Chapter 13: Rider vs Lycans
Hermione took a breath as she tried straightening her hair and fixing her clothes, knowing what she had done a few hours ago and never regretting it. What she felt when she was with Cain was full of love as she had never met someone like him.
Ever since she discovered she was a witch, she had hoped that she could make some friends her age at school, she was always bullied for what she did and how she looked with her crazy hair, but it was the same as in Hogwarts. In Hogwarts, it is the same as everyone always looks at her as the know-it-all girl, but she still stands tall even when everyone is against her.
Until she met her best friend or brother, he always had her back, but at least he tried to reason with Ron Weasley, Harry's first friend. Ron is always a lazy, troublemaker, and jealous type of person as he always fights with her for every small reason.
But during the following year, when she finished her second year, her mutant-activated in the summer surprised her and her family when she was trying hard to perfect her magical spell. She has a meltdown, knowing that no matter how hard she does, she can't perfect the spell until something erupts inside her that makes her levitate the living room couch, pictures, and tables in purple magic that is all over them.
She and her family were surprised at what she did, which made her think the ministry would be at her doorstep, but they never came. She was so fascinated by this new power that she practiced it all summer. When she got back to Hogwarts, she searched all over the library to discover this new power, but she never found anything at all.
She kept this a secret when she read one book that was about wandless magic that only the pureblood can do, and she knew how they could get when muggle-born surpassed them knowing that they can't do wandless magic anymore.
Later on, there was Sirius black, a criminal who had escaped Azkaban and was coming for her best friend. She tries to reason with him as going after him is a bad idea, knowing his out for revenge for killing his parents, but she doesn't know black is after someone else, Peter Pettigrew who was the true criminal behind Harry's parents' death they thought they finally won but it was the full moon when her professor who was a cursed werewolf who attacked them following along with the dementors who were protecting the school form Sirius black, until later on as she uses a time-turner to save Buckbeak and Sirius.
Until they broke out, Sirius. She didn't know the Aurors were right behind them when they witnessed them breaking him out of his cell. They were barely holding their ground until She revealed her purple magic that dominated them.
It was too late for her when they let Sirius free, as they just witnessed a muggle-born doing wandless magic and freeing a criminal. The ministry was upset knowing she was doing wandless magic they put her to court as she tried to reason with them but who was she kidding they were all pureblood as they wanted her band from the magical world which made her take her anger out on them as she explains how everything in the ministry is corrupted and explained that muggle-born and half-blood where powerful than them as they had always been cowards as the dark Lord they fear was a half-blood and some of them where following them like little bitches and she will expose this world then.
As soon as she said that, the people didn't know what to do as they should have been upset, but as she explained, every great wizard and witch who made spells and potions was half-blood and muggle-born, along with her exposing the magical world. She looked around, seeing some of them scared that she didn't even know when she said that, but she left it at that as she walked out of the court.
So she was expelled from Hogwarts, and now she has nowhere else to go, knowing she can't learn magic until her father wants her a fresh new start. So her father and mother got a new job that was in Texas, which would be a fresh new start for her.
She thought it was going to be the same as before but she met some amazing friends that she thought. That she was going to be alone again. She felt like she could finally be herself, and living here now, she has discovered she was a mutant as there were rumors that when you hit puberty, some have an x-gene that gives you power.
Life was good until it got better as she met Cain Blaze, a man who is a mechanic slash vigilante. He was tough and confident on the outside but soft and loving on the inside. She got a job working with him along with her friends as they got to know him more and had fun working at the mechanic shop.
It was all nice talking to him as she started to know him better and flirt with him along with her friends. It was getting hard for them as they all liked him. But a few hours ago she wanted to talk to him about his story of being the Ghost Rider. It ended up in the end with her losing her virginity but she never regretted it as she fell in love with him even more.
Soon she finished fixing her clothes she opened her door and yelled: "I'm home."
She closed her house door looking around, not seeing her parents. As she walked a little weirdly, she saw a light that was in the living room.
