Road Of The Ghost Rider

Chapter 17: Elementals

Cain is at the front desk table flipping pages of paints he wants for his car. As he was doing that, his mind was lost somewhere else when he came back to work when he finished picking up his siblings and left with a smile on his face; seeing their reactions was priceless as the truck they got picked up on was going to be their family truck for now on.

But it wasn't that it was when he came back to work when he saw all the girls being more friendly and with Hermione in the background watching this with a smirk on her face as he didn't know what was going on. But didn't mean he wasn't loving it as they all were getting too close to him and wearing some revealing clothes like the time they met each other in the car race.

It was weirder when Carter saw this. The only thing he did was have a smirk on his face and say under his breath, "Kids these days".

So he went along with this as he was mostly used to this as they were all always flirting with him, but he has a girlfriend now, or he hopes he has, as he doesn't see any jealousy on her face when all this happens right in front of her.

"So what color do you want on your car then"

He got out of his thoughts as he felt Peta's hand that was on his arm and it looked like she was caressing his arms. She leaned closer to him as he continued to flip the pages.

He looked at the pages for a moment and said, "You know what? I'd rather have the color black as it's mostly my style, just plain black," handing the book to her.

"And nice painting you have been doing. Keep it up," He said in a compliment, as all the pages were pictures they took from the customer who loved their paint job in the week they had been here.

Peta pouted leans close to him. "But I want a paint job that'll be so special for you." Get close to his ears and whisper, "Please".

Cain looks at Peta as she leans back. He just sighed and tapped her nose. "Maybe next time, okay". And laughs at her reaction as she didn't expect him to do that.

Peta just giggled and grabbed the book. "Fine, but you owe me, mister," starting walking to her work spot where her sister was waiting on her.

"Any time and place!" He said as he called her out.

He looks back at the person behind the disk who is on the computer doing something. "So you want to tell me."

Hermione stopped what she was doing and looked at him with an innocent smile on her face. "Tell you what?".

Cain sighed as he sled his hair back. "Are you going to tell me what's going on?" meaning what just happened when he first arrived back.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," Hermione said with a smile on her face, standing up from her seat and leaning closer to him. "Could you elaborate?".

He sighed as he couldn't take it as she wasn't going to answer to him, so he turned his head to the right that was right next to Hermione. "Annie, can you tell me what's going on?".

Annie stops what she is doing and looks up as she looks at him with a surprised expression. "Why are you asking me about this".

Cain leaned close and said in a low tone, "Because you never lie to me, would you?" he leaned close to her across the desk, and she was turning red at how close he was getting.

Annie was trying so hard not to spill the beans as she was hoping someone else would help her, but she took a calm breath and looked at him straight in his eyes. "Nope, I got nothing".

Cain was in shock as every time she had something, she would spill it to him but it must be something important that she didn't want to say.

He looks to the left, seeing Daenerys leaning from her seat with her arms under her breasts as she just shook her head, knowing he was going to ask her to.

Cain walks over to her and looks at her. "You're not going to say anything too" is surprised as she ain't going to say the secret as well.

"Nope," Daenerys said with a pop as she enjoyed his suffering.

Cain slammed his head at the desk, which caused the girls to giggle at his reaction as he didn't know what was going on.

Daenerys grabbed his chin, made him look up, and said, "It's okay, you big baby. You'll figure it out later," with a flirty tone.

Cain sighed. "You know what? Keep your secret because I got to work." As soon as he said that he heard a bell that meant something had just come in. "And it looks like you got a customer".

"Oh we're not here for repair were here for the Rider"

As soon as the person said that Cain's supernatural senses were going out of the charts, he could feel the power that was following behind him like he felt it when met Zaratho's face to face.

He heard Zarathos warning him, "Cain, be careful". He felt his blood pumping fast as he wanted to release hellfire.

"Why?"Cain said in his thoughts as he was about to turn around to meet the people.

"Cause you are about to meet my Fallen brothers," Zarathos said. Cain was surprised when he heard that as he looked at the person who called him.

The person in the middle was 6'5, and he was wearing a fancy 3-piece suit which was chocolate brown and looked neatly well for him. He has brown hair that touches his shoulders as well as a beard, but he wants to get his attention because his eyes are brown, which looks like you are just seeing the woods itself.

The person on the left is wearing a fancy 3-piece suit, which is navy blue. He is 6'5 with his curly black hair, and his eyes are dark blue, like seeing the ocean.

The person on the left is wearing a 2-piece suit, which is white. He is 6'5; his hair is blonde past his shoulder that he had to ponytail, and his eyes are light blue, like seeing the sky itself.

