Chapter 16: Family
"The truth is..... I am Ironman"
Mr. Stark
Mr. Stark
This was all going on in the shop as Cain and Carter were enjoying their lunch while watching a new flat-screen TV, all thanks to the girl's help in the week they have been working here.
Carter just shook his head in disappointment at what Tony Stark had said to the reporters. Having seen what that man has been for years on the news, this guy is full of egos, and when he said he wanted to change, he did it again, exposing himself as Iron Man.
"Can't believe this playboy just exposed himself being a hero now people know where he lives and where he works with criminals can kidnap someone he cares about or people who work for him to get any weapons or blueprints" Carter said with full of disappointment as what he is seeing right now and now that all the people he cares about will be caught in the crossfire because of own selflessness.
Cain wanted to talk back, but Carter made a good point as Tony Stark exposed himself as being Ironman because he always sees the movies of heroes but mostly the rich people can get away with everything, but he doesn't seem to see consequences now as he is in another world people wanted to rule the world or his rogues who want nothing but blood and death. I mean, sure, Tony changes his point of view sometimes, but he will never change his attitude at all.
Carter took another bite of his burger and said to Cain that he had something on his mind when he saw him fighting those creatures. "So kid, tell me about the Werewolves and especially the big, what I guess is the leader of the group because I never counter them before because I seen those hairless bony ones before".
Cain cleaned his mouth. "They're not werewolves. There are Lycans, and they are different from the werewolves I saw in my dreams when you countered them before. They are angrier and wilder than I have ever seen, and the worst is they're not scared of dying, and now I know why they can heal themselves even when they're dead. The only thing you can kill them is silver or my hellfire".
Carter nodded at what he just heard as he saw the news. He had never seen a wild creature before, even back then, so he said the last one, "What about the bigger one? I've never seen a big creature before, and he was definitely strong to go toe to toe with you when you go full Rider".
Cain got off the hood of a car he was sitting on and started walking to throw away the trash "That big one is The Alpha I don't know much about him but I know he is strong as when he knows a weak spot on the human body as he hit my stomach so hard that I felted like my stomach was about to explode. But he smarter than he lets on because when I discovered his little hideout, it scared the hell out of me when he was doing a project".
Carter could tell that whatever the kid had discovered, it scared the hell out of him. Noticing at the end, his voice got lower, so he got up as well and threw away his trash as he said, "What you find, kid?".
Cain just leaned against the wall right next to the trash and said, "His project was called Project Curse as he was using his blood to donate to the hospital as well as using the blood mixed with chemicals to an air tank as well for people who can inhale it to make it easier."
When Carter heard it, he looked up to him, asking if he was serious, but he got a nod from him as he was confirming that what he said was true.
Carter sighed as he walked back and forth in front of Cain as he saw Carter was trying to process what he just heard. Hell, even he was trying to process what Alpha was about to do or would do.
Carter stopped, put his hands on his hips, and looked out in the distance for moments until he said to Cain, "Did he finish the project?" looking at Cain, who shook his head.
"No, when I searched the place they were in a hurry as well destroying the project in a hurry as well packing some of the crates but it looks like they weren't looking at the crates so I have got feeling they got mostly guns then the medical supplies' because of they came back from that place there'll be nothing left as I destroyed it as well the formula so it's going to be months or years to bring it up again so I hoping," he said recalling back as he destroyed the building if they ever come back to get the other crates.
Carter sighed in some relief as he was holding what he heard from the kid because what he had just heard was something he had never heard of, and it looked like these people were getting smarter.
Cain kinda smirks at what he is seeing right now as Carter's age is catching up to him because he can tell on his face that said I'm too old for this shit.
As they were about to continue doing their work, they heard Cain's phone that was on the new desks where Hermione, Annie, and Daenerys work as they manage the customers and the meetings with them.
Cain walked over and saw Rebecca calling him. So when he answered it, he said: "Hey Rebecca, you need something."
"Cain, can you come to meet me at the kid's school because Stephanie and Alex got in trouble?" she said with a fast tone. He could hear she was packing up things as she was going to the school.
When Cain heard that he had a serious face on as he had been in this world for 1 month, he started to see the kids and Rebecca as his family. Looking back through his memories he could tell all the kids were always in trouble as they defended their family when someone talked bad about them and he noticed he got sick and tired as the people who bullied them got away while they got punished but not this time as he'll make them pay if they hurt them
"Yeah, I'll be there. I'll see you soon," Cain said as he hung up the phone. He took a deep breath as his eyes flashed a fiery orange a little as he felt he wanted to burn something.
He walks back and sees he doesn't see Carter anywhere, so he goes to his office.
Once in the Carter office, he calls, "Hey Carter, can you take me to my sibling's school? It ain't that far".
Carter looks up from his computer. "Why can't you go, kid?" in confusion. Cain sighed, "Because other than bringing my motorcycle, I brought my car as when the girls come when they finish school, Peta and Mikaela can start painting my car."
As what he said was true, after dropping off Hermione, he went back home to get his car. He finished all the modeling of the car as well as the rims. He just needs a fresh paint job now.