As soon as she was in the living room, she saw her parents sitting on the couch watching the news, and she said, "Hey, Mom, Dad, what are you watching?".
Her mom looked to see her daughter had come home later and said, "Hermione dear, where have you been?" in a strict tone. She put on a nervous smile and said, "I was with my friend. I'm so sorry it will never happen again."
Hermione's Dad just sighed and smiled and moved so she could sit between them. "We're just watching the news in Piney Woods that there was a huge explosion, so you want to see it, sweetheart".
She smiled and tried to walk normally as she sat down. She heard her mom whisper in her eyes, "Will talk about this friend of yours who did that".
Hermione's face was red as she looked at her mom, seeing her with a knowing smirk at what she did. She just nodded and watched the news but she could feel her mom still looking at her.
As they continued watching the news they changed the camera to the helicopter as they saw what looked like a fight showing something shocked them seeing right now as people started turning into big werewolves with who looked like a leader talking to someone as the camera moved to see who he was talking to and seeing Ghost Rider in middle of fire just standing there watching all this was happening.
Hermione was in shock at what she was seeing as they looked tougher than Professor Lupin as he was just all bony and skinny, while what she was watching now looked wilder and angrier. She got even more surprised and scared when she saw the leader of the ground turning into the same as them but bigger and stronger than she had ever seen before as he let out a mighty roar.
Then following along was Ghost Rider turning into his Dominic fiery form as fire all around him was at his command. Letting out a scary Dominic yell that was a creepy, monstrous call.
Hermione and her parents didn't know what to say as they knew they were aliens, superheroes, and supervillains, with their daughter being a witch along with being a mutant with rumors that were true but supernatural. This is another story.
Hermione continued watching this as all hell broke loose as both sides collided with each other. But she was more worried about Cain as it was just him against all of them, but she had faith in him until something shocked her that she didn't even know what was going on anymore.
Ghost Rider slides across the floor as he rips his chain and wraps it around his hands. And brought it up his fist and said out loud, "COME ON!!".
Alpha roars at him as two of his lycans try to dodge the flaming whips as they head toward him.
As soon they clashed together, he called upon his flaming whips to separate the Lycans as they were dodging all this, it was only Ghost Rider vs. Cain a little bit, but Alpha threw the right hard hook at him, sending him across the ground.
Leading to now as two lycans escaping the flaming whips and heading towards him. As soon they came close, one went for a strike, but he dodged to the right, grabbed his arm tightly, and swung him to the other Lycan, which sent them to the tree, breaking it in half.
Ghost Rider looks back, seeing Alpha running towards him in four. So he ran as fast as he could at him. As soon they were about to meet, Alpha leaped at him, trying to tackle him, leading to Ghost Rider sliding down the floor and grabbing Alpha's leg.
As he gasps Alpha's leg, he slams him to the ground, leading him on top of him and punching him in the snot. As he was about to hit him one last time one of the Lycans tackled him from behind. Leading him to the floor as the lycan started tearing his clothes and breaking his bones.
Following along with some of the lycans who escaped from the fiery flames were all tearing him apart. As he was punching the Lycans off of him with his fiery chains of hands, he was getting angry as they all started tearing off his bones, so he called upon his flaming that was wild all around them. As soon as he controlled the flames around him. He controlled it as all the flames came together as they headed toward him, and once it collided with him, it exploded, sending some of the lycans that were still dodging flying back with the Lycans that were on him turned into ashes.
He lay there for a second and got up and looked around, just seeing 7 lycans, including Alpha, circling him remaining left.
He raised his arms and said out loud, "You want more, then come get some, you mother fucker". Waiting for one of them to attach until he heard Alpha laugh and say that it surprised him not to know he could talk, but so could he.
"Hahaha, you think this is going to be that easy We'll? You thought wrong." The Alpha stands on his feet and howls into the air.
Ghost Rider looks at him for a moment as to why he howls, but he starts hearing things until he looks around and sees some of the dead bodies that are remaining on the floor start twitching. And something happened that made him look around as all the dead bodies started getting up on some of their two feet and started healing themselves.
