Re:Zero Flaw If

Chapter 13: The Witches Tea Party Part 2

Los was shown more visions, and all of them ended the same way.

When Rem killed Subaru, Los killed everyone in the mansion, and when Puck froze the world, Los destroyed it.

Thankfully, those had been all she had shown him, as he had seen enough even after the first.

He was brought back to the table, gasping.

"I am... nothing but a monster." He said between gasps.

Echidna looked down at him with a mix of pity and disgust.

"You would seem to be correct, in this at least."

Los looked up at her and asked,

"Are those worlds real?"

A simple sentence, but the way he said it—he was begging, pleading for it not to be the case.

Echidna shrugged in response.

"Maybe. Who can say, though?"

'Stand up. Is the one I have contracted to so pathetic that he would stay down because of a reality that may or may not exist?'

Los shook the feeling off and stood to his feet, wiping his face and looking at the witch.

"Regardless, I must keep moving. Now show me what I was brought here for."

Echidna looked surprised and then smiled.

"Why... you have surpassed my every expectation. Very well."

With this, Los felt a sudden shift and looked around.

He could see five other women standing around him now.

The first he took note of was the familiar face of Sekhmet, but the four others were unknown to him.

"To clear up any confusion, these are the Witches of Sin, and the Sekhmet you see here is not the same Sekhmet you know."

This confused Los more than it helped him, so he asked,

"So who is this Sekhmet? And the Witches of Sin are dead, right? How could they all be here?"

Echidna nodded and responded,

"This Sekhmet split off from your Sekhmet, it seems.

As for these witches, I siphoned their souls, allowing them to manifest here in my Castle of Dreams."

Los nodded.

A little dark-skinned girl wearing a wreath on her head and a white dress spoke up.

"You do know speaking of someone like they aren't present when they are is very rude... Hm!"

'Typhon, the Witch of Pride. It's been so long since I've seen her...'

Sekhmet's voice had a hint of longing in it that Los picked up on, but he didn't comment on it.

The Sekhmet in the dream world spoke up.

"Yes, especially speaking of me like you know me... Sigh."

Echidna looked at her and said,

"He knows a different version of you. A stronger, more active version—as scary as that is."

Typhon looked stunned at this and said,

"B-But Sekhmet-Onee is the strongest here already."

She seemed to think about it for a second before holding out a hand to Los.

"I can check. Here. If you are a liar, you'll be punished."

'No need for that, Typhon.'

As Sekhmet's voice filled the world of dreams, she appeared.

"Well, this is something. Now you see, Typhon?"

Typhon looked amazed.

Forgetting Los, she ran over to Sekhmet. She looked between the two rapidly.

"WOow! Two Sekhmet-Onee!"

The Sekhmet that had just arrived smiled at her and said,

"Yes, I had better do something about that before it gets too confusing."

With that, she walked over to the other Sekhmet.

The two glowed and seemed to be pulled toward each other, and with a flash of light, after which just one Sekhmet stood and walked back over to Typhon.

Los looked at her and asked,

"What was that? And how did you even get here?"

Sekhmet smiled and said,

"We are the same person, so I, as the dominant half, re-acquired my lesser half.

As for how I got here—I can appear here through our link for a short period of time.

Now, I do believe you'll want to talk to that one there."

She pointed at a girl chained up inside a coffin-centipede mabeast.

"The Witch of Gluttony, Daphne."

The centipede scuttled forward, and the girl inside seemed to wake up from a nap, saying,

"Ohhhh, it's you. You killed the whale."

She got closer and sniffed before recoiling back and saying,

"You have a most unpleasant odor about you, Los-kun."

She paused and nodded.

"I guess I'll tell you something important anyway, though."

She took a deep breath in and said,

"The bunny is near the Sanctuary."

Los deadpanned and asked,

"Just what the hell is the bunny?"

But the witch was back asleep.

The coffin she was in closed, and the centipede scuttled away.

He turned to Echidna, who explained,

"The 'bunny' is the Great Rabbit—one of the three great Mabeasts alongside the Black Serpent and the White Whale.

To its way of thinking, other living things serve only as food.

And its single desire is merely to keep satisfying that hunger until all that's left behind is a deserted field.

What makes the Great Rabbit so resilient is its viability.

A single one is capable of multiplying indefinitely.

To truly eradicate this creature, you would have to kill every one of them at exactly the same time.

That would be like trying to evaporate each raindrop as they fall from the sky simultaneously."

Los nodded and replied,

"I could do that."

Echidna shrugged and said,

"Maybe so, but you'd have to be in several places at once, so we don't know if it would work out like that."

Los nodded and thanked her.

"That's mostly all I wanted to know."

Sekhmet introduced the other witches before disappearing, waving goodbye.

His vision faded to black, and he found himself back in the ruins, being shaken awake by Subaru.

"Los, what just happened?!

We walked into the ruins, and I don't remember what happened, but I woke up and saw you passed out next to me!"

