Re:Zero Flaw If

Chapter 17: Fall

Los awoke with a strange feeling in his stomach he looked around, but nothing seemed amiss in his room,m so he got up and got dressed. He stepped outside and looked around again it was a little cloudy, and there was a slight chill in the air, but nothing seemed amiss except... Quiet, Los looked around,d confused, as he walked through the Sanctuary. "Ey! it's you!" Garfiel had been walking around as well and bumped into him Los looked at him confused. "where is everybody?" Garfiel smirked "They left this mornin villagrs' and Subar,u that is." Los's eyes widened "He left EmiliaWaitit- Shit! I have to go after them!" As he said this, something caught his eye. A single snowflake drifted down and landed on his shoulder. The two of them looked up. "Huh? It don' snow here." Garfiel stated bluntly. Los looked at him, a growing sense of dread filling his body. "Indeed,d it seems this weather is magical in nature." Ryuzu Vilma stepped out from the trees." Los grimaced "Roswaal." Garfiel looked at him,im confused "Why would the other guy do this? He likes the cold or something?" Los shook his head "It would be hard to explain, but you need to get everybody to the safest place you know as fast as possible." Garfiel tilted his head. "wh-" "JUST DO IT!' Los was gritting his teeth with rage and Garfiel bit his tongue and nodded before heading off with Ryuzu to gather the villagers. L os, on the other hand, headed out to face the white Rabbit. 


Subaru thought about the events of the last day. Roswaal had called him in and told him that he had buried the witch cult to massacre the village. Subaru would have told Los, but Roswaal told him that if he attempted to tell anybody, he would be killed. This was due to a convoluted pact he had been tricked into. Roswaal had been gracious enough to explain, "Yoooou agreed to help Emilia correct? You solemnly vowed. Because of this, if you tell Los about this, and I find out, I will kill Emilia. Therefore, since you know this, telling Los will be equivalent to harming Emili, which would break your oath and make your soul forfeit." The clown smiled, and Subaru returned to the present. He clenched a fist and made another,v ow, "Some day I'm gonna kick that clown's ass." "What was that, Natsuki-san!?" called Otto, who was driving the carriage Subaru rode in "Nothing, Otto!" Subaru thought back at another thing that he had been told by Ram this time,e "If you worry about confronting Frederica, You should go to Beatrice and tell her exactly this: 'Roswaal said to ask the question' when Ms. Beatrice hears you say those exact words, everything will change. that's what Master Roswaal said to me." Subaru thought about this, but since Rem was still at the mansion he hoped he wouldn't need Beatrice. he held up a blue crystal given to him by Garfiel he was supposed to give it to Frederica he looked it over before safely stashing it back in his pocket and leaning back in his chair to get some rest.


He arrived in an open field he had talked to Sekhmet earlier and told her to get to Subaru before something happened so hopefully things would go alright but for now he had to focus on this. A pair of red eyes rose above the crest of a snow-covered hill Los grimaced as countless more pairs of eyes also appeared covering as far as the eye could see. He crackled with Red energy as he aimed to destroy all the Rabbits at once, a fan of energy blasted out from his palms leveling the landscape he lowered his arms, and as the dust settled he clicked his tongue a single rabbit stood unscathed he crackled with black and white energy, a pure "red' attack has travel time and would be too slow to stop the rabbit from duplicating but with this, he could remove the space the rabbit occupied and instantly kill it and end the threat. He took aim and released the attack, However, nothing happened. His eyes widened and the single rabbit Exploded into millions of rabbits the wave of rabbits came crashing down on him for a moment while he collected his thoughts. He crackled red again and blasted the rabbits off him but it was no use now the rabbits were all over and were aware he could destroy them all if they came from one direction or weren't careful some were far away and most were close attacking in huge waves of biomass, wearing down his defenses and tiring him out. He didn't know why his attack had failed if it hadn't he would have ended the rabbit in a mere moment. However, it was not to be. the rabbits collected themselves constantly shifting and duplicating Los drew his sword its infinite mas collided with the surging theoretical infinite of the rabbits, unfortunately for them, the rabbits were only theoretically infinite. and were blown apart yet all around him the rabbits still swarmed he attempted to fly up above but a pillar of rabbits grabbed his legs and pulled him back down to earth (Heh heh Bunny ladder) they gnawed on him and he was in excruciating pain with no way out he slashed and exploded but there was no way this would end. 'SEKHMET! WHAT'S GOING ON?!' 'I'm going to Subaru right now but I doubt this loop is salvageable.' Los grimaced in grim acceptance and continued fighting.


Subaru stepped out from the carriage and walked out to the woods, he had to go to the bathroom as unpleasant as it was to admit. however, he was almost at the mansion and he wasn't too bothered by this minor setback. He looked around until he saw a suitable spot a nice, clearing surrounded by dense foliage he smiled and Jogged lightly towards the clearing, He tripped on something and faceplanted, silently he cursed himself for being careless he looked behind him to see a long purplish rope his vision clouded slightly and he felt a sharp pain on his stomach. He touched it and brought his hand back to his face his vision refocused and he could see dark crimson blood on his hand he gasped and choked on a mixture of bile and blood that came up from his stomach. the blood pooled out underneath him and he heard a voice "You promised didn't you? to take good care of your entrails until we met again." he looked up and saw her out of the corner of his eye. Elsa Grainheart the bowel hunter stood above him and licked her lips. She was unceremoniously ripped off her feet by something Subaru could not see she crashed into the ground in front of him a massive force seemed to push down on her, she looked at Subaru her smile never disappearing the force crushed her into a fountain of blood and he heard a second voice. "Tsk.. This is not ideal, I suppose I was a bit too late Nevertheless since I'm still here there is time to do this." a hand touched the small of his back and he felt something be removed from him "Well, you are still dead, but you can tell Los about Roswaal when you get back now." Subaru's vision faded at last and the familiar sensation of being pulled back in time filled him once more. 

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