Chapter 4: Extra powers?
Turns out I wasn't going to be fine, I was grounded for a week and was told to clean up the whole backyard without using my quirk. I tried to tell my parents I could clean it faster with my quirk but they made me do it without anyways no matter what I said.
I wasn't able to have my after-school battles with Ryuko either. So while I was grounded I worked more on my control by making sculptures with my mochi and trying to harden and soften it as fast as I could. On the last day of the grounding, I managed to reduce the time of going from soft mochi to hardened from 10 seconds to 6 seconds. I'm still disappointed by how slow it's taking but you know the saying, 'Rome wasn't built in a day'. I guess it applies to developing your abilities and making them stronger as well.
-1 week later-
Today I decided to try out "Mochi Shuyrugan" on her and hopefully, it'll end the fight in only one move. We walked together to the alley we had been using for all of our fights. It wasn't overly massive but still larger than the average alley. " Ok let's go, I'm finally gonna beat you today Gosai" Ryuko said while stretching. "I don't think so, you're not on my level yet."
I did some stretching as well for a minute or two and after this, we were both ready to go. I started the fight by flooding the ground with mochi to try and trap Ryuko but she quickly changed into her dragon form, which was still small enough to move comfortably in the alleyway as she was still only ten. She got up and dived towards me but I dodged by using a mochi wave to drift away while simultaneously sending fast mochi tendrils toward her.
The tendrils wrapped around her and I tried to tighten them but Ryuko brute-forced her way through the tendrils and flung broken-up rocks at me that she must have picked up before transforming. I raised a wall of mochi in front of me and then formed more mochi tendrils on my back.
"Gatoringu Mochi!"
They shot forward like bullets, with Ryuko putting up her wings to block. However, the punches broke through her defense and sent her flying, disrupting some of the mochi on the ground and sending rocks and dust flying up, clouding my vision. "Ughh, that hurt a lot," Ryuko said from behind the dust cloud, "But this is going to hurt even more!"
I felt slight pain all over my chest after she said that, but there was nothing there. I then realized that this might be observation haki. " Oh, it's game over now."
Moving backward quickly, I barely managed to put up a mochi wall when a tail smashed right where I was just a second before. She then jumped off the wall to my left and dived toward me once more, but I felt a slight pain on the right side of my body and stepped back once and she went flying into the ground again. "Missed again huh?" I said while getting ready to use Mochi Shuyrugan on her. Conjuring Mochi on my palm and compressing it into the shape of a ball, not unlike the Rasengan Naruto uses, I threw the compressed ball toward her location.
"Mochi Shuyrugan!"
The ball hit the ground beside her, and before she could dodge the ball exploded with mochi sticking her to the wall, with the ground being covered once again with more mochi. "Game over" I said while removing the mochi around her and on the ground.
"What move was that?I've never seen you use that one before." She untransformed from her dragon form and walked over to me with a puzzled expression on her face. "It was a move that I made in my backyard, It was the one that got me grounded for a week as I passed out from exhaustion after using it before."
"Well, it surely is powerful. It took only one use of it to take me down. How long did it take you?" she said while we both started to walk back to our houses." I did it only on the first try. It was surprisingly easy, other than passing out after using it."
"Well, good job, it will be useful when dealing with villains"
"That and beating you without difficulty all the time" I chuckled as we rounded another corner. "Hmph, as if you could ever beat that easily, I remember almost beating you just a few seconds before", "Oh, and by the way, how did you dodge my tail strike without seeing it?"
"Magic," I said while waving my hands. "I guess I'm not getting an answer out of you huh?" she pouted and stared at me. "Nope," I said while dragging out the p with a pop.
"Well, we're at my house now. See you tomorrow Gosai" She walked up her driveway while waving. "See ya Ryuko"
I walked away while humming sweater weather and put my hood on, covering my shaggy black hair.
-6 months later-
"Hey, Shiramochi, Tatsuma, wait for me!" Shimura yelled as he ran up to me and Ryuko. "Oh hey, what's up Shimura, whatcha want?"I said as he finally caught up with us, breathing heavily with his hands on his knees. "Um, I was wondering if you guys could help me study with finals coming up and all." He said while rubbing the back of his head.
Ryuko turned around looking at him, " Sure Shimura, do you want to meet up at Gosai's house?" He nodded and said," Yeah that's fine, only if it's okay with Shiramochi of course."
"Yeah it's fine, I don't mind. But when do you want to meet up?" I motioned for him to follow us as I began walking." After school on Saturday is good for me, is that fine for you two?"
"Okay thank you for this Shiramochi, Tatsuma." Shimura said while bowing." No problem Shimura, anything to help a classmate." said Ryuko. He thanked us again before walking off toward the route he usually took each day. Me and Ryuko then walked to our houses and started chatting about school work and what the hero rankings would look like. " Hey Gosai, do you think Endeavor will pass all might this year?" said Ryuko while looking at me. " Nah, the only way he would be able to do that is if All Might retired or something," I responded.
After a few minutes, we got to Ryuko's house and said our goodbyes. But this time I didn't go directly home and went to the forest south of Okinawa Zoo and museum. This was the place where I spent my time training my observation haki proficiency. I tied rocks on ropes to tree branches and tried to run in between them while they were being swung, blindfolded.
At first, my haki only worked for the first few rocks but after that, I couldn't detect any of them and went home extremely bruised. Over the months though, I've gotten to the point where none of the rocks were hitting me at all. So today I think I'll try and detect other people who are passing by the forest edge. I began focusing my mind and tried to extend my senses to find something. However, I felt nothing for at least 15 minutes, but after 5 more minutes, I felt a faint flicker behind me. So I started to focus on the flicker, which got brighter and clearer, and my haki became easier to use.
After another 5 minutes of sensing the light walk around, I opened my eyes and everything had a dark purple tint to it, like I had purple sunglasses on. I followed where the light was going and it turned out that the person I was sensing wasn't a person, but a cat. Yep, I was watching a cat walking around instead of a person the whole time. Well, I guess my Haki can still at least sense living things now, which will help when doing rescue work and finding hiding villains. I should be able to train it to the point of being almost immune to smoke or dust making surprise attacks on me harder.
I turned my haki back on and began looking for someone that I could sense, and I did find someone. Two, right next to each other, but it looked like one was chasing the other, and they were coming my way.
"AH, Someone help, I'm getting chased by a villain!" yelled an extremely average-looking man, crashing through the tree line. Soon followed by some who looked like a tanuki. The tanuki person had a short sword in their right hand and what looked like a lighter in the other. "Get back here you damn snitch!" said the tanuki while wildly waving his sword in the air.
I watched them go by but decided to follow them to see If I could do anything to help. The tanuki person then raised his sword above his head like he was about to slash it down, so I stretched my arm out and shot a mochi tendril forward. The tendril caught his wrist and I pulled back harshly, with the tanuki falling backward and hitting the dirt. They got up quickly, tearing the mochi, and turned to face me with insanity in their eyes and they started to leak bloodlust into the air.
I froze, the bloodlust making me feel like I could die any second. I have had lots of fights in both of my lives, drunken ones or just jiu-jitsu fights. But none of those fights prepared me for killing intent, the tanuki roared at me and ran toward me. I couldn't move even though I wanted to with all my will, my body holding me back, but right before he got to me a man in a brown trenchcoat kicked him away.
" Hey kid, you alright?" the man asked me as I nodded in answer, still in shock." Don't worry I'm a hero, Ectoplasm, I'll take down this villain and make sure he gets put behind bars." The now identified Ectoplasm then rushed toward the downed villain but he got up. The tanuki man looked at the Ectoplasm and cackled, "So the heroes finally caught up huh, but I ain't going down without a fight damn hero!" He then lit his lighter and put it over his sword, lighting it on fire. "Give up, villain, there is nowhere for you to run!" After Ectoplasm said this, he spat out a grey mud-like substance that transformed into five clones.
He and his other clones immediately rushed toward the Tanuki man and one aimed a kick at his face, but the Tanuki dodged backward and swung his flaming sword out, cutting the clone In half. He then rushed towards the other clones and started to slash wildly, cutting down 2 before another Ectoplasm jumped from a tree and kicked him in the head, knocking out the Tanuki man. Right after this, I heard sirens coming toward us and Ectoplasm pulled cuffs out of his coat and put them on the Tanuki.
He then checked the person the Tanuki was chasing, and it looked like the person fainted from fear. After this when the police got here, they brought me over to a police car and asked for my name and for my parent's phone number. So I gave them the number and they got here in just 2 minutes, with both of them running up to me and hugging me. "Oh honey are you okay!?, are you hurt?!" Mom and Dad asked me at the same time.
"I-I'm okay, not hurt at all," I replied. After giving my report of what happened to the police, Ectoplasm gave me an autograph and my parents thanked him for saving me. We then drove home and I was utterly exhausted, instantly crashing onto my bed and falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.