Chapter 19: Zarathos past
"In all my life I have been in this world since the dawn of time itself"
Zarathos In his world, void, or dimension where Cain first met Zarathos face to face. As Zarathos walks aimlessly, the sky sees just cracked lava and fire on the floor, as well as the sky letting up with lightning of black and red.
"I have seen things that not a living soul now have ever had answers to. Of the worlds, dimensions, voids, universes, multiverses, Omniverse, and Outervers itself"
Zarathos then snaps his finger, and the world around him starts to change things as he stands aimlessly in outer space and watches the stars that shine so bright.
"I remember when I was born from One Above All as he was creating people to bring order. But of all my father who had created cosmic entities. He created Eternity, Infinity, The Living Tribunal, and so on. But why did he create me as an Angel?"
Zarathos said that he remembered seeing all those cosmic beings that he always felt out of place.
"Until One Above All sent me to his brother The Presence and his wife. He was on the same level as my father. When I first met him, I thought my father was just throwing me away until I met my uncle's children."
Zarathos remembers the time when he first met his aunt and uncle. Feeling like his father was just throwing him away as he wasn't special until he met them as for once in his life he had hope.
"They were all just like me Angels. I have found my people in the Silver City meeting some incredible people with powers that I have never seen before as I always see galaxy powers until I started to notice something that some or most can go toe to toe with cosmic entities"
He remembers back then when he was young he saw different kinds of angels showing him powers he had never seen before he saw one controlling the ground itself, one punching the air as glass, one has wings of stars, and so on until they showed him memories going up against cosmic entities and even the Living Tribunal as he was strongest of them all.
"Later on I wanted to be just like them Fighters. I trained my body to the bone as I wanted to prove to them that I was one of them until it happened my power showed itself. Fire was the word of it, as some people had it, but they have never understood what was deep in the fire. But I did as when I activated it I knew the understanding of it all"
Zarathos looks at his bone flame hands as the fire is crimson red with black showing through the tips. He remembers some of them had a fire, but they barely used them or understood it. When he showed it to them, it didn't just show them orange. It showed them that different colors had different understandings.
"I was happy as they showed me love as a brother and I loved them as my brothers and sisters. Until I meet my uncle's greatest creation, The Archangels. They had the power that felt the same as father, uncle, and aunt. I remember one time I sneakily followed them, and when they were all together, I saw something unbelievable: they were making universes."
He snaps his finger again, and the world around him changes until nothing but darkness, only he sees the archangels huddling up together as he walks close to them. He saw in the middle of the universe itself with the palms of their hands.
"When I first saw that as well as their powers I knew there was more power beyond what I thought. And I thought I was at my prime but not anymore as I knew now I needed to break my limits"
The world changes again, and he sees nothing but himself doing different kinds of things like fighting, practicing, and going to war against dark entities.
"I had been shattering my limits when I practiced or fighting someone who was doing wrong in the world. I didn't know I was making a name for myself and that they actually called me the spirit of Justice as I had the spirit to fight back even though I was against a whole army of people or someone stronger than me that at the end of the fight, I made them bend to their knees"
Zarathos looks at his old reflection when his brothers and sisters used to call him the spirit of Justice. Even though his scars can heal on the outside but not on the inside, as he has seen so messed up shit that he wished he never come to learn from them again, he was thankful as he showed them no mercy.
"I was at the top of my game that caught the archangels and my uncle and aunt, who I called my Dad and mom's attention. They knew that the first thing I got there, I never had a life; I just always do my own ways. My older brothers and sisters helped me to try to reach their level as they were surprised that I never gave up on myself but the truth is I didn't do it for myself I did it for them as they inspired me to become the man who I am today"
He then turned around and looked at his old self practicing with older brothers and sisters. As it continued, he defeated some and passed some of them until he reached the top five. He even remembers all his brothers and sisters calling him heaven's ultimate weapon as he inspired everyone else to reach their goals.
"My Mom and Dad actually awarded me for what I have accomplished as my mother's gift was creating the All-Black. She made it one of the best that can go toe to toe with the Lightbringer sword that has absolute control over the holy fire of gold and light and can open other universes. Michael's weapon is called the Michael sword the sword is controlled by its wielder's will and can cut through literally anything, including the very fabric of reality. Mine was the All-Black that can control my most powerful fire, which is the Fire of Monarch its color is purple and black, and it can destroy anything with a single touch as well as bring people back to life as my army as everyone has fire in themselves that makes them alive. As when they come back but not as their body more like fire themselves"
[Image of sword and the army]
Zarathos sees all his army he had killed and becomes their master as he sees them kneeling on the floor, and in the middle, he sees his sword floating up in the air as he walks close to it. It erupted into purple and black flames dancing around the sword, and he missed it as someone stole it from him, and he'll have his vengeance when he meets him again.
