Chapter 20: Ghost and Violet
Cain drives his armored truck in the middle of the night after leaving his hideout along with Hermione, as she is a little bit excited.
He looks at her seeing as she is getting out his new suit along with hers. Seeing his suit mostly high-tech flexible armor along with metal plates.
As Hermione finished getting out her boyfriend's new suit, she felt confused as she looked at him seeing a little smirk on his face. She finally asked, "What?"
"I didn't know your power could do all that," he said, pointing at his new suit in surprise.
Hermione looks at him as she finishes grabbing her suit as it is a leather flexible purple fabric "Well neither can I as my new magic is a little different and more powerful than any witches and wizards." As recalling how she took out Aurors who were highly trained officers.
Cain looked back at the road and said "So how did you feel now as you're not in the magical world anymore".
Hermione paused for a moment, looking at her hands as she released some of her magic, watching the beautiful purple color swirl around her fingers. "At first, I was heartbroken as I left the magical world and my best friend, who was like a brother to me. He was always there for me, just as I was there for him. I also had to leave my favorite teacher, Professor McGonagall. That place helped me discover something beyond my understanding of the world. However, as I left and returned home, I noticed something that deepened my heartbreak," she said, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.
Cain looks at her as she is holding her tears. He reached out and grabbed her hand. As he grabbed her hand Hermione lost focus as she deactivated her power and looked at him seeing him nodding his head to continue.
She took a deep breath and said, "When I came back home, I didn't know what to talk about or what to say, as I only saw my parents during the holidays or summer break. They kept many secrets from me, especially after my grandparents passed away. I rarely spent time at home with my parents, and whenever I asked when we could see them, they always said they were busy. I noticed them struggling financially and getting close to being kicked out of the house. During the summer, we would travel, but I didn't realize that my parents were actually searching for jobs." Tears slid down her cheeks as she reflected on how the good times she thought she had with her parents were actually filled with unspoken struggles.
Cain looks back at her and slowly wipes her eyes. She thanks him for his kindness and continues, "The sad part is that my parents can finally see me more now and talk to me, rather than just watching me grow up quickly without being involved. I've been focused on learning about the magical world instead of connecting with my own family. I've learned a lot of things since we first met, especially from what you shared about your views on the magical world." She turns her body to look at him.
Cain looks at her and asks, "Oh yeah? And what's that?"
Hermione looked at him as moonlight shone on his face and said, "Leaving those events in the past has been difficult, but what you said to me really resonated. While I was in the library searching for information about my powers, I came across a book about the first Dark Lord, Gellert Grindelwald. I paused and thought about it; I believe he was even more dangerous than Voldemort."
Cain recalled that name, but it was only because Zarathos had taken away his old life memories. He was becoming Cain now, yet he shook his head and looked at her in confusion. "And why is that?"
Hermione reflected on the information she had read and said, "Grindelwald isn't motivated by selfish desires; he genuinely believes that his mission is a path to victory for all of wizardkind. The most terrifying aspect of Grindelwald's rise to power was that many of his supporters were ordinary witches and wizards who prioritized change. In contrast, Voldemort was driven solely by his own selfish ambitions. While he claims that purebloods are superior, he himself is a half-blood. Despite his power, he hides his heritage, which I find interesting, as my friend once pointed out regarding his name."
Cain looked at her in surprise, thinking to himself, 'Really, it's Hermione; nothing gets past her.'
She looked out the window and said, "It just stopped after Grindelwald fell, and they didn't evolve. What really scared me was when I was in court trying to explain myself, but the people there weren't listening. I realized they were considering erasing my memories, so I snapped and said, 'If you do that, I will expose this place.' As soon as I said it, I saw they looked scared, but more frightening was the fact that I didn't know why until we met the fallen angels."
Cain remembered meeting the fallen angels, who said they hadn't seen any of her kind. He needed to investigate who had erased them all; was it some secret government or something else?
Hermione shook her head as recalling meeting the fallen angels of what they said to her of her kind in America.
She looks at him, getting a little excited. "So, what's our first mission?" she asks, eager to be a hero or vigilante.
He looked at her with uncertainty and said, "I hope you know what you're getting into because we're going to hunt a vampire."
A couple of teens came out of a restaurant, and they held hands as they walked on the sidewalk.
""Man, Emily, this is the best date I've ever had," the teenage boy said as he wrapped his right arm around her to bring her close.