He said in his head, 'Zarathos, what's happening?' seeing something of them being back to normal, and he heard Zarathos say to him, 'These Lycans have weaknesses to kill them'.
'Yeah, I can see that,' He said as he looked at some of them he burned and looked like they were dead for good, and he heard Zarathos say, 'Half of them you burned with your hellfire power but the ones you killed with your hands and gun. They can get up from it. The only thing that can kill them is your hellfire or,' but Cain cut him off by finishing him by saying 'Silver.'
The people he killed with his bare hands got up and turned into Lycans. He looks around, seeing the army of Lycans when he first met them a while ago, and comes back to life growing at him.
He looked back, saw Alpha laughing, and said, "So Ghost Rider, Are you happy, and ARE YOU SCARED NOW!!!" Following as the lycans howls in the air.
Ghost Rider opens up his hands, leading the end of the chains to the floor, barely touching the ground, and he erupts them into flames that extend the chains longer.
Ghost Rider looks to the floor as the news copter light flashes on top of him and says, "No, I ain't scared." he slowly looks up and his flaming skull turning a little bit darker flames, and he says out loud, "You just MAKING ME MORE HAPPY THAT I CAN KILL YOU ALL AGAIN!!"
He swung his chains as hard as he could and wildly started whipping everywhere, some leaving a deep scratch on some of the Lycans, sending them to the ground.
Alpha saw this and ran as fast at him and punched him in his skull, grabbed his leg, and started slamming him to the ground as hard as he could, leaving the ground cracked. At his sixth slam, he threw him at one of the trees, but he didn't notice that while Ghost Rider was in the air, he wrapped his two chains around Alpha's neck. Thanks to Alpha throwing him hard, he just let gravity do the rest.
As he was about to hit the tree, he moved to the side, hitting the rock hard behind it, and pulled the chains as hard as he could, leading Alpha to slam toward the tree, knocking it down with the tree on top of him, leaving him trapped under the tree.
He looks forward to seeing all the lycans heading towards them. He looks down and concentrates as he starts feeling his chest burning and glowing. He started seeing his chest start glowing brighter. He knows he has this as a last resort, as it weakens him a little bit, and once he gathers all the hellfire energy, he lets a powerful scream.
Once he fired that, he let out a powerful hellfire coming out of his chest that burned anything in his way half of them were burned to ashes while some of them went flying away along with the news copter being pushed back by the force itself. And it doesn't end there. It stops until it reaches a mile, leaving nothing but ashes.
Alpha finally pushed off the tree that was trapping him and looked out and a massacre saw half of his men alive and the other half burned to ashes. He got angry at what he saw and looked to see Ghost Rider was distracted. He grabbed the big tree and swung it as hard as he could, like a baseball breaking the tree in half, and saw Cain breaking through the trees as he took them all down by the force of the alpha.
Alpha unwrapped the Chains around his neck as it started to heal. He was about to go attack Ghost Rider when he heard the whimper of his pack and saw them barely standing up. He knows he has a job to do, but his pack comes first, and he looks back and sees Ghost Rider getting up. He doesn't know if this man is stubborn or not but respects him even more out of all the odds. He never backs down, but he needs an escape plan until he looks up and sees the news copter come back, and he gets an idea. He looks at the remaining broken tree and throws it at the helicopter.
As Ghost Rider got up from the hard blow, he looked up and saw Alpha throwing the last piece of tree, destroying the back rotors. He looks back and sees Alpha telling his pack to retreat. He is going to chase them, but he looks back and starts seeing the helicopter falling. He made a choice. He put two fingers in his mouth and whistled loudly, calling his motorcycle.
As soon he saw his flaming motorcycle heading his way, he ran to where the helicopter was headed, jumped on a big rock, perfectly sat on his motorcycle, and started chasing after it, leaving Alpha and Pack behind.
As soon he caught up to them, he noticed it was heading towards the mountain. He grabbed his chain and started spinning it fast and said out loud, "YEEHAW," and swung his chains at the back of the rotors. As soon he noticed it wrapped up, he heated the chain and melted it to the back rotors to stay in place.