As soon he turned fully around, all three of them were surprised or more shocked at what they were seeing like they had just seen a ghost.

Cain looks at them in confusion but keeps his guard up as he can feel the power that is rolling through them.

But the blue suit person said one word in a whisper as he saw Cain's face: "Zarathos".

Cain looks at them in surprise even more, but he lets that slide as he doesn't want to cause any trouble, but the good thing is Daenerys steps in.

"Hi," she stepped in and said, "Sorry, we don't know what you're talking about, a Rider, but are talking about the race car driver by any chance?".

The man in the middle stepped forward "Sorry lost train of thought where at my manners" he pointed at himself "My name is Arron Vale" he pointed at the blue suit person " His name is Oceanus Kaito" and pointed at the white suit person "And his name is Zephyrus Asvin" and looks back at her "And yes where looking for the Rider and I see his right there" pointed at Cain as he tightened his fists.

Cain looks over to see Hermione looking at them, but he shakes his head, saying don't do anything as soon she sees that; she knows this means danger, but she quickly hides her expression.

Daenerys looks back at Cain in confusion. "I didn't know you got fans, Cain".

As soon she said that Zephyrus chuckled as he walked over to him. "Oh no, where no his fans were more than that." he wrapped his arm around Cain's shoulder, "his family."

Oceanus steps in. "That's correct, he's our nephew. We just wanted to talk to him." he looks behind at the desk where the other ladies are. "You don't mind, do you?."

Annie was okay as she didn't see the harm of it as well as Daenerys, but Hermione was having trouble finding what to do, which the oldest people could see as well, feeling she was not a normal human.

Cain looked as he nodded as if he was alright with it, so he told the older people to walk outside. As he was about to walk out, Aaron said something that made him feel scared. "I'm sorry; what's your name again, young lady."

Hermione looks at Cain, who nods as she looks back at him. "Hermione Granger, sir."

Aaron chuckled at what he had just heard. "What do you know 2 British girls that live in Texas didn't see that coming, but do you mind coming with us because it looks like you guys are together?" he pointed at Cain and her as he could feel their emotions.

Hermione looks around, not knowing what to do, but Annie sees this as she explains to her they can handle this while she's out. From Annie's point of view, it looks like she's worried about her job, but it isn't that.

As soon as that was all over, they walked outside and started talking seriously.

"What do you want" Cain said in a harsh tone as this looks like it's about to be a fight right now.

Aaron raised his eyebrows as he was impressed that he was not showing any fear. "Well, so this is the Rider that we heard so much about, but I didn't expect we have a nephew now".

Cain steps forward. "I'm not your nephew," but he heard a chuckle coming from Oceanus.

"I'm sorry, it's funny you don't know who you really are, do you?" started circling Cain and Hermione. "When we heard from Mr.Death that there is a new Rider, we didn't know he was part of the family and her," as he examines Hermione. "You're not from around here, are you, little girl? And the accent is British, so that means you're a witch."

Hermione moves closer to Cain as she doesn't know who she is dealing with as they discover she's a witch, but she knows they're very powerful, which makes Cain scared.

Zephyrus started talking as he saw her expression "Aw calm down were not here for you were just surprised as the American witches and wizards are long gone by now"

Hermione looks at him in surprise not knowing there were American witches and wizards.

As Zephyrus sees her expression, he looks at her. "You didn't know and ever know why," he leans and says, "Mortals do what they always do, child. They kill".

Hermione squeezes Cain's hand and looks at them eyes slowly turning purple. "Who are you people?".

Aaron started slowly clapping his hands together as he was impressed by the girl's courage. "Well, you're just full of surprises along with the girls." he looked at Cain. "Where did you all first meet?".

As Cain heard him say, they were surprised about the girls as he was thinking, is there something they were seeing? He couldn't, but he got caught off when Aaron started to speak again.

"Well, young lady, we are the Fallen ones, and I think you can put those pieces together," Aaron said with a smug on his face. Hermione started putting it all together as her face started to lose color as she was facing fallen angels as well as their names and what they represented.

Aaron started to chuckle as he raised his hands. "We're not here to fight young later because he'll die so easily?" they all laughed as they saw her shaking a little bit.

When Cain saw her scared, he stepped forward, put Hermione behind him, and looked at them with his fiery eyes. Now, that looked like he could burn them with a look.

As soon they saw that, they stopped laughing, and Oceanus said in a surprised tone, "Well, you're just full of surprises, ain't yah kid? You're definitely our nephew".

"Why are you here then" Cain said as his feelings his hellfire wanted to release.