Carter smiled as he saw the car. It just needed a paint job, and it'd be a nice race car now, so he said, "Sure, kid, let me find my keys." As soon he said that Cain looked at him in confusion about what he had just said.
He looks back at the kid "Let me guess you thought I just ride horse huh kid" Cain was about to resort but he nodded as that is what he thought he rode because he had never seen him go anywhere at all but what's the point he lives right next to the place as well having a story around a corner from here.
As Carter looks around for his keys. Cain looked around to see the pictures he had seen before and noticed back then, he had a hunch what he saw, but now those places were Gotham, Central City, and the metropolis. As he was looking around, he noticed old glasses that looked broken on a shelf, but it was weird, as he had never seen a broken glass like this before.
As he walked close to it to see it closer, he heard Carter from behind say to him, "Ah, found my keys, kid, let's go." he heard him get up from his seat and start walking close to him.
"Hey Carter, what with these glasses, man? They have a weird shape from a broken glass I've never seen before," he says. He turns around mentioning the glasses that were on the shelf.
As Carter was right next, "Well, this used to belong to my old friend Archibald Witwick,y, a captain who led the National Arctic Circle Expedition in 1897. But something happened to him back then as I hadn't seen him for a while, but when I met him again, he was acting all crazy as he saw something that he couldn't handle the pressure, so he committed suicide." he sighed in sadness, remembering the good times but it was sad of what happened to his friend.
When Cain heard that name, it felt familiar to him, but he couldn't remember it. Thanks to Zarathos, but whatever it is, he'll remember it eventually.
As they left to go drop off Cain at his sibling's school, they didn't notice in the painting booth where Cain's car was. It automatically turns on by itself. The radio started making noises until a male, dark robotic voice came out of the radio.
"Calling all Autobots"
"Calling all Autobots"
"This is Mega Razor I have found the glasses of the location of the all spark and it looks like I have an Ally from Earth who can help us"
"Wait for my call Autobots I won't let you down"
Carter stopped his truck, which is a black classic costume, a 1955 Ford F100. In front of the little kids' school.
Carter looks at Cain, who is looking at him in awe as he says, "I got to say you know how to drive because I never seen someone drift like that before".
Carter laughed. "Kid, this old timer," slapping the steering wheel, "Still got it. Even though it's old, it still runs like a beast."
Cain chuckled as he said his goodbye and started walking towards the school. As soon he got inside he saw Rebecca waiting for him.
As soon she saw him, she motioned for him to come. As they were walking towards the principal's office, they saw 5 little girls who were crying on their family's shoulders as their faces got a little bruised and scratched.
As they see this, they can see the parents glaring at them, but they ignore it as they have seen them before, as it ain't their first time seeing them.
As they went in, they were greeted by Stephanie and Alex sitting on the chair. They looked up to see them as they had cuts and bruises too, but the other kids had more than them.
"Oh, kids, are you okay?" Rebecca said as she went to check on them. She tried to see if she could fix the girl's hair as they were all messy.
Cain looks at this with no emotion as he looks at the principal. "What the hell happened." As soon as he said that, the principal was able to speak, but the parents barged in with their kids.
"It was these crazy kids that hurt our kids, that's what," a mother said out loud with an angry expression. With the parents agreeing with her.
Cain looked at them for a moment, then said, "Did I ask you, woman?" She was about to reply, but he cut her off. "No, so shut up," seeing her expression in shock at what he said.
He looks back to the principal. "What happened." The principal sat down, sighed, and explained what happened. "Well, doing lunch, Stephanie and Alex were playing around. The girls wanted to play with them, and they said no, but they insisted they wanted to play with them, which caused them to fight".
Stephanie looked up and said out loud "That's not true we were minding our own business until those girls" pointed at the girls who flinched at her loud voice "Came at us telling us we stall these new clothes as well everything that we have because we can't afford it because where orphan"
Alex backed it up "Yeah we told them our brother bought this for us with his new job but they didn't believe us because who wanted to hire an orphan" with tears in her eyes "We just wanted to be alone until one of them pulled Stephanie hair yelling that they were going to call the police and after that they where trying to beat us up".
Cain looks at the girls who fought his little sisters. As they saw him glare at them, they moved behind their parents' backs as they were afraid of him going to hit them too.
Rebecca looks at the principal "Then why did you believe that they started the fight." The principal was trying to be reasonable as the girls had gotten beat up by them more.
But Rebecca wasn't having it as it was five girls against 2, and how the hell is that reasonable?
It got worse as the parents got into an argument. They were saying that they deserved punishment as well, telling them it was true of how the hell they have new clothes and equipment they have now, not before, if they did something illegal.
Rebecca wasn't having any of it as they were trying to blame them. They were jealous as they had got more money thanks to Cain as she could finally have a break, but it looked like the parents saw them as criminals.
