Re:Zero All Sins

Chapter 22: Fan

Back in the Roswaal Machine, Emilia finally came back from the capital with that of Elsa and Meili, there hair was mess.

Meili then spoke. "All that for one book".

Emilia them looked at the book, Naruto Volume 1. "Will this has been the best salker for that last 2 days, I didn't expect sus a fight over one copy".

Elsa then spoke remember one of the people kicked her into a tree, that man for all her bad luck had a divin blessing if strength. "It was the last copy the shop had for today, and you did want too read after seeing the News I am just wondering who is mysteries writer is".

Meili pouted as she fixed her messy hair. "Still, nee-sama, that was way too much trouble just for a book. We could've just waited for another batch, you know."

Emilia, flipping through the first few pages of Naruto, shook her head. "But this story is so popular! Everyone in the capital is talking about it! Even Reinhard bought a copy, and he doesn't usually read novels. I had to see what the fuss was about."

Elsa sighed, rubbing a sore spot on her back from where she had been kicked into a tree. "I still can't believe that man threw me like I was a ragdoll… He had some kind of divine blessing of strength. I'd rather fight a spirit beast than deal with those book-crazed fanatics again."

Meili giggled. "Nee-sama lost to a book nerd~"

Elsa flicked her forehead. "Hush, you little brat."

Emilia smiled as she carefully placed the book on the table in the mansion's lounge. "Well, let's see what makes this Naruto so special!"

As she opened the first page, Puck materialized on her shoulder, stretching his tiny paws. "Ooh, a new story? This should be interesting, I suppose~"

Meanwhile, in another part of the mansion, Subaru was lying on the couch, arms crossed behind his head, grinning.

[Typhon then spoke in his mind. "Hehehe, look at you, making people go crazy over a book. Are you sure you're not a witch, Subaru?"]

Subaru smirked. "I'm just getting started."

Few hours later.

Elsa then spoke grabbing the book. "That is it, that is where the Volume 1 ends, I wanna know what happens after the forest of death, who is this Orochimaru, what is his deal and why is written like Pedo".

Meili, sitting on the couch with her arms crossed, huffed. "Yeah! That guy gave me the creeps! And what's with that weird tongue thing? Gross!"

Emilia, who had just finished reading as well, looked troubled. "I don't like him either… but he's really strong. The way he fought against Anko, and how even the Third Hokage seems worried about him… he must be dangerous."

Elsa tapped her finger against the cover of the book. "Tch. And now we have to wait for the next volume? How annoying. If only we knew who the author was… I'd track them down and make them tell me the rest."

[Minerva then spoke in Subaru's mind. "Pfft, imagine if she knew the writer was sitting right next to her."]

Subaru, sitting across from them with a smug grin, barely held back his laughter. "Yeah, must be frustrating, huh? Waiting for something like that."

Elsa narrowed her eyes at him. "You sound way too amused by this, Subaru."

Meili suddenly gasped, eyes wide. "Wait! What if the next volume never comes out?! What if the author disappears or something?!"

Puck, floating lazily in the air, chuckled. "Hehehe~ That would be a tragedy, wouldn't it?"

Emilia frowned. "Don't say that, Puck! I need to know what happens next! Naruto and Sasuke… I feel like their story is just getting started!"

Subaru, now barely holding back laughter, waved his hand dismissively. "Relax, I'm sure Volume 2 will be out soon."

[Satella then whispered in his mind. "You love this, don't you?"]

Subaru smirked internally. "Oh, absolutely."

Subaru then spoke in his head. "Hey Echidna, I have question what is that spell that Roswaal use too fly".

[Echidna then spoke. "You mean Air glide, once you come too the Hanging Garden I will teach you that darling".

Minerva then spoke in his head. "Or I can teach you Yang (Light) travel".

Satella then spoke. "Or I can teach you Yin(Shadow) Step"

Pandora then spoke. "At least half of these are lost magic spells that only Roswaal and we know".]