Zephyrus "We're here what we're dealing with but what we're seeing now is going to be worth it" looks around "I hope you don't disappoint us little rider because what Mr. Death said to us is going to be not today not tomorrow but someday each one of us comes out and rek havak." And started stepping back. "I hope you have what it takes to take down the Hurricane, and I like the sound of that. As you call yourself the Ghost Rider, you can call me Hurricane. I'll see you later," disappearing into the wind.

Oceanus just shook his head and taped his finger on Cain's chest. "Don't disappoint us, nephew, we've been waiting for a challenge," and started walking away as he started to turn water. "Oh yeah," he turned around one last time. "Call me Tsunami." and turned into water and started evaporating into air itself.

Cain looks back at Aaron in a serious expression. As Aaron saw this, he said, "You're not afraid of them, are you, nephew."

"Oh, I'm afraid of them, alright, but mostly afraid of you more," Cain said as he expressed what he was seeing right now in front of him.

Aaron smiled. "Really?" as he saw Cain nod his head. "And why should you be afraid of me then?".

"Well, besides water, air, and fire, everyone should be worried about Earth itself as the name stated it," Cain said as he explained why he should be afraid of him because the person in front of him can shake the world itself more like destroy it.

"Hahaha you know not many people care about having the power of the earth because it's lame they just like flashy things but they don't know the power behind it but don't you kid" he walked closer to him and looked him in his eyes "Mr.Death was right this was going to be a happy reunion" and started walking away.

Cain looked at him for a moment and heard that name again, Mr.Death, so he said out loud," Who is he!!!".

Aaron looked back. "Who, Mr.Death?" and saw Cain nod his head. "Well, kid, I'll tell you this: he earned our respect as he locked up the original Death who made others who had the title of the name fear him because he's the only one stuck between life and death. And the only mortal who earned our respect he's the most dangerous person who ever walked the earth".

Cain took the information in his head, but he had one thing on his mind. Hermione said it first as she took a little courage now: "Why do you want to fight? I thought even angel who are fallen still stands as warriors".

Aaron looked one last time and said, "That's what people say as we follow God, but the truth is warriors command respect through their character and integrity." And started walking away. "That's just loads of bullshit because those are just the pretend pantheon gods who barely do shit and want respect in return. We're fighters who often use our skills to intimidate and dominate others that is true respect is earned through demonstrating honor, fairness, and compassion in both victory and defeat. That's why we like a challenge" and letting the sand sucked him underground now.

As soon the fallen were gone Cain took a deep breath of what he was holding. He looks at Hermione and sees her barely holding on.

He took a step and embraced her into a hug that melted. She didn't know what to do as she had never encountered them before, but what she felt like was like she was an aunt compared to a god.

She feels now Voldemort is a child playing compared to them and this Mr.Death fellow as he earned their respect and locked up Death himself. This is a whole another level.

"You okay, Babe?" he hugged her tightly, his chin on top of her head. As he felt her nod, he said in a sweet tone, "You want to walk in the woods in a little bit".

She agreed to it as she wanted to take a little break from what she just met right now, so they walked in the woods in a come pass Cain was showing his affection as he was trying to calm her down, which is working as she started to smile more now.

As they were walking deeper, Cain had a little problem as he felt his hellfire getting pent up, which was starting to cause the smell and heat towards Hermione She felt as if it happened last time, and she was ready for it now.

From that, she was so glad she was wearing a skirt and felt like she was only going to wear skirts from now on. Where Cain would have easy access before propositioning her.

Cain heard Hermione offer him her body, and at first, he thought he was just imagining it because he was distracted and mostly didn't sit right as it's out of Hermione character. "What was that, Hermione?"

Hermione was blushing up a storm, probably looking like she was sick when she clarified. "I said if you want we can have sex." Hermione left it open-ended in part to see what Cain would do.

Cain was still confused a little because he didn't want to push her. "Are you serious Hermione?" This would be a dream come true if she meant it. Cain was feeling it right now as he wants to fuck her

Hermione was getting frustrated Cain wasn't believing her. She knew that it seemed out of character but she was being serious. Not wanting to argue with her boyfriend about whether she was serious or not, she just leaned back against a sturdy tree before flipping her skirt off, showing that she wasn't wearing panties, thanks to her little secret now as well as her friends as she is going to make a promise they have been keeping from him. Exposing her pussy to a boy for the second time made her heart rate shoot up.

Cain saw Hermione's bare pussy and could tell she was serious because he could already see a small sheen of moisture. Seeing her eyes go down to his growing bulge he quickly relieved the pressure building up in his trousers by opening his fly for his massive cock to flip out. "Are you sure Hermione?" Cain gave her one last out in case because he planned to fuck her. He couldn't resist a treat like this right in front of him. He was like a hungry dog looking for his next meal.