"My Dad's gift to me was becoming Lord Cinder linked to the first flames of creation and destruction. That the flames keep the multiverse alive. Each universe has what humans consider of ember of flames. That is what keeps it together. I had become the beating heart of the multiverse"
The world changes, and he starts to see flames moving everywhere, big or small, and they all beating like hearts as they flow through him. It is beautiful, and he wishes that one day he could show Cain why he is so important.
"I have met some incredible people who I call my friends: the endless family, Primus, Anansi, Bast, Khonshu, Highfather, and Nabu. I never had many friends because all the others were so corrupt and a bunch of dicks and cowards. But not them I have been friends with them even when I was a fallen and demon"
He looks around, and he sees his old memories of his friends and how they met and fought alongside each other. He was happy making some friends along the way as they were just like him. They wanted to be better or greater.
"When I became a fallen angel, it wasn't because of the humans or pretended gods of what they did, which was a lot. It was what they did it too. When all my family had to protect the earth I fell in love with someone and her name was Zofia"
He snapped his fingers, and he was in the middle of the Forest, but it wasn't just the forest. It was the first garden. As he looked up, he laid eyes on the one he fell in love with. He walks close to her and caresses her cheeks. And still, memorize how she looks like in his flaming eye socket.
"Aww she was beautiful. I have met a lot of beautiful women who gave their heart to me but she was the one I gave my heart to. She was a witch of unparalleled power, and she was stubborn when she focused on something so important. She wouldn't take no for an answer and thought of others before herself. All my life I have been fighting and seeing the darkness I had discovered the gentler, more peaceful side of existence all thanks to her"
He leans his forehead to hers, and you can see little fire coming out of his sockets that look like tears of sadness as what had happened to her had never gone off the world.
"It was later on she became my wife and it was one of the best times I have ever created because of her but happiness isn't always forever as I went off-world to fight an eldritch god of darkness who goes by the name of Knull as he was waging war against the Light to return the universe to the Void, Knull became a legendary figure of divine terror. As I was fighting him I felt the pain of love which came to the cost of me getting defeated as well as him corrupting the All-Black that looks like a parasite crimson blood"
Remember from the past his heart had hurt when he sensed his wife was hurt at that moment it was an advantage Knull knew it was for the better as he almost killed him but it was thanks to Amenadiel coming in to save him but he took his gift from his mother as he corrupted in his way as other than fire he made pure darkness of parasites.
"I knew I was on my last legs but my wife needed me. But I didn't make it on time as when I did I just saw a dead body lying there on the floor. I knew something had happened. Because she was all-powerful, but it didn't mean she was indestructible like myself. Later on, I knew who did this as humans wanted power. That's all they ever wanted as they drank her blood and became witches and wizards"
Looking now to his past self holding on to his dead wife every time he blinks, he can still remember her scared face as he knew she was praying to him to help her. Even now, he still hates the wizards and witches until, later on; something happens that makes him smile a little bit.
"The war was brutal as brothers and sisters fighting each other. As well as I as they were my family who accepted me as one of their own. When the war was over, many of them who were in the rebellions went to hell, becoming demons, but not me for a while as I was a fallen angel and made a little group that Cain encountered a while back. My brothers, the elementals Aaron as Quake, Oceanus as Tsunami, Zephyrus as Hurricane, and me the Inferno. We didn't call ourselves the four elementals. It was thanks to the four horsemen as the original of the apocalypse."
Looking to the original titles of what gods copy from conquest, war, famine, and death. They have been teachers to them, along with people who have the title of them. They were powerful in their own right as they were actually their uncles. Every human knows of God but the truth is God has a family but no father because their mother is The Mother of Existence who created One Above All, Presence, Mother of Creation, Scarlet King, Satan, Conquest, War, Famine, Death, and so forth that you have never discovered it only little bit people knows of it.
"Even though we're called the four elementals we have other names as I was called the fallen angel God wrath. I knew over the years that I needed to stand for something else as there was evil in the shadows, but thanks to my brother Lucifer, who gave me a chance to become a demon of what people called me, now the spirit of Vengeance."
The world changes to where we see Cain's hideout as Cain and Hermione are in the computer search for any supernatural. As he walks closer to them, he keeps talking to himself.
