Chapter 12: One Man Army
"Do you have to leave right now just rest a little bit?" Hermione said in a desperate tone as she watched Cain getting ready to go out to be Ghost Rider.
Cain was getting dressed, wearing the daily Ghost Rider suit. He finished putting on the bulletproof vest, looked up, and said, "You know I got to do this and I don't feel tired at all."
Hermione covered herself with the blanket as she sat up and said, "I know, but do you really have to put on the bulletproof vest?".
Cain finished putting on his leather jacket and went to the side of the bed bringing out a large duffle bag underneath that he unzipped and grabbed 2 1911 Colt silver pistols tuk them behind his back pants grabbed his Chains wrapped them and hung them on his left hip while saying "The reason I put it on is that they don't know I have a healing factor so it's a good idea for them to don't know if I have it".
Hermione looks at him as she sees the large duffel bag full of weapons and ammunition. He grabs his helmet that was in it, closes it, and puts it under the bed again.
"Is it hard for you to go out there?" Hermione said as she continued watching him as he put on his armor gloves.
Cain stopped, looked up, and said, "What do you mean". As he kneels on the side of the bed, he sees Hermione scoot close to him and says, as she is worried about him, "What I mean is Texas is the second largest state in the United States by both land area and population. It must be hard for you as it's all on your shoulders that you have to carry and I get it if you protect a city but a state that's different."
Cain put his hand on her cheek, looked into her eyes, and said in a calm tone, "It's hard, but I at least know that people are safe and criminals get what they deserve because you want to know why."
Hermione shook her head. Cain softly smiled and said next, "I need to prepare because the world is getting bigger and the supernatural are evolving. The people are getting more desperate now more than ever, and I don't want that if it will hurt someone I love".
"So yeah, it would take a toe on me, but I'd rather go down swinging helping all others than some people". Cain said in a firm tone as he meant every word he said he sees Superman as the only one going out saving the whole world while some just saving their city because later on, he'll have to do that because the power that he has inside of him isn't just here, he has to protect the whole world knowing the people will have another day seeing there friends and family again.
Hermione took his word from the heart as she noticed the world was getting bigger. She knew threats were emerging. She thought Voldemort and death eaters were bad but take the word she lived in other than the magical world. She now knows they were just ants compared she sees in the news and the encounter Cain went up against a week ago. Bigger threats are coming, and she doesn't want to be on the sidelines, knowing she has the power to fight alongside Cain.
"Later," Cain said as he brought Hermione back from her thoughts.
She looks at him as if she doesn't even know what he said. Cain caressed her cheeks and said, "Later, just for now, enjoy your life. You need it. I can see you are actually happy here, so don't do it yet. Just enjoy your life."
She was about to speak up, but she just saw Cain looking at her and said in his face don't fight back.
Cain saw her nod. He smiled and said, "Well, I got to go. Just rest a little bit, and you can go home, and later on, we can talk about us".
As he was about to get up, he was grabbing behind his head and made him look towards Hermione's eyes as she smiled and said, "I know about us already."
Cain raised his eyebrows as he smirked and said, "Really? Then, what about us then." Hermione nodded and kissed him with all the love she had.
As she finished, they leaned their forehead together, and she said, "You're, my fire that lights up the darkness for me". And softly kissing all over his face and with each kiss, she said, "Muah~My warmth~muah~My heart~Muah~My Love."
She looked up and said, "Now go out there and be the ghost rider that criminals fear," with a smile on her face.
Cain smirked and kissed her one last time. He got up and went to the window. As he was about to get through it, he looked back and saw Hermione one last time. He smiled at her, put on his helmet, and went out of the window.
"Alright, put the crates there," the worker said as he told the forklift to put it next to half a dozen crates we see people who are wearing fancy suits with a half face mask that looks like a wolf moving around doing work as they are working in a warehouse, and seeing people in the middle doing laboratory as they were creating something with cars and trucks on each wall.
The man on the forklift got off and said, "Hey Bobby, what's with all the items I thought we were hunting and why are we all gathering?".