Hermione nodded as she spread her legs against the tree. "Please. I missed your dick inside of me. I want this more than anything." She saw his eyes widen as he stepped closer like a predator. The closer his cock got to her the wetter she felt.

Cain hoped she was serious because the fact this was his first girlfriend made it all the hotter. He has had many thoughts of doing this exact thing to her when they walked in the woods. He could even feel a drop of precum start to escape as his cock was eager to get inside the sexy bookworm. Plus she looks hot right now as she is willingly giving herself to him. That was also on top of her walking around in her short skirt showing off her tight bum.

Hermione was about to beg for him to move faster but Cain was ahead of her. Quickly closing the distance Cain lifted Hermione by the waist until her pussy was pressed right against his burning tip. Then he dropped her down hard until her feet were touching the ground again before he thrust up burying the last four inches in her pussy. Thankfully he gave her a moment to adjust as her fingernails bit into his shoulders as she tried to muffle the scream that would have echoed in the forest.

Cain felt Hermione clenching around his length as he kept grinding inside his girlfriend until she told him to move. 'She is so tight and juicy. I am so glad she chose me to be her first. And I ain't going to lose her, my God, she is still tight.' He knew he was a special person, and the one she wanted was him, that is, to have him, only him. Knowing nobody is going to have her as he already destroyed her for anybody else.

Hermione felt the extra stretch as she remembered it from the last time. "You are my first Cain. I will do anything, and I mean anything." She confirmed his suspicions because he was treating her with nothing but love, which she was glad about.

Cain accepted her warmth for the second time. "Then I promise to give you everything with all the love I have babe." With that Cain dragged out a good half of his cock before thrusting back in. With just one big thrust and a half, he watched Hermione's eyes roll back. "Hermione wrap your arms around my shoulders so I can just lift you up and down."

Hermione did as he asked and was soon being held up by just Cain's body as he started to fuck her pussy like the last time. "Ah, so big, so fast!" Hermione didn't want him to slow down, but after just a few minutes, it felt like her mind was swimming in so much pleasure she might have passed out.

Cain saw the longer this went on his experience was too much for Hermione. The poor girl's eyes rolled back as her mouth panted hot breath against his neck. With just a few minutes he felt Hermione lose it and cum around his cock with a pitiful whine.

Cain felt Hermione cum because her tight cunt got even tighter. "That's it, Hermione. Cum all around me. If you keep doing that I will cum soon." Cain had to admit she was doing a wonderful job for being doing it the second time although it was clear she didn't have the endurance yet. He hoped to fix that with some time.

The two lovers spent a little more time in the woods, with Cain taking Hermione in another position or two, getting her pussy used to him again. Sadly without lube, they couldn't do anal but Hermione made up for it by sucking her pussy juices and cum off his perfect cock. While she couldn't get it all down, only half was respectable for a second time as she was still sore from the first. Cain was sure to compliment her and tell her she would get better with time. From what it looks like from her face, she was frustrated for not taking it all as she did last time.

Hermione sensed that as an issue as well but promised that she would make it up to him once they did it again. Their first night, they went all out from each other, but her secret was she was going to buy a moral, and from there, he could fuck her all night long if he wanted to. At least that's what she told him and herself.

Cain very much did want to, especially after she flipped up her skirt to show him her tight little ass. It was so tight and soft he was sure if she had been practicing then he was going to slide right in. Although he did give her bum a few good grabs and compliments to let her know what was in store for her.

But he felt he was going to cum. "Hermione, I'm going to cum" and started pushing harder. As she felt it, she yelled, "Inside! Cum Inside". Cain moved faster in one more thrust.

"Ahhh" Cain and Hermione cum together as Hermione cum a second time. As soon as they took a moment, Cain walked backward and leaned against a tree. As he was leaning on it, he slid down to the floor.

Hermione looked at him for a moment. "I love you," Cain replied back to her as he was glad he met her. But Hermione sighed "Alright I'll tell you our secret then" she leans closer "I know I can't handle you so I want you to fuck the as it brings us closer together and" started jumping a little that made him moan and said, "It's going to be so hot fucking us huh Daddy".

As soon he heard their secret he smirks a little bit and started thrusting up making Hermione scream in pleasure and started fucking her again as started to imagine himself fucking the girls he was so glad what Hermione said to them but he doesn't know how she did it but he was glad because he going to make her not feeling her legs for a while what his about to do to her.

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