Subaru smirked at the flood of offers in his mind. "Damn, I didn't expect to get a whole flight school in my head."

[Echidna then chuckled. "Well, aren't you lucky? But Air Glide is the safest and most stable choice. You do want to fly properly, don't you?"]

[Minerva huffed. "Tch. Why settle for something basic when you can dash through the air at high speed with Yang Travel? Way more efficient, darling."]

[Satella's voice was soft but firm. "But Yin Step lets you move through the shadows, Subaru… you can travel unseen, disappear when needed. It's… special."]

[Pandora, sounding amused, added. "Either way, these spells were lost to history. To think they're being handed to you so casually… Fate must truly adore you."]

Subaru scratched the back of his head as he walked through the halls of the mansion. "Alright, alright, I get it. I'll learn them all eventually. But for now, let's start with Air Glide. Gotta get that basic flying skill down first."

[Echidna purred in approval. "A wise decision, darling~. Now, come to the Hanging Garden tonight, and I'll give you personal lessons."]

Subaru sighed, already bracing himself for what was to come. "Somehow, I feel like 'personal lessons' means I'm going to suffer."

[Minerva cackled. "Oh, you definitely will."]

Meanwhile with Reinhard he was with Felt as they were walking he then stopped as he looked at the man Infornt of him. As it was Halibal.

Reinhard looked at as he spoke. "Halibal it has been a long time sense we last meet, how have you been old Friend".

Halibel took a slow drag from his kiseru, his golden eyes narrowing slightly as he exhaled a thin wisp of smoke. "Hmph, still as formal as ever, Sword Saint," he muttered, his tone carrying both amusement and mild exasperation. "I've been wandering, as always. But this time, I came across something interesting."

Felt, standing beside Reinhard with her arms crossed, raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And what's got a big-shot like you interested, huh?"

Halibel smirked and pulled out a well-worn copy of Naruto: Volume 1, flipping it open before tapping his clawed finger against the cover. "This. A new writer from Lugunica, but the way it's written… it's different from the usual fairytales or historical records we get around here."

Reinhard's eyes flickered toward the book, recognizing the title instantly. The same one Lord Roswaal was reading… and the same one that caused chaos in the capital bookstore.

"You're telling me you came all this way just for a book?" Reinhard asked.

Halibel chuckled. "Not just a book. The mind behind it. There's something curious about this writer, and I intend to find out who they are." His gaze sharpened as he looked directly at Reinhard. "And I have a feeling you already have an idea."

Reinhard hesitated for a brief moment, but before he could respond—

Felt scoffed. "Tch, what's with all this mystery crap? It's just a book! What, you wanna recruit the guy or something?"

Halibel chuckled, taking another drag of his pipe. "Who knows? If he's as sharp as his writing, he might just be worth meeting."

Reinhard let out a small sigh, already predicting where this was going. Looks like Subaru's little venture is attracting some strong attention…

As then he walked passed them, as Felt looked at as she spoke. "Why didn't you say you also read that book".

Roswaal then looked as he spoke. "He didn't ask".

Felt groaned in frustration. "Ugh! You knights are all the same—so damn vague!" She crossed her arms. "First, ya don't tell me that book was such a big deal, and now we run into some big-shot wolfman who's obsessed with it too?"

Reinhard just smiled gently. "I didn't think it was necessary to bring up. Besides, books don't usually interest you, Lady Felt."

Felt huffed, looking away. "Yeah, well… maybe I wanna know what happens next too, alright? That Orochi-whatever guy sounds shady as hell."

Reinhard nodded. "He is. And if Volume 2 is anything like the first, then things are only going to get more intense."

Felt narrowed her eyes at him. "Wait a minute... you already read Volume 2, didn't ya?"

Reinhard blinked, but before he could respond, Felt pointed at him. "Knew it! That's why you didn't fight over the book in the capital!"

Reinhard chuckled. "It was quite a sight. Even Lady Emilia had to struggle to get a copy."