Bobby was writing on the clipboard and said as he was busy, "We will later, but the boss called us as he spoke to the big man telling us to kill someone, Jerry."
Jerry looks around, sees people doing work, and says, "So who are we killing that we all have to cross all over the world to be here then?".
Bobby finished writing and said in a little bit of a shaky tone "Ghost Rider".
Jerry looks at him in the moment and laughs at what he is hearing right now. "Hahaha, you're saying we have to kill the ghost rider. How the hell is he going to be at all of us? He's just one man".
"Oh he ain't just a one-man"
The whole people stopped what they were doing as they saw their boss, Lionel Lorenzo Lucasta, or what people call him Alpha, walking inside the warehouse, who is wearing all black that looks like ancient times with a unique wolf mask that is carved with a unique design but what caught there attention was his eyes that show them why he was the alpha.
As he sees people stop what they are doing and watch what he says next "You don't know who he is because he's a man that will do anything that gets in his way to reach his goal and the big man doesn't like what he's doing as he is killing a lot of cartels who were working for him and so he is sick of tired hiring meats so he hired us" spreading his arms up gesturing everyone around him.
The Alpha looked around and said out loud "So he hired us! The apex predators!" People started cheering as he was calling them out. What do humans do other than having egos and being scared and cowards?
"He is done with them! He is bringing back the supernaturals putting together the high tables once more," Alpha said out loud, full of enjoyment, seeing his people cheering for what was coming. He said out loud, "The Cursed Moons are going HUNTING, SO GATHER YOUR THINGS!"
People were screaming as they ran around gathering their gear as they were going to war, and Alpha saw some of the people starting to turn into something. They started to shred their clothes as they started to change into hairy monsters.
Alpha chuckled as he walked towards a truck, got on, and told the driver to drive. As they got out, it was followed by cars, trucks, and creatures running on four.
Alpha looked up into the full moon and said to himself, "I hope you are ready, Ghost Rider because the Cursed Moons are going hunting."
Ghost Rider was in Piney Woods finishing putting out the fire in the woods as he was absorbing the fire around him while on top of a car. All around him were people in their cars. They saw something amazing as the fire was headed towards him like a flowing river.
As he absorbed all the fire, the forest was met with ashes and burned trees. It was completely silent for a little bit but was met with sirens as the firefighters and paramedics came right on time.
Ghost Rider signed as he got off of the car and looked at the back seat. He saw a kid looking at him in shock, so he gave a thumbs-up.
The kid smiled at what the ghost rider did and gave him a thumbs up, too. Ghost Rider nodded and started to walk towards his demonic motorcycle.
He looked already checking the people were safe as he saw firefighters cutting off the trees that were blocking the cars from getting out and seeing the paramedics checking everyone if they got hurt.
He got on his motorcycle and left the scene. As he was driving he noticed that today was a full moon today. He was so lost in his thoughts he didn't notice something was running in the dark forest.
He was looking at the sight of the full moon. His supernatural sense was acting up as he felt a supernatural presence close to him as he felt a heat signature that wasn't a normal human.
He stops his motorcycle, grabs his gun, and points at the woods as he senses the creature coming close to him. He pulled his pin and waited. He doesn't know what is coming but it's coming fast. He can see the shadowy figure coming closer as he is about to pull the trigger. The creature emerged out of the forest and stopped in its tracks.
Ghost Rider looks at it for a second and puts his gun back in its place. He sighed and said to himself "It's a fucking dear but what was it ru-"
A creature jumped behind the deer, tackled the ghost rider off his back, and took him to the other side of the woods, but was met with him and the creature Flipping down the Hill.
As they were flipping down the hill, they were wrestling with each other as the creature was trying to bite him. As they kept spinning, Ghost Rider used his full body and slammed the creature into a tree, which caused the creature to whale in pain as it was making noises but it was caught off as Ghost Rider was strangling it to death.
