Chapter 14: The Sanctuary
Snapped out of his rest by a cold breeze, Los turned to look at Subaru and Emilia, who were poking their heads out of a window, presumably to look at the Sanctuary.
Garfiel went full tour-guide mode and began introducing everyone to the destination.
"This 's a place where a bunch 'f demi-humans with mixed blood live. We welcome you, Emilia-sama, and your escorts as well."
He said this and turned to Los with a peeved expression. Los didn't notice as he was looking at the surrounding area, where there were several run-down houses as well as demi-human onlookers.
Garfiel turned back and continued, "Roswaal likes callin' it the Sanctuary, but it ain't the kind 'f place that deserves such a nice name. Nothin' here but a hodgepodge o' halfwits. It's just a dead-end testing ground."
The dragon carriage suddenly came to a halt, and Los heard a familiar voice exclaim,
"You're back? It took you long enough."
Hearing this voice, Los got up and looked out the window to see Ram.
"Ram!" Subaru exclaimed.
Ram huffed. "What are you doing in there? Roswaal-sama wants to speak to you."
Climbing out of the back of the carriage, Los prepared to head inside, but Emilia stopped him.
"Isn't there something you should tell Ram?"
Los looked at her dumbly, and Emilia let out an exasperated sigh before turning to Ram and saying,
"Witch cultists attacked Rem. If not for Los, she would likely be dead, or worse."
Ram's eyes widened, and her calm demeanor faded as her gaze shot up to meet Los's eyes.
Los nodded, and she bowed and said, "Thank you from the bottom of my heart. If there is anything you ever need, I am truly in your debt."
Los nodded and replied, "Ok, I'm sure something will come up."
Ram stood up straight and told Garfiel, "Take the ground dragon and carriage somewhere suitable. Merchant-san, you can join us once Garf has settled this."
Garfiel looked angry at this request and said, "Is that any way t' treat me?"
Suddenly smiling, he said, "That's jus' how I like 't though."
Garfiel called Otto a cabbie and told him to follow him, which was met by indignant protest from the merchant.
Subaru stepped in to say, "What are you talking about? When me and Los were inside, you kept Emilia safe. I'm grateful."
Otto's tone changed, and he said, "W-well at least you're grateful…"
And he wandered off.
Los heard Subaru mutter, "So easy," and with that, Ram took them through the Sanctuary, where they saw worn-out buildings and several demi-humans almost hiding in between the structures.
After the short, silent walk, they arrived at where Roswaal was staying, and Ram showed them inside.
"Aaaaaaaah, Emilia-sama. Subaru-kun. Loooooos-kun. It feels like it's been soooooo very looong since I saw you."
Emilia gasped as she saw the clown's appearance. His entire body was bandaged, and his usual makeup was gone.
Subaru looked surprised at Roswaal's condition.
"I know that the letter said that you were injured, but I didn't think that it was this bad! I was going to slug you for leaving us at such a bad time, but now..."
Emilia was actually worrying over his state.
"What happened? What could have hurt you so badly?" she asked Roswaal, who smiled and replied,
"Weeell, now, Wheeeeere shall I begin?"
"Before that, just one thing."
Subaru interrupted. "The alliance with Crusch is on. And you're not going to interfere with that."
Roswaal smirked and said,
"Oh my! I am impressed with what you and Los were able to accomplish. I wouldn't daaaaaare interfere with it. Truly, you two were the once-in-a-lifetime windfall I had waited for."
Subaru looked confused and asked, "Oh, really?"
'He has been using the two of you this whole time. It is no windfall.'
Los was surprised by Sekhmet's voice, and his eyes widened. Roswaal looked at him, but Los quickly recomposed himself, and before Roswaal could ask about it, Emilia spoke up.
"Roswaal, what is this place? Since we got here... no, since we passed the barrier... I've had this anxious feeling in my chest, and I can't relax. I've heard it called the 'Sanctuary,' but it doesn't seem like one to me at all. It feels more like..."
Roswaal turned to face Emilia with a glint in his eye, completely forgetting about Los, and said,
"A witch's graveyard?"
Emilia jumped back when he said that.
Continuing, Roswaal said, "Does it seem to make far more sense for me to call it that?"
'Pah! This fool reveals the nature of Echidna's resting place so soon? I knew he was obsessed with her, but Echidna has no interest in him.'
Sekhmet's voice did not surprise Los this time, and he telepathically responded, 'What does he want with Echidna?'
Sekhmet chuckled, 'Heh, same as Echidna. He wants to bring her back. However, the version of Echidna he wants to bring back no longer exists. The one in the Castle of Dreams is a version from earlier on in her life, and she wouldn't have met Roswaal.'
Meanwhile, Emilia had asked Roswaal, "What do you mean?"
Roswaal looked at her blankly and responded, "Exactly what I said. Nothing more, and noooothing less. This was where the Witch of Greed, Echidna, met her end long ago. In my mind, it is worth calling a 'Sanctuary.'"
Los took note that he did not include his usual inflections and was dead serious when saying this but didn't comment on it.
Subaru muttered to himself, confused, "Echidna...."
Emilia noticed that Los and Subaru were in deep thought and asked, "Are you two alright?"
Los nodded, and Subaru shook his head to clear up his thoughts and replied, "Yeah, I'm fine."
Then he asked Roswaal, "Why are you overseeing a place with such a backstory?"
Roswaal laid back on his pillows.
"It is simple, really. This land has been overseen by the heads of the Mathers family for generations."
Emilia was very lost at this point and asked, "Then the Mathers family and the Witch of Greed have—"
"Echidna." Roswaal corrected softly but firmly. "When you speak of her, do use her name."
'Heh… I'm sure Echidna would rather the little elf simply not speak her name at all.'
Los frowned and replied to Sekhmet, 'She dislikes Emilia? Why?'
'That is something you can ask her if she invites you back to her tea party. I, however, have no clue.'
Roswaal continued his rant.
"The name, 'the Witch of Greed,' makes her sound so evil. That's not very nice, is it?"
'Echidna herself would tell you she is a very evil person.' Sekhmet commented, which made Los frown.
Roswaal turned and asked him, "Whaaaat is wrong, Los? Is there something I need to be made aware of?"
"Well, it just hit me. You're very fond of Echidna, it seems, which doesn't make much sense. Do you want to explain?"
Surprisingly, Ram answered in his place.
"I owe you, but do not make accusations about Roswaal-sama," she stated sternly.
Roswaal waved her off and said, "Don't be like that, Ram. I diiiiiid ask him what was on his mind."
He grinned and said, "Now, to answer your question, Los, am I not merely showing respect? The answer to your question only requires thinking—if you are capable of that."
He said this with a passive-aggressive tone, and Los balled a fist, but Roswaal merely laughed and said,
"Apologies, you are the hero who saved Crusch Karsten and my maid. I should speak to you with respect."
His eyes glinted again, and he said,
"More importantly, the three of you should know how I ended up as I am now."
He breathed in and said,
"We are all being held under house arrest here at the Sanctuary."
Emilia gasped. "So the reason that you're injured—"
Roswaal swiftly shook his head.
"No, it was not Garfiel. I was rejected by the Trial."
As he said this, Garfiel walked in.
"That's right, th' fool done tried t' pass th' Trial, but it rejected 'im. You've seen what happ'ns when ya come 'n contact with th' barrier, right?"
Emilia and Subaru looked at one another as Garfiel kept on talking.
"Mixed-bloods who go through that and still come 'n here 're nev'r allowed t' leave."
He smiled menacingly.
Los didn't react, but Subaru and Emilia both took a half-step back.
"So that means that Emilia can't leave?"
Garfiel crossed his arms.
"Yep, but th' barrier doesn't mean squat t' most people. That's pretty unfair, don't ya think? Emilia-sama?"
He asked with a mocking tone.
"The only way to break it is t' go through th' graveyard's Trial. But if any'ne who ain't a mixed-blood tries it..."
He looked at Roswaal, and everyone turned to look at him.
Garfiel continued on.
"And we only want Emilia-sama doin' the Trial. That's our demand! She must break th' barrier surrondin' th' Sanctuary! If she can't break 't, none 'f th' villagers can leave. An' you too!"
Garfiel finished talking with this and swiftly exited the building.
Otto entered, and Los waved at him, but nobody else acknowledged him.
"Now, if you do not mind, I would like to talk to Los aloooooone," Roswaal stated.
Subaru and Emilia left silently, with a mumbling Otto following close behind.
Ram stayed, but Roswaal waved her out. She bowed and left.
Once the door closed, Roswaal rummaged around his bed and produced a black book.
Los recognized it as the one Petelgeuse was holding when he killed him.
Sensing no killing intent, Los asked, "Are you a Witch Cultist?"
Roswaal shook his head.
"What they possess is an incomplete version of what I have here. Take this to the ruin you arrived at when you landed here, and you will learn of your past."
Los's eyes widened, and he looked Roswaal in the eye.
"How do you know about those ruins? And how do you know I'll learn of my past?"
Roswaal simply grinned and said,
"All I know is from the book."
With that, he handed Los the book and lay back down.
Los looked down at the black tome.
'Will this truly tell me of my past?' he thought to himself.
And with that, he began to make his way to the ruins.