Felt crossed her arms. "Tch, now I really gotta meet this author. If he's got people like you and that wolf guy all worked up, then he's gotta be something special."

Reinhard's expression remained unreadable as he gazed in the direction Halibel had walked off. Yes… Subaru is definitely attracting attention. The question is, how long before he realizes just how much?

As night fall hit, as back in Emilia camp, Subaru went too sleep, as his mind went too the Hanging Garden, as he looked around.

Subaru then looked all the witch he waved at them, as then Minerva then pointed, as he turned his head too find a Beach. ".... Ok a house was one thing but how the hell did you girls add a Beach".

Carmilla then spoke looking. "D-do y-you not like it".

Subaru looked at Carmilla a as he moved his hand. "No no it ok".

Pandora then spoke looking at him. "Do remember, that this is basically a mental space for all us darling~".

Echidna then went him, as she uses Air Glide, Minerva then dash with to him with Yin Travel as Satella came behind out his shadow with Yang Travel, as they spoke together, even surprising eachother. "So what do you want too learn first Love".

Subaru blinked at the three witches before him, momentarily caught off guard by their synchronized words. He then chuckled, shaking his head. "Jeez, you guys are getting too in sync."

Minerva crossed her arms, huffing. "Well, someone needs to teach you proper travel magic before you go flying off and breaking every bone in your body!"

Echidna smirked. "Air Glide is the most practical. It's similar to Roswaal's method and relies on precise mana control rather than brute force."

Satella, still half-emerging from his shadow, smiled softly. "Yang Step lets you move between shadows. It's fast and makes you harder to track."

Minerva grinned. "And my Yin Travel is just pure speed. Perfect for dashing across long distances instantly."

Subaru sighed, rubbing his temples. "Great… So I have to pick between 'floating in the air,' 'turning into a ninja,' or 'zooming like a lightning bolt.'"

Pandora giggled from the side. "Or~ you could be ambitious and learn all three."

Subaru gave her a deadpan look. "Yeah, because that won't kill me."

Echidna adjusted her glasses. "It would be overwhelming to master them all at once. However… learning the basics of each is possible."

Subaru sighed, stretching his arms. "Fine. I'll start with Air Glide. Roswaal's been showing off with that one for too long."

Echidna smirked. "A wise choice. Let's begin, darling."

As she began the lesson, Minerva and Satella exchanged glances. If Subaru thought learning one spell was overwhelming, he had no idea what he was in for.

Typhon then spoke Looking at them. "You tree are too jealous of eachother over Big brother, teach him the basics and then see which one he likes".

Daphne looked at Typhon as she spoke. "How is the child the most level head out all of us".

Sekhmet then spoke as she yawn. "Probably because she only sees Subaru as a Big Brother, unlike us who seem as our lover".

Subaru coughed, nearly choking on nothing. "Oi, oi, can we not turn every magic lesson into a debate about my love life?"

Typhon grinned mischievously. "Big Brother, you're the one making it complicated~."

Daphne chuckled. "She's not wrong."

Sekhmet lazily waved a hand. "Well, whatever. Just don't take too long. I wanna see if you crash mid-air when you try Air Glide."

Subaru narrowed his eyes. "...Do you guys want me to fail?"

Echidna smirked, summoning a floating magic circle. "Less complaining, more learning, darling."

Subaru sighed and turned toward her. "Fine. Let's get this over with."

Meanwhile, Pandora leaned against a palm tree at the mental beach, watching with amusement. "I have a feeling this will be very entertaining."

Subaru took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself. "Alright, let's start with Air Glide first. If Roswaal can use it, I should be able to get the hang of it, right?"

Echidna nodded, her smirk never fading. "A simple concept, but difficult to master. Air Glide requires precise mana control and a deep understanding of wind attributes. First, try gathering mana beneath your feet—imagine it as a platform of air supporting you."

Subaru concentrated, feeling the mana flow within him. He tried pushing it downward, forming a cushion of air beneath his feet. Slowly, his body lifted a few inches off the ground.