Ghost Rider can see who he is struggling with as the full moonlight gives him a good view of who he is strangling. It looks like a werewolf but different as he remembered in Harry Potter that when Professor Lupine was a werewolf, it was all skinny and bony and barely had hair, but this one was taller and had a lot of muscles showing in its hairy body.
The creature was trying to break free from the hold he was surprised at how the ghost rider had this much strength. He was trying to use his long claws to tear his flesh out as it looked like he wasn't even bothered by it, but his last attempt to break free Ghost Rider broke his neck.
Ghost Rider let go as he saw the creature slowly slide down the hill. As he was watching it, another tackled him and took him down the hill again, followed by some of the creatures behind as they jumped at him one at a time. He kept punching and kicking them off of him as he kept on falling from the hill hitting tree branches and logs.
As they finally reached the end, the creatures started tearing up his body, but he fought back as he grabbed one; using it as a shield, he took out one of his pistols and started shooting at them.
It took a while as they kept on coming. He used the creature he was holding as a shield as they cut and slashed at the creature, who was all of nothing but pain. As he finished killing the last one, he dropped his shield that was still alive wimping in pain.
He looks down and stomps on its head until it's nothing but flatted pieces. As he was finished, he was met with lights turning on as he looked around, seeing him being in a trap.
He looks around, sees cars and trucks, lights blind him a little bit, and sees people wearing nice suits with a half mask that looks like werewolf teeth holding weapons that were aiming at him. He looks behind him and sees some more of the creatures coming out of the trees, standing on their two feet, making them over seven feet tall.
He looks around slowly, not showing anything but his fist tight tightly as this is going to be complicated.
"Well, what a show, now that was gruesome," the figure said as he walked into the light it was the alpha himself who said that.
Ghost Rider looks at him for a moment as he watches him crouch down, looking at one of his own kind that Ghost Rider had killed, so he says, "So these were your little doggy that was attacking me right now."
He could hear the creatures behind him growing at him at the response he said. The Alpha got up and walked towards him and said "Now I can see why The big man wants us to kill you along with every supernatural being. Hell you healed but I don't know how your clothes are repairing themselves" Seeing right now as the ghost rider was fully held without a scratch but what surprised him was the clothes themselves were putting back together into one piece like it hadn't been ripped.
Ghost Rider looks at him for a moment. "So I got werewolves getting up in my ass then, so are we going to tango or what".
Alpha looks at him as Ghost Rider can see his eyes that look full of hate. Alpha leaned in and said, "Where are not those pathetic bony creatures? We are warriors!" Spreading his arms up as they agreed with him and howled at the same time and kept on saying, "We are smarter, faster, stronger. We are LYCANS! AND I AM THE ALPHA!!!!!"
They all made a riot. As things started to calm down, the ghost rider said out loud, "Werewolves, Lycans, what's the difference? You all look the same, nothing but dogs".
The Alpha chuckled and said, "Haha, you think you're funny". Then Ghost Rider came back saying, "I think I'm adorable."
Alpha slowly walked backward and said, "You want to play? Let's play. You can run and hide all you want, but I will find you".
Ghost Rider grabbed the Chains that were hanging on his left hip and snapped them tightly and said out loud, "Who said anything but running and hiding?".
Alpha stopped and snapped his finger, and all hell broke loose. The people start shooting at Ghost Rider, but he barely feels it as bullets keep bouncing off of him, and he hears the Lycans coming at him behind him.
He swung his chain behind him as it erupted into fire, burning the closest to him, leaving it a deep slash, and slowly, fire started spreading its whole body, burning the lycan alive.
He started swinging left and right as he used the chain, reflecting the bullet at it, thanks to them shooting at him. Some of the bullets came right back, hitting some of them, and some took cover from it.
As he was reflecting the bullet, one Lycan grabbed hold of him and threw him at one of the trucks that making the door dented. He regained his bearing and saw one of the suits point a gun at him. He was about to shoot, but Ghost Rider grabbed hold of it, turning it to the side-firing bullet, and hitting one of Lycan as it was about to ram at him, making it trip as Ghost Rider moved his body to the suit man's place and placed the suit man at his place colliding with the Lycan knocking both down.
He felt a bullet bouncing off his back. He turned and grabbed the suit man's head and bashed him into a window, making him lose his footing he grabbed the door handle and opened it as hard as he could, slamming at the suit's face and knocking him on the ground. He ripped the door off and bashed it in the suit's head, killing him.
He turned his body to the Left and swung it hard on a lycan as it was about to bite him, knocking him to the ground. He used the full force of his strength, throwing the car door as a frisbee, cutting another lycan that was about to come close to him in half.
He reached down and grabbed the knocked-down Lycan as a shield as bullets were coming at him. He took a peak seeing five of them behind the car firing at him. So he pushed his hands inside the lycan and burned him inside and threw it at the car that was covering the five people as it smacked on the car ghost rider closed his fist when he did that the lycan he put his fist inside while still having fire inside of it to explode causing the car to exploded to make a big one following some that was close to it. That he just killed half of the group.
He looks back and sees some of the lycans coming at him. He puts his left hand out towards the flaming cars using the fire he is now controlling as he hurls the fire at them and watches them burn to death.
As he was distracted, alpha took this opportunity to sneak the right side of him, hitting him hard on the stomach and making him go inside the truck. He took a minute to take a breath as he felt the punch as it broke some of his ribs.
He didn't have time to breathe as Alpha pulled his leg as hard as he could, taking him out of the car. As Ghost Rider was still in the air, Alpha grabbed his neck in the middle air. And threw him into a fiery car.
As Ghost Rider was impacted, he slid down. He looked up and saw Alpha picking up the truck and hurling at him, making him collide with the car behind him again, making both the car and truck flip back, making it into the center of the fiery cars and trucks.
Alpha was watching where he threw the truck at Ghost Rider making him go to the center of it all. He looks up as he hears a helicopter coming towards them knowing the ghost rider has caused the ruckus when he exploded the cars and trucks that attracted the noise.
He noticed the channel News was recording them now. He heard one of his people say, "What should we do, Boss".
He looked up for a moment, watching the channel News that was recording them, and said, "Let's give them a good show" he looked back, and half of his group nodded as they started shredding their clothes, turning them into Lycans.
He looks back and comes to see Ghost Rider climbing on top of the burning car standing on the rooftop as he watches his men turning into Lycans.
Ghost Rider sees all this and looks up and sees the Channel News recording all this as he is getting why they'll turn into Lycans.
"It's a good day to die huh Ghost Rider"
Ghost Rider looks back at Alpha and sees all his men completed their transformation and sees Alpha gesturing all around and says "But I ain't dying today so why don't we go all out and let the kids enjoy the show huh" As soon he finish he started transforming into something Bigger as everyone on Alpha body started to break into Bigger.
As soon he was finished, Ghost Rider was met with something he had never seen because Alpha was bigger out of all of them as he was standing on two feet, being 12 feet tall. Alpha took a big breath. He lifted his head, and he grew an extra foot. Once his head was raised, he opened his mouth and let out a thunderous roar.
As he did, trees and wind responded to him as if saying the king had come.
Ghost Rider cracked his neck and started transforming into the full rider his head erupted into flames, and the helmet melted to his skull like a metal skull protecting the real skull underneath.
Ghost Rider calls upon his chain as it flies toward his gasps. He grabbed it tightly and let out the most demonic, monstrous scream that the world had ever heard.
As he does that, the fire around him responds to him. As the fire starts circling him, it looks like whips circling wildly as it starts slashing the floors, cars, and trucks.
They both look at each other as the alpha group is growing at him, ready to rip his bones. And Ghost Rider fired going haywire as it started slashing harder and faster.
They looked at each other for a moment waiting to see who would attack first until the Channel News turned on their light until it reached the middle and both sides sped at each other in the middle as we saw Alpha and his group take a big leap showing there sharp teeth and claws with Ghost Rider at the other side jumping at the same time as them making a big spin as he pulled the full force of his chain as while the fires pulling back as it's about to whip at same time as Ghost Rider.