"And you all know the rest and true story of how I become the actual spirit who is now in The vessel in Cain, but what you didn't know is even though when he sleeps, I show them different riders to learn to be better but I didn't show him the last rider. There was a rider before him, and it wasn't Carter. It was Cain's father that he had been searching for when he got the gift from me, Johnny Blaze".
As he was right next to them, they didn't notice or see him as they were talking to one another.
Hermione looks in disbelief at what she sees on the screens. "There are more out there that we didn't even know of. How is this possible, and has no one discovered this?" she looks in disbelief and sees red dots that are showing in Texas were full of supernatural.
Cain leans on his chair and looks at his screen with nothing but an enraged face "I think it has to do something with Mr.Death the supernatural is getting smarter. I mean look" typing on the few keyboards and starts to show a dating app "You see this. These are dating apps that vampires can feast on as vampires don't have to hunt anymore they can just order one" looking on the screen as it showed missing girls who were on the dating app but never been seen again.
Hermione was in disbelief as she didn't know how to react to it as she had never seen this kind of thing as all of those supernatural beings were evolving better.
"I wish I could tell Cain about his Dad Jonny Blaze, and his Mom Roxanne Blaze. They had. He had a good life until the story of his adopted father getting sick and Johnny making a deal with Mephisto about some power that was corrupted. But thanks to Carter helping them as later on I became Johnny's host and helped them to become hunters traveling around the world and hunting supernatural. But Mephisto was mad about it as he just lost again until he waited for the right moment and that was when they were going to have a baby. They knew how dangerous their life had become, and new Mephisto would come for the baby when he killed them. They begged me to help save their son, so I put my DNA that made him a mutant or more like a demonic mutant as I was still a Demon. It was thanks to Mephisto for not finding him when they left him on the doorstep of the orphanage, knowing they'd die as they transferred me back to Carter, so I did something I wish I hadn't. But I use half of my power to erase Johnny Blaze and Roxanne Blaze's names out of existence as nobody remembers who they are, but I do and hate it."
Zarathos squeezed his bony, fiery hands tight as he knew what he had done. Cain had been looking for information about his parents, but he had erased it all.
Cain looks at Hermione and says in curiosity, "Hey, what do you want to call yourself when we get out doing your first vigilante?". When she heard that she looked at him for a moment as she was trying to think of something until she said "Just call me Violet as it represents sensitive and compassionate, understanding and supportive, thinking of others before yourself"
And when Cain heard that, he just reached out and held her hands and said, "You goddamn right" When he said that, he caused Hermione's face to be all red.
"Aww, now this is why it made me smile a little bit, as I hate witches and wizards. She has something that belongs to someone I know, as she is the descendant of my wife with magical purple power. Why do think they get on with each other so well and as well fucking each other. Hahaha, It reminded me of her as well as her personality."
Zarathos looks between them as they have love in their eyes for one another.
"So you're ready violet," Cain said with a smirk on his face. Hermione nodded her head as she pulled him towards his armor truck and said, "We can change in the truck, so come on!!"
Cain chuckled as he helped her get into the truck. When she was on, he went to the driver seat, started up, and opened the garage door with a remote controller.
He looks at her. "You ready?" looking at her with a little bit of concern.
She squeezed his arms. "I'm ready," with determination in her eyes. Cain sighed and started leaving the hideout as well, closing the door behind him.
Zarathos watched the whole thing and shook his head as if it would bring them closer together. Knowing now, as he has to watch their back, the whole area changes back to his world with fire, lava, and dark lightning.
"The kid will have a lot of fun but dangerous as well because I know Mephisto will come back to get him but I'm tired of holding my rider back and especially him"
He looks around to see all the ghost riders across the multiverse, some of them being The Avenger, Midnight Suns, or other movies, games, and TV shows.
"I'm tired of pretending I'm a maniac possessing the Host of other Ghost Riders. And telling them my false story of how I became the spirit of Vengeance. I'm tired of holding back my powers as people don't take me seriously. My powers could threaten all of existence. That people have looked at the far shore of my power, but they never duck deeper."
Until something happened to his body as it started to show more skin and flesh as well and his armor changed to a black fancy suit with an overcoat a slick back hairstyle as well a short stubble beard but as you looked closely it looked like he kinda has the same hairstyle as Cain along with face as he looks more older.
"And you wanted to know what Cain was about to say to me why he got distracted was all the clues of Grimm as well as my brothers as Cain looks familiar or why they called him Nephew. Even though I gave him a small sample of my DNA, it also means that Cain has Two fathers. One is Johnny Blaze, and the other is me. I'll tell him when he's ready, and the people who ever hurt his family and friends as well as him, I got to say this out loud...