"Alright... I think I've got it—"

Before he could finish, the air beneath him wobbled, and Subaru suddenly flipped backward, landing face-first in the sand.

Pandora covered her mouth to suppress a giggle, while Minerva let out a laugh. "Pfft! You call that a technique?"

Subaru groaned, pushing himself up. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up... This is harder than it looks, alright?"

Satella stepped forward, her expression gentle. "Do you want to try Yin Step next? It's different from Air Glide—less about balance and more about slipping through space like a shadow."

Subaru dusted himself off. "Alright, hit me with it."

Satella raised a hand, and Subaru felt his shadow stretch unnaturally. "Focus on your destination, and imagine stepping into the darkness itself," she explained.

Subaru nodded and concentrated. Slowly, his foot sank into his own shadow, and before he knew it, he reappeared a few meters away.

"Whoa! That actually worked!" Subaru grinned.

Minerva crossed her arms, looking smug. "Alright, now it's my turn. Yang Travel is a movement technique focused on speed, using mana to reinforce the body and enhance reaction time. Unlike Air Glide or Yin Step, it's about raw acceleration."

Subaru nodded, trying to apply what he learned from the previous techniques. He channeled mana into his legs, feeling a sudden surge of power. The moment he moved—


A loud crash echoed as Subaru shot forward at an uncontrollable speed, slamming straight into a coconut tree.

Typhon burst into laughter. "Big Brother, you really suck at this!"

Daphne snickered. "At least you didn't fall out of the sky this time."

Sekhmet sighed. "So? Which one do you prefer?"

Subaru groaned from the ground. "I think... I'll need more practice before I decide."

Echidna smirked, offering him a hand. "Then let's continue. You'll master all three eventually, darling~."

As Subaru stood up, he knew one thing for sure—this was going to be a long night.

Subaru then thought. "Actually I have an why don't I fuse all Tree".

Pandora looked at him as she spoke. "Wait don't that is only 1% chance".

Subaru then thought. "Actually I have an why don't I fuse all Tree".

Pandora looked at him as she spoke. "Wait don't that is only 1% chance".

Subaru stood still, feeling the mana swirl around him. Instead of using Air Glide, Yang Step, or Yin Travel separately, he tried layering them together—letting the air support him, the shadows pull him forward, and the light reinforce his speed.

The witches braced themselves for an explosion… but nothing happened. Instead, Subaru suddenly vanished.

A gust of wind blew through the Hanging Garden, and in the next instant, he reappeared on the far end of the beach, standing perfectly still.

The witches blinked in shock.

Pandora narrowed her eyes. "Impossible…"

Echidna adjusted her glasses, intrigued. "Fascinating… He didn't just fuse them; he synchronized their functions."

Minerva crossed her arms, looking a little annoyed. "Of course this idiot somehow pulls off a miracle move on his first try."

Subaru looked down at his body, flexing his fingers as he processed what had just happened. "Huh… that actually worked."

Satella approached him with a warm smile. "Subaru, do you feel anything strange?"

Subaru thought for a moment before shaking his head. "Nope. If anything, I feel… lighter?"

Sekhmet yawned. "Well, congrats, you just created a new lost magic technique. What are you going to call it?"

Subaru paused, then smirked. "How about… Phantom Stride?"

The witches exchanged glances, considering the name.

Pandora sighed. "I hate to admit it, but it fits."

Echidna grinned. "This might be your greatest personal technique yet, Subaru. But don't get ahead of yourself—it's still unstable. You'll need practice before you can use it properly in a real battle."

Subaru nodded. "Right, right. But still, this opens up so many possibilities."

Satella smiled softly. "I'm proud of you."

Typhon jumped onto his back. "Big Bro is gonna be unstoppable!"

Subaru chuckled. "Not yet, but I'll get there. Just you wait."

As the night continued, Subaru began refining his new technique under the watchful eyes of the witches. He had taken another step forward—this time, on a path only he could walk.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones and enjoy

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