the space around me was getting distorted. it felt like being squeezed in a tight rubber pipe. It was suffocating and I could barely breathe.

When the sensation ended, I suddenly experienced a very harsh pain, and I began to wail. I then heard a feminine voice saying "My baby looks so cute, Kenji he has your eyes and your hair color." after this another voice that sounded male said " Indeed, but he looks more like you than he does me Carla." Are these my new parents, they must be.

" What should we name him?" said Carla

" How about Gosai? It means strong-willed and talented. It should be the perfect name for our son" Carla giggled,"of course Kenji, he'll be the best and will do wonderful things when he grows up."

Gosai huh? if the meaning is what my new father said then I guess it isn't too bad of a name.

-Timeskip no justu-

After staying in the hospital for three days Kenji drove us to what I suspect to be our home. After getting out of the car Kenji helped Carla out and picked me up and walked towards the front door and opened it and walked in. He helped Carla sit down on what I guessed to be a couch for a chair and then walked away and put me in a crib. It felt pretty comfortable, and I think there was a few plushies there as well. " All right Gosai wait here for a second i'll be right back with your mother."

After saying this Kenji walked out, and I was left alone with my thoughts. So I guess the only thing I can do now is just to wait until I'm at least three to start learning more about the world and see where in the timeline I am. Hopefully I'm not the same era as the main cast, because if I am, I will have less time to prepare for All for one.

I'm planning to be a hero so that way I don't have to live my life hiding from others. And so I can make that nice cash of course. Money is a wonderful thing after all. Maybe I can even stop the canon events from happening, heh, Wouldn't that be a nice thing?

I'm getting tired though I guess it's this baby body so I'll just go to sleep and when I wake up tomorrow, I'll do some more planning on to do in the future.

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