He turned around and floored it as hard as he could as it pulled the helicopter and escaped the death crash. He looks around for a safe place to crash as he is pulling the helicopter from the chain that is attached to his motorcycle now.
As he was looking around, trying to find a safe place for them to crash, he didn't know they were still recording him the whole time, and the people who were watching were worried if he was going to make it to save the people from the helicopter.
He looked back and started seeing the helicopter going down lower each minute. He looked around again and found an open space and once they were in the clear he detached his chain and sped up leaving behind the helicopter people thought that he was going to leave them but saw him pressing the brakes as he turned and slid into the ground and once it stopped he got off his motorcycle and started walking towards the fallen helicopter.
"He's going to catch us," the passenger said as she looked at Ghost Rider walking towards them, She turned to the pilot and said, "Ram him."
The pilot was about to argue, but she said out loud, "Just do it," and the pilot followed her order and headed toward him. She looked behind and said, "Eddie, get the shot now. I don't want any of this missed".
As they were getting closer, the pilot screamed, "HOLD ON TO SOMETHING!"
Ghost Rider stopped and waited as the helicopter was headed at him fast as it was about to hit him. He put his arms out and caught it as hard as he could as the weight of the helicopter pushed him back, but he dug his shoes to the ground to stop it little by little.
As soon it stops, he looks up and sees three people taking a deep breath but holding their breath as they can finally see and film up close to see the ghost rider's fiery skull.
They didn't know what to say, but he said: "You okay." They just nodded at his response as the voice held the deep of power.
Ghost Rider just nodded and said, "Let's get you out of there so I can fix your, copter." He walked to the side doors, helped them get out, and checked to see if they were hurt or not.
As he saw they were all okay, he looked at the back rotors, put his hands on them, and started to constrain them as the broken pieces started to repair themselves.
The lady looked at the cameraman and said, "Eddie, are you recording this?" he nodded at her response, and she said, "Good, keep recording This is going to be top of the news. We can finally talk to the ghost rider".
They slowly walked over to him, leaving the pilot behind as he just watched. As she got close to him, she cleared her throat and said, "Excuse me, mister Ghost Rider, sir."
He looks over his shoulder as he is still fixing their helicopter. As she knew she got his attention, she said, "Is it okay? I can ask you a question." He nodded as he was saying to go ahead.
She sighed in relief and said, "How come you want to beg a hero?". He shook his head and said," I'm not a hero; I'm just a guy doing what it takes to put bad people to the ground permanently".
When he said that, she nodded in agreement as up until now, when Ghost Rider has come out doing vigilante, there are fewer crimes now as criminals are scared that if they committed a crime, they'd be dead and broken if they encountered him.
Then she came up with the next question: "What were those you were fighting along with the other person when you came out as the fiery skulls? Are they supernaturals?".
He chuckled and said, "What do you think". She started thinking and got more scared as to what he said, meaning there are supernatural out there, and said, "Then if you know them, so does the government know, right?".
Ghost Rider just continued and said, "If the government knows, is it because they are hiding it for your safety, or is it because they're scared knowing now people will start questioning why they are not doing anything? Why do you think they want to control Superman and me and everyone who has powers".
She started thinking and said out loud, "Because they don't like people relying on them as they feel their ants now compared to you guys".
He nodded and said "The world is getting bigger and the old people like the government don't want that and they'll do whatever it takes to have power and control back and you know what" As he finished he turned around and said "Let them because it just showing all of us is that they'll show their true colors and now you good to go" and started walking towards his motorcycle.
She looked at him and said, "What about the supernatural". He looks behind and says " You let me deal with them because no one runs away from the ghost rider".
She smiled a little and watched him getting on his motorcycle. He stopped and said "Oh and one more thing" he looked back at them "This is my home and my people nothing is going to stop me from protecting them no matter what" and started leaving as he left a trail of fiery flames behind just for a second leaving three people with a smile on there faces of what he said in the end and they are thankful of what he does because he is the spirit of vengeance.