It was getting worse as one of the fathers pulling Stephanie out of Rebecca gasped as Rebecca tried to reach her, but the family was pushing her back. As Stephanie was being pulled by the man, she looked up and saw him raising his hand. It looked like he was about to slap her. The principal saw this as he commanded him to let go of her. But the father wasn't having it. As he was about to swing, the only thing he remembered was him on the floor, barely opening his eyes until it was nothing but darkness.
Stephanie opened her eyes as she saw Cain towing over her as he hugged her to the side. Everyone was completely silent as to what they had just seen.
Cain looks down at Stephanie and wicked at her, which puts a small smile on her face. As he looked back up again, he detached Stephanie and started walking toward the parents, which, made them back away as soon he was close to them, but the wife of the husband that is knocked out was angry as she was threatening to see what he just did.
As he was about to take another step Rebecca held him back "Don't Cain you make it worse"
The woman smuggled what she saw as she felt confident. "That's right now. I know where the kids get it from, and you step on more step I'm gonna -" but got caught off as she was knocked out by a hard punch that wasn't from Cain but was From Rebecca.
"I didn't stop him from hitting you. I stopped him because I wanted to," she said as she spat on the woman's clothes and then said, "Oh, and one more thing, they didn't get that from him. They got it from me, you bitch".
Everyone was clear now that they weren't going to win as they showed their true selves in front of the principal, who had an angry expression of not what the orphan family had just done but more like what they had just caused right now.
The principal suspended the five young kids as what he had just seen right now was proof that he was listening to the people who caused this and they thought they get away with it but not on his watch when he started being principal he always thought that the orphan kids that started the fight but now he started to question it was the other way around now.
As things were settled now, the kids and the family started to walk to their car, but one of the fathers, who wasn't having any of it, threatened he was going to sue the whole family and make them from each other in his car as the wife was telling him to stop before he makes things worse.
When Cain heard him say that, he started walking up in front of the car slowly as the man started being overconfident that he couldn't reach him in his car. Well, he was threatening Cain some more, but Cain just smirks at him about what he's about to do to his family.
"You know, what's a good thing about being a good mechanic, big man?" he started getting closer to the front of the vehicle.
The man looked at him and chuckled, "Yeah, that you know how to steal cars and tear them apart for money, huh?" acting all tough as he was in his car, full of protection from the man who had just knocked out of father a while ago.
Cain chuckled. "No, no, no, no. It's because you get to find a weak spot." he looked at the husband's wife. "You might want to move back."
As soon as he said that, the woman didn't know what he was talking about but got a feeling he was about to do something. She moved her seat back and lay down now.
The man looks at his wife, saying that he ain't going to do anything, and he looks back at Cain and starts to persuade him to do something.
Cain laughed at what he was doing until it happened so fast. Cain front kicked the car so hard on the front that it activated the airbag, causing the man in the car to scream in pain as he was pushed back.
Cain started walking back to his family car with a smirk on his face as the man behind him was still screaming in pain.
As soon he got inside the truck, he looked back at the school for a moment as everyone was mad now as they had money and they didn't show it off. He was thinking, why the hell not? Let's see their reaction when they started feeling low now when they all felt it in their whole lives.
Cain looks at the girls and smirks as the girls look at him full surprise at what he just did. They know that smirk as if he was trying to be cool, but another one is him doing something that will make other people mad or jealous or, more importantly, revenge.
But the girls each look at each other and look back at him with full smirks as they were saying let's do this.
As Cain other siblings where huddling each other as they heard the rumor of Stephanie and Alex that had been in the fight.
They looked around seeing some of the family students full of anger and the other half full of pity as the people who are angry at them take this for granted as they never get in trouble but things started to change as the principal started calling all the students over the month that have been here where actually the ones who have been the one caused the fight so they all got suspended too.
As they looked around seeing if they see their mom in the parking lot are the driver lane but they weren't expecting when they heard a loud honking noise. This got there attention as well some of the people around them.
What they were seeing right now is a big black customized Ford F-650 that looks like it could fit 12 people with a nice paint job that had red flames on the front of the truck as well as the engine was the loudest thing they heard as it can match there big brother car.
As The Big truck was right in front of them the passenger window rolled down and see there mom seating on the passenger side with a smirk on there faces.
Rebecca leans over the window "Well don't just stand there get in!" She said with joy in her voice seeing her children whose jaws dropped through the floor at what they are seeing right now but they had big smiles on their faces as the each ran to trunk and started getting inside as they're loving every second.
As she looks back she can see some of the people who are looking at the big truck in shock. But Rebecca just smiled as she rolled up the window. She looks at Cain who is driver as he looks back.
"You all good back there"
Cain and Rebecca laughing at their reaction.
She holds his right hand "I'm proud of you Cain".
He smiled and said something that will warm her heart "It was nothing mom". As he said that her eyes started to water as this was the first time Cain called her mom as with every other kids called her mom he didn't but it looks like she doesn't have to question herself that she wasn't good mother. But it looks like she was wrong and she is finally happy to hear him said that to her as he was her first kid to take care and now he the last that called her mom.
Cain smiled and started driving away as what Zarathos said enjoy your new family that this is his second chance and he ain't going to lose any one of them.