Emily leaned her head on his shoulder. "Yeah, it really was funny when you told me how our cousin didn't know he left his phone connected to the speaker at his little sister's party and how when he went into the bathroom with his phone he forgot to disconnect his phone and all your family were hearing him watching porn haha haha Josh"
Jason laughed at that and said, "You have no idea how my family explains to the kids what the girl meant when she said, 'Not my face, not my face.' It was the best night ever."
Emily just looked at him with a little lust and said in a whisper, "Well, if that was your best night, we can make it better".
Josh looks at her a little surprised and looks around "Well my parents are at home right now". But soon he saw her face down and panicked and said "But I know where we can continue".
Motel room
As the couple got in the room and closed the door they looked at each other with lust and just for a few seconds they lunged at each other and started making out.
As Josh pushes her back to the door she moans as he is being forceful. He slowly detached his lips from her and slowly kissed her jaw.
Emily smiles and moans "ah oh Josh give it to me" slowly grinding into him as he slowly reaches her neck. She said "Give it to me" in a desperate voice.
As soon he reaches her neck he slowly opens his mouth slowly and hears Emily screaming one more time "Give it to me!!!"
As his mouth opened wide, he was about to lunge at her. That was interrupted behind them by someone who was slowly clapping their hands.
They both screamed as they separated from each other looking in the dark as they saw a shadowing figure who was clapping his hand as the figure was walking towards them slowly and said "Well what are you waiting for you going to bite her you blood thirsty vampire".
Josh looked at the dark shadowy figure in panic and said "w-w-what are you talking about!" Taking a step back.
Emily was panicking as there was someone in the room. She reached out towards the wall, fumbling desperately to turn on the lights.
As soon as she turned on the light, they were confronted by a person wearing a flexible armor suit wearing an armor black helmet. Steel plates were attached to his legs, and he had a military belt that held two Glock 17 pistols on the sides of his thighs, along with a leather jacket.
[Ghost Rider new suit]
As soon as they saw the leather jacket and recognized the deep, dark voice, they realized that no other person who wears a helmet speaks like that. There is only one person who talks like that.
"Ghost Rider"
They both said at the same time as there are face to face with their local hero.
Josh would be happy but he was scared most of it as to why he is here and why he called him a vampire so he stuttered "V-Vampire what are you-"
Josh was hanging in the Air as he was pushed back to the wall as desperately trying to breath as the ghost rider was strangling him.
"You know what I'm talking about where are they" ghost rider said in a hard tone as tightened his grip on the dude's neck.
Josh trying to say "I- don't -know - what you're talking about hhhh" as his face was turning purple.
Ghost Rider was waiting for his answer as he didn't believe him until he heard Zarathos in his head 'Cain look closer it's not him'.
Ghost Rider looks in confusion and says to himself "what are you talking about".
Zarathos warned him in his head 'look at him and detect any supernatural that is coming out of him' as he was trying to explain what he sees.
Ghost Rider looks at the person whose face was purple and slowly his eyes turning fiery orange and notices he was just a normal person.
As soon as he saw that he dropped him to the floor. As Josh took a breath of air and looked at him in a scared expression "What the hell man"
Ghost Rider took a step "I'm sorry I thought you were a vampire as you were about to bite that girl"
Josh looks at him in confusion "Well yeah I was about to make a hickey on her neck tell him Emil!" looks past ghost rider to see Emily but she wasn't there "Emily".
Ghost Rider looked behind him but didn't see the girl at all. There were no windows in the restroom and no doors leading to the other room. He turned back to Josh and saw what was behind him when he was being strangled. Josh was blocking the door, and the window on the left was closed, so how did she manage to leave?
Emily was running desperately in a parking lot as she grabbed her phone and dialed some numbers.
As she put it in her ear as it started ringing as she desperately looked around and heard the answer.
As soon she heard that she answered "Hey the plane failed get me out of here right now I did the job now".
"Was the mission successful"
"What I don't know! The ghost rider just came out of nowhere and I don't see your group that was supposed to follow me" she said in an angry tone as the mission failed horribly.
"Hang on tight they'll be there"
"Hang on, hang on I can't just hang on the ghost rider is going to get me. He isn't just a hero his a god damn butcher to us so better get her now ahh" Emily yelled as she throws her phone but it was stopped in the middle of the air. As she saw it was covered with a little bit of purple smoke.
"I think that belongs to you"
As she heard someone approaching from behind, the phone slipped from her grasp and flew past her. She turned around and saw a figure dressed in a purple, skin-tight suit that clung to her body. At the center of her chest was a glowing source of power.