Los was about to speak, but Sekhmet's voice interrupted.

'Pretend you don't remember. It's important he doesn't have this information now.'

Los shrugged at Subaru and said,

"I can't remember either."

Subaru looked down at the ground.

"It feels like someone said something to me..."

He shrugged.

"Anyway, we should get back outside and look for Emilia and Otto."

The two walked out, and Sekhmet spoke again.

'Subaru has not met me, but he has met Echidna. However, he has no recollection as of yet.'

This confirmed Los's thoughts.

The light as they exited the ruins caught his attention, and he shielded his eyes.

Otto lay on the ground, stunned.

A flash of movement caught Los's eye, and he decided to try a new ability.

The Sloth Witch Factor allowed him to produce Unseen Hands as well as crush anybody without moving a muscle.

He got these powers from his contract with Sekhmet and could modify the level they would be applied at, though he was still not good enough with Unseen Hands for it to be useful.

Los applied the force on the moving figure who was trying to grab Subaru.

It stopped him in his tracks.

He grunted angrily and said,

"Wha tha hell is this?!"

He struggled uselessly against it, but Los just increased the output a little, and he stopped.

"Who are you, and why are you trying to attack us?"

"I'm Garfiel Tinsel, and I wasn't gonna attack ya, just rough ya up a lil and ask ya why yur just waltzin' out 'f there!

You've got some nerves, outsiders!"

Los smirked and replied,

"And you have some nerve for someone who can't move.

Now, can I release you, or will you just attack?"

Garfiel grumbled something and then said,

"I won't."

Los released the Witch Factor, and Garfiel stood up straight and shook himself out.

"I know you two aren't bad people, but I'm the Shield of the Sanctuary, and if yur up t' no gud, I've got t' kick ya out."

Los nodded and said,

"Me and Subaru got lost in the forest.

We saw this little girl who had pink hair and white robes, and we followed her.

We came out here and decided to go inside those ruins."

Subaru, who had been looking at Garfiel this whole time, said,

"You know Frederica, right?"

Garfiel scowled and looked at him, responding,

"Why did I hear that name coming from yur disgusting mouth?"

Subaru looked at him dumbly and said,

"Just think about it."

Garfiel stood still for a split second before saying,

"Thought about it.

Don't know."

Los jumped in and said,

"We know her as well.

She came to the mansion to take care of it for Ram, and we met her when she got there."

Time Skip

After Garfiel finally got it through his head that Los and everyone else wasn't trespassing, he made a surprising turn from angry to cheerful.

Now, he sat with them in the dragon carriage being steered by Otto to where everybody in the Sanctuary lived.

The merchant was rubbing his head and said,

"I got beaten up for nothing...

What am I supposed to do with this anger?"

Garfiel leaned back and said,

"Ya nev'r shur up, do ya, trader?

I apologized, didn't I?

And besides, your friend here is strong enough to do the same to me."

"First of all, why do you call 'Hey, sorry, numbskull, I kinda jumped the gun,' an apology?!

And second, why does it matter if Los could have beaten you up if he didn't in the end?!"

Garfiel shrugged at the latter statement, but Los could tell having someone stronger than him bothered him more than that.

Garfiel looked over at where Emilia slept and said,

"And that must be her, right?

The famous silver-haired half-devil that Roswaal's helpin' out."

Subaru stood up in objection and said,

"She's a half-elf!

Don't ever call her that again!"

Garfiel waved his hands in dismissal and said,

"Don't get so work'd up about 't.

I'm just shittin' ya."

He leaned forward again, clasped his hands together, and looked as if he just had a wonderful idea.

"Do ya wanna know how it feels to be a bazomazo bein' flung back an' forth?"

He cracked his knuckles and stood up, looking at Subaru.

Los used the Witch Factor to sit him back down, and he grumbled in complaint.

Subaru looked confused and said,

"Is that a translation glitch?

If that's the case, I would like to report a bug."


Garfiel started looking around the carriage for a bug but didn't see anything.

At this point, Emilia began to wake up.

Subaru noticed this and called out,


He rushed to her side and went down on his knees beside her.

"Thank goodness you're okay!"

Emilia rubbed her eyes, still drowsy, and looked up.


She looked around the carriage and noticed Garfiel sitting at the other end of it.

She snapped up and covered Subaru's body.

"Who are you?!

Just so you know, I won't let you lay a finger on Subaru."

Subaru blushed and said,

"Hang on, Emilia-tan!

I appreciate it, but as a guy, I have mixed feelings about this!

Really, I'm fine!"

Los nodded and said,

"We've actually already been over this anyway."

Garfiel closed his eyes and rested his head on his arms behind it.

"Ye, that's right.

I ain't gonna do nothin'.

I don't want Ram givin' me h'll lat'r."

He exclaimed confidently.


Emilia blinked in surprise.

Subaru began to explain the situation to her.

Meanwhile, Los rested his head and waited for their arrival at the Sanctuary.

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