Chapter 7: Know One Another
Cain walks back to the crowd as they watch Cash's friends and his girlfriend taking him to the hospital. As they watched them leave, He headed back to his car and saw Mikaela and her friends waiting for him. As soon they saw him heading towards them, they ran towards him and had a group hug with Cain in the middle.
They congratulate him on his win and have never seen someone dive like that, especially a Mustang that can go that fast because it's the first time seeing a Mustang in a drag race before.
He looked around and asked the girls where Carlos was, but Hermione said he left after his win and left because that explosion would cause a lot of trouble right now.
As soon he heard that he looked around and said: "Wait, what time is it, girls." Annie looked at her phone and said, "12:01 one why".
When he heard that, he looked around desperately, seeing something, and said, "We got to go. Now!!". He walks around the passenger seat and pushes the seat forward so three can get in first.
Daenerys looked at him in alarm and said, "What, what's going on?". Cain looked back and was about to say until he got interrupted when he heard sirens seeing red and blue, and heard someone calling out as a warning to everybody.
They all look and see cops heading towards them, and it erupts into panic as people run towards their cars and escape the place.
Cain looked at the girls and said out loud that they could hear sirens, people screaming, and engines roaring, "GET IN NOW!!".
They immediately went inside as Hermione got in, following along with Annie and Daenerys in the back, and Mikaela sat on the passenger side with Cain getting in his car too, and roaring the car back to life.
He looked at the girls and said "Hang on!". He puts it on drive and steps the peddle as he swerves through the cars he passed by and takes a hard right.
He looks in his rearview mirror seeing some cars following right behind them until he sees cop cars right behind them.
He looks around and sees something in front of him and rolls down the window, and gets his left hand out. He started doing signs as he threw a three and then moved his finger left to right, closed his fingers, and then threw five fingers up.
The girls see this and don't know what he's doing. Mikaela said to him, "What are you doing?". Cain keeps looking forward and responds by saying in a serious tone "I'm telling them to split up look.".
The girls look behind, seeing the cars splitting left to right while they keep driving forward, following along with cops following the cars, leaving one left that is chasing them.
Annie said in a desperate tone, "We still have one left chasing us!". Cain looked forward and said, "Not for long".
Cain shifted his stick to the third and took a left, drifting as he made smoke behind. He turned to the right in the alleyway and turned off the car as they looked behind, seeing the cop swerving out of the smoke as the cop continued driving past them.
The girls took