[Hermione suit]
Emily looks at her seeing a new face of the hero she has never seen or heard of "Who the hell are you"
Hermione looks at her and smirks "Call me Violet" and slowly walks towards her as she looks at the phone seeing the caller information and transforms the phone into a dagger "Naw you're coming with me to get some answers".
Emily looks around in panic until she sees movement around them and slowly looks back at the superhero "I'm not going anywhere with you".
Violet looks at her and takes another step "I ain't asking"
Emily looks at her as he lip slowly goes up "You really going to take all of us" slowly looking around and see a group of six people emerging behind the cars.
Violet looks around and sees them taking out katanas as knowing they want things silent not noisy and looking back at Emily seeing her smirking
She slowly gestures around her and says in confident "I got boys with me what do you have".
Violet looks around as she sees the boys slowly getting close to her. But she wasn't scared at all she was ready until she smiled and looked at Emily and said "I got him"
As Emily didn't get what she said until her eyes widened as she was about to try to warn them.
Chain wraps around a guy's neck behind Violet as he is pulled back hard ripping his head off.
As soon the guy was down behind Violet. She took the chance throwing the dagger to the right ending up stabbing the man's shoulder making him scream in pain.
The guy on the left took the chance to swing as it was closed reaching her neck until it stopped as Violet stopped him as she paused his body. As she was distracted she didn't notice someone behind her going to attack but he was body slammed to a car making him scream in pain as all his bones broke when took the hard impact.
Violet looks back and sees the ghost rider take the spot of the person who was going to attack her. He slowly looked at her and said "watch your back"
"Thanks" she said as she looked back at the guy as was trying to move but the ghost rider took one of the Glock out and shot him in the head as he kicked him far away from them.
Ghost Rider said, "Don't blink, don't think, just do," as he drew his second Glock and looked around. He noticed some cars approaching and trapping them. One of the people from the cars called out to Emily, urging her to get inside one of the vehicles.
Violet took a deep breath as she called the dagger back to her hand. She looks around, and sees people getting out of their cars with guns in their hands but she sees their teeth that are fangs and the person she just stabbed with the dagger slowly gets up as the shoulder heals itself up.
"Looks like they can heal themselves" she said as the two people he just killed got up as one took the bullet out his head and the other slowly got up from the impact which the ghost rider slammed him in, "But it looks like one isn't getting up".
As she looked back at the guy the ghost rider ripped his head off wasn't moving, "So what's your plan ghost" saying in short words for him.
The ghost looked around as people started commanding them to take their aim and said in his head, "So Zarathos got any ideas"
Until he heard Zarathos, 'Stake in the heart is just bullshit. But beheading them is a good way to kill them along with silver that can hurt them it takes slowly to heal until a day or so but you got to kill them in heart and one more thing fire'
Ghost Rider nodded his head as he was about to tell her but got interrupted when heard her yelling, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT" looking around as she just heard something.
He looked at her for a moment and said,"You heard him".
She looked at him and said, "heard him all I heard was a scary demonic voice".
'Aw thank you I try my best little witch'
She looks around scared and slowly looks at ghost rider, "You hear it to where it is coming from"
'Hahahaha little witch do not be afraid I am after all the power that gave your boyfriend of the Rider'
She looks at him and whispers as they both ignore people around them as they count down to fire "Zarathos"
'Hahahaha that right I am Zarathos but I'm something more to your boyfriend'
As they both looked at each other of what he said not knowing what he meant as right behind them was Zarathos leaning on the car as he looked around seeing them trapped.
He slowly looked to the right as he started to control the armored truck from the shadow of the motel 'But don't worry I've got your back' as he controls the 50 caliber machine gun at the people in front of them.
As Violet and Ghost Rider look and see their truck moving on its own along the 50 caliber.
Violet looks at Ghost Rider and says "You're controlling that right" in confusion.
He slowly looked at her and said, "Well he said he got our back so" as the vampires slowly at the count of five "You're ready"
Violet looks back as this is going to be her first real fight along with having blood in her hands but she knows it's either them or us so take a breath, "I'm ready".
He gestured towards his guns. "You mind?" he asked. Violet nodded and used her magic to transform her dagger and his magazines, turning them silver. Her dagger became shiny, reflecting the moonlight, while his bullets and magazines in his belt also gleamed with a metallic luster.
Ghost Rider cocked his guns and pointed it at them faster than a blink, saying just one word.
As Hermione released magic from her left hand, she slammed it into the ground, creating a shockwave that extinguished the lights and turned off all the street lamps. This sudden darkness triggered car alarms, causing them to blink on and off, which distracted the bad guys all around them.