Re:Zero Flaw If

Chapter 16: Return

Los arose dizzy, his head still clutched in his hands. He became aware of a voice in his head '

Los!, Los! Can you hear me? We must speak of this at once! Please respond.'

 Los's eyes widened as his memories of his time in this world collided with his memories from his own world. 'Sekhmet, what did you make of that I-I what does this mean?' '

I gather that the world you came from and Subaru's world are very different...' 

'Yeah. I can tell that much but what am I? A human? an abomination? This doesn't answer my questions. What about my other half? how has he been dormant all this time?'  he paused to let her answer

 'Starting at what you are. And there truly is no easy way to say this Los, You are a weapon. Not just a weapon but one intended to wipe out or at least entirely remove the possibility of Resistance from an entire planet.' 

'A weapon? why am I alive? and-' 

'slow down. Regarding your second question, I believe your other "half" had his entire personality, Memory, and mannerisms erased. His power's Remain in you but whatever he was is gone forever now. and your final question, I believe you are alive maybe because whoever used you wanted to retrieve you, Perhaps you are a limited resource, Alternatively it could be a rare Malfunction, seeing as the ship came back to try and destroy you.' 

Los thought about that for a moment 'Thank you Sekhmet. This is still too crazy to process, but We have bigger Problem's.' 

'Indeed. However, we cannot rule out the possibility of other Entities from your world crossing over, I will prepare for such an eventuality. In the meantime, Elsa seems to have shown her Face in the woods around the mansion, of course, it is still under my protection and she hasn't yet attacked but she seems to be well prepared and I will keep you updated.' 

'Alright, I'll go give Roswaal his book and check up on Subaru.' 

'Good Luck.' 

Time Skip

Los arrived back at Roswaal's abode and was greeted by the clown "Ooooh Looooos-Kuuuun, Pleease dooo tell what yoooou saaaaw." Los was hardly in the mood for the Clown's antics and handed him the book before he could walk out of the shack Roswaal spoke up again "Subaru went to the Trial area over there if that's who you really wanted to talk to" Los nodded and headed out. 

Arriving at the Trial Ruin Los saw Garfiel standing outside he walked up to him and asked "Where's Subaru?" He had unintentionally surprised the demi-human who Jumped and turned to face him in a battle-ready stance "WHO" S!- oh t's ya." Los tilted his head in confusion and Garfiel Pointed a thumb at the Trial room "Th' Fool's Ar' In thr'" Los nodded and took a step towards the Ruin, An Invisible field hit him with immense heat and power ripping and burning his body, He was left Gasping for air, memories of his past life filling him with fear "What the Hell is that?" he asked after recomposing himself and healing his injuries. Garfiel looked at him annoyed "Well you really are a cheatr' or whatever Subaru called ya' Anyway that's the same thing that injured Roswaal, Seems you can't take the trial like yur' bud." Los nodded and looked onward solemnly. 'Remember when I said there would be times you shouldn't Interfere?' Los nodded 'Point Taken.' 

Inside the building, Subaru had just gone through his Trial Of the Past and Emilia was waking up beside him she was softly crying and he picked her up "Emilia! Are you ok? Say something, please!" Her eyes fluttered open "Subaru?" she looked around briefly "Hold on... Right, I went in to undergo the trial..." Her eyes widened as she remembered something and her teeth chattered her eyes flitted back to Subaru. "Hey, What's wrong?" "I-I IT WASN'T ME!" "What?" "I kept telling you over and over, But you still-" Subaru's eyes widened "Emilia calm down! Just look at me ok!" "Don't Look at me like that! Just Stop it! STOP IT! IT WASN'T ME!" Subaru held her close"You're safe now and I won't let anything happen to you, I'm not going anywhere, It's alright." "FATHER! Help me... Puck..." Subaru carried her outside where Los and Garfiel Helped take her back to the house they were staying at." 

Time Skip

"She Finally Calmed Down." Said Ram who had helped put Emilia to bed "Seems like she's resting peacefully now. the aroma Hypnosis will prevent any nightmares." "Thank you, I'm sorry for the trouble." Said Subaru Ram nodded "Well, I didn't do it for you anyhow." Otto who also sat at the table spoke up "I believe there may be a way to get everyone out of the sanctuary without doing the trials." "HEH! Whatr you talking about now? that's impossible." Garfiel remarked snarkily "Just hear me out, I know those with mixed blood lose consciousness when they touch the barrier, So, why don't those of us who don't, just carry them out instead?" "Yeah, That's not a bad Idea-" Subaru began saying but was interrupted by the door opening "An Amusing Idea, But you would be better off not trying, as for me I would rather not become an empty shell of a soul." The pink-haired girl that they had seen when they first arrived had come in the door and Subaru looked at her before saying "Wait a second, You're-" Ram touched his face with a burning hot cup and burnt it "Tea's ready." Subaru stood up "Tea's Ready my ass! you almost burnt my cheek off." "Such a pathetic man you are." Ram leaned up to his ear and then said "Avoid unnecessary comments." Garfiel looked at Ram and said, "Hey, Ram how about some tea for me." Ram looked back at him blankly and said "I just brewed some leaves I found, show your gratitude by drinking every last drop." The other pink-haired individual in the room spoke up again. "Young gar I am aware you brought new people from the outside, but my what a noisy bunch." Otto then spoke up and asked her "Excuse me, but who are you miss?" the girl nodded "I am Ryuzu Vilma, it is my duty to represent this community, though I am old and frail. Subaru leaned in with a sly grin on his face "So you're a Loli-Hag? I figured I'd meet one at some point but you really fit the stereotype." the girl looked back blankly and said "We just met and you call me an old woman? well, no matter and you are Barusu." Subaru tilted his head. "what did you just call me?" Otto spoke at the same time "So Ms. Ryuzu what part of my idea makes you think it wouldn't work? What do you mean by empty shell?" "Have you not heard? When someone of mixed blood touches the barrier, it removes their consciousness, Repelling their soul." Otto frowned "I still don't get it." Subaru looked from Otto to Ryuzu "I think I get it. When a person with mixed blood attempts to force their way out of the barrier, their body remains but their soul is left behind, is that how it is?" Ryuzu nodded "Uh-Huh, You do catch on quickly, Yes when a body without a soul exits the barrier it ceases to function, for all intents and purposes, it is dead." Otto shivered and jumped when Garfiel loudly shouted "GAHHHH! Grhooooss this tea sucks!" Subaru smiled "I guess this new batch gets a thumbs down." he opened his eyes "What I don't get is why didn't you or Garfiel do the trial yourselves and end all this?" Ryuzu looked at him "If you speak only of an attempt, we could. However, we cannot free the Sanctuary. That is the contract that has been handed down among those of us who have resided here for generations." 

Time Skip

Emilia had woken up beside Subaru earlier he came to Los later to explain the situation. "She's all better but she she seems hesitant to try and attempt the trial again." Los nodded "Her past must be troubling to have caused such an effect." Subaru shrugged "I wish you could face the trial, Los, you're strong and we don't know about your past." Los grimaced "Yeah..." 'Perhaps now would be a good time to tell him you did exactly that.' Los grimaced further 'Not now... maybe not ever'.' 'I see, that's that then.' Subaru had been thinking to himself this whole time and didn't notice Los's expression which Los hid when Subaru looked back at him "I talked to Ram earlier, Seems not everyone here is in favor of freeing this place. Sound ridiculous I know, what's more, is, Frederica might be behind all this seeing as she is the one that gave that stone to Emilia." Los nodded "Definitely warrants some suspicion, but id bet she's just another pawn in that clown's game." Subaru looked surprised by this. "You never disliked Roswaal before, At least not openly, What happened?" Los shrugged "Nothing really, now is that all?" Subaru nodded and he walked away

Time Skip

Everyone stood in front of the Trial Ruins Garfiel called to Ram from the steps "Hey Ram! Why don't you come up and join us?" Ram huffed in response. Subaru looked at Garfiel "Hey so do you like... Have a thing for Ram or something?" Garfiel smirked "Heh-heh well she's hot ain't she? There's nothing unusual about a guy liking a strong Girl who knows how to handle herself. I hope this works out better than the last time." Subaru thought for a moment then asked "So what's the first thing you want to do once you're out?" Garfiel gritted his teeth slightly "Well that was out of nowhere. A guy like you who comes and goes as he pleases wouldn't have any idea how me and the old hag feel!" Subaru shrugged "Well then what about Frederica?" "Huh?" "What are her thoughts about people being freed from the sanctuary." "Didn't she tell you a damn thing about what's going on here?" Subaru tilted his head "Only that she couldn't tell me about it in real detail because of some oath?" Garfiel snorted "Some oath my ASS! please, talk about a handy excuse, sounds just like a damn master." Subaru frowned "So you and Frederica aren't exactly close I take it." Garfiel nodded "If you're asking if we get along the answer is nope, not at all. So anyway when you were in the graveyard yesterday-" Garfiel's sentence was cut off by crying coming from inside the ruins they all looked up to see Emilia emerge from them with her face in her palm. "Emilia!" Subaru shouted he ran in to meet her Emilia sniffled "I'm sorry... I... can't..." 

Time Skip

The next day Subaru came up to Los again. "Hey so Roswaal called me to his place last night, He told me a few concerning things but mainly he implied that Emilia may not be trustworthy." Los frowned "Well I don't know the clown's motives that is just an absurd thing to say." Subaru nodded "I know right? Emilia is just having a hard time blaming her is ridiculous." Los nodded back "Do continue." Subaru put his hand to his chin "Well he also told me to keep supporting Emilia no matter what. I don't understand it seems me doing that is something he always wants me to do, even though I'd do it without him asking anyway it's like he knows it'll happen but is nervous it won't." Los frowned thinking about the book 'Indeed the boy may have hit the nail on the head.' 'but what should I tell him?' 'Heh just see what he makes of it I see no need to comment.' Los looked up at Subaru "Sounds suspicious." he hoped such an open-ended answer would get Subaru to spill what was really on his mind. Subaru began to open his mouth but closed it and an expression of anger flashed across his face. "Alright Los that's about it, See you around." he turned and left leaving a confused Los behind 'What was that.' 'I don't know however I could tell there was something he wanted to tell you. something seemed to restrict that.' Los frowned 'What could do that?' 'Well there are about two things I can think of, a threat on someone's life or...' Sekhmet paused for dramatic effect or maybe out of surprise 'A soul-binding pact.' Los's Eyes widened 'You think Roswaal?...' 'It is merely a possibility, however, we have no way of verifying it as we don't know the conditions, if you attempt to harm Roswaal it may trigger and kill Subaru.' Los nodded 'So we have to wait and see...' He didn't like this but he had no choice. 

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