Chapter 2: Sweet wonderful childhood
-3 years later-
" Mom do I have to go to school?"
"Yes Gosai, you need to start to make some friends"
"Hmph, only if you buy me dango sticks"
I was using the unstoppable puppy dog eyes to try to get some dango out of my mother. However, they didn't work on her. "Those eyes don't work on me like they do with your dad, now let's go get in the car so we can go.
A few months ago, I figured out I was in Okinawa, a city on the Ryukyu islands southwest of Japan. I still don't know where on the timeline I am but at least I'm not before Canon. All might is still around almost all day so he shouldn't have fought for one yet.
-Timeskip no jutsu-
We finally arrived at the kindergarten, and Mom walked me through the gates and drop me off in front of the classroom.
"I'll be back at the end of the school day, so have a wonderful time. I love you"
"Love you too mom"
After Mom walked off, I went into the classroom and saw I was the first one there, and the teacher greeted me. " Hello, my name is Takahashi Rin, your sensei, what is yours?"
"Hello Takahashi-Sensei, my name Shiramochi Gosai nice to meet you."
"Ok Shiramochi you can take a seat anywhere you classmeates should be here soon"
Just after saying that another kid came in with their parents, and I suddenly got some déjà vu from looking at them. The kid was a girl and she was blonde with yellow reptilian eyes, and when she smiled at the teacher I saw she had sharp teeth.
Her parents then walked out and she walked over to me and said, "Hello! My name is Tatsuma Ryuko, who are you?"
" I'm Shiramochi Gosai"
" My favorite hero is All Might, Whose yours?"
" I don't really have a favorite hero yet, but if I had to say, it would probably be All Might as well"
Well, I guess I know who she is now. The future number nine pro hero, Ryukyu. So now I know where in the timeline I am. I should have enough time to prepare for all for one and get powerful enough so I don't get one shotted by him. Maybe I can even defeat him before All might fights him, I mean if if have armament haki and observation haki it should be almost a guarantee to beating him.
But for now, all I can do is stay in this boring kindergarten and wait until I get my quirk until I can start training.
After thinking of this more kids started to walk in to the classroom and soon the whole classroom was full. While this was happening, I was just talking to Ryuko the whole time. It felt weird talking to a kid who is almost 24 years younger than me. Man I'm really gonna have a tough time here with them. For now I'll just stay mostly silent and listen to Ryuko ramble off about hero's and other things.
-Timeskip no jutsu-
The class was very boring with the teacher just showing us around the school and meeting up with other teachers and talking about the rules. After a while, the school day ended and I was picked up by Mom and said goodbye to Ryuko. When we got home and got in the house, Mom asked," How was the first day of school day honey?"
"It was really boring and there was no dango or mochi for lunch. But I met a new friend whose name is Tatsuma Ryuko, she was the only non-boring person to talk to."
"Well school will be fun later, after all today was only the first. And congratulations on making a new friend!"
I then went to my room and searched under my bed for the notebook that contained all the future knowledge of my hero academia. I used a translator on dads computer to write everything in Latin, which I could use the translator to turn it back to English when I wanted to review everything. I started to write all the names of the attacks that Katakuri used in his fight with Luffy so I could use them later when I got my quirk.
-1 year later-
Today was the day that I was most likely going to get my quirk. I felt excited as I would finally get to be able to use superpowers for the first time in both of my lives. A kid whose name was Suzumachi Ryota got his quirk first in our class. it wasn't that impressive though as all he could do was change the color of his skin and how it felt.
Today during recess, the other kids roped me into playing heroes versus villains. At the start, though, I was just used as the hostage that the heroes would come in save from the villain and Ryuko was one of the heroes. When one of the other kids came in running towards me after the others successfully put the villain kid in a fake jail he tripped on a rock and was about to fall down straight onto cement face first.
In that moment, everything slowed down for me. I felt something in my body change, and instinctually knew I could do something, and that something was most likely my mochi quirk coming in. I extended my arm towards where the kid was falling and yelled in my mind, 'Nagare Mochi!'.
Immediately after doing that mochi extended out of my arm and layered the ground all around the kid, and the kid himself in mochi. it stopped the kids fall and made sure he didn't get hurt.
"Woah what was that Shiramochi!" Said one of the kids. "That was epic! That must your quirk! It looks so cool!"
"Yeah It's the first time I used it, I feel like I can do anything with it!"
Then the kid who almost fell spoke, "Argh! I got some of it my mou- Oh wait this tastes so good" Some of the other kids walked up to the mochi construct, me included. One of the grabbed a piece of it and put it in his mouth. "Why are you eating that off the ground, it's probably dirty now" said a familiar voice.
It was Ryuko who said that and she walked over to us but then Takahashi-Sensei walked outside and gasped loudly. "What happened here?" I the. Explained that the kid tripped and I activated my quirk."Takahashi-sensei while we were playing heroes versus villains Shimura tripped I used my quirk to make sure he didn't get hurt from the fall"
"Oh well can you get him out of it. Then I can call your parent to let them know about your quirk awakening" I focused and retracted all the mochi around Shimura away and Sensei ended recess and told one of her fellow staff to take over the class while she called my parents. We then went to her her office and I waited while she told my parents about what happened.
After waiting for 10 minutes Mom and Dad finally got here and they were ecstatic. "Gosai I'm so proud of you!" Said dad with mom almost if not more excited. "Honey let's go celebrate and then we'll take you to the doctor the check out your quirk more"
After this my parents discussed some things with sensei that I didn't bother to listen to and we got in the car and drove to the quirk doctor.
-Timeskip no jutsu-
A tall man with a beard and a doctors coat received us at the office and took us into a room with many different diagrams and pictures.
"So, let's discuss your sons quirk, Mr. and Mrs. Shiramochi. When did your sons quirk come in and what did you see first when it happened?" the doctor sat down on a roller chair and notion to us to sit down on the three other cushion chairs there was
" Well it actually just came in today at our sons school and we don't know what it is yet." said dad." Well I guess I'll forward that question to little Shiramochi here" The doctor then leaned forward in a seat and looked at me.
" It's actually mochi which came out of my arm and I put it all over the ground, saving a kid from falling and getting hurt" I explained with excitement."Mochi, huh? can you demonstrate it to us?" I nodded and held out my hand and coated it with mochi forming a sphere. After showing him this, he wrote down some notes and handed some files over to my parents while they signed some stuff on it.
" What would you like to call your quirk?" the doctor said, looking intrigued." I'd like to call it mochi control." he then quickly wrote down the name on some papers and said," all right now your quirk is registered So this appointment should be done now"
Mom and dad then him and we walked out of the office and back to our car going home.
-Timeskip no jutsu-
Once we got home, Mom made my favorite food, Yakitori. after this, we had some dango and then celebrated by watching a movie together before I got tired and I went to bed.
Laying in bed, I thought about how tomorrow I would start training immediately and control and how much mochi I could make. I then started to think of a physical training plan that wouldn't hinder my growth while being only four.
Sleepiness finally took over and I fell asleep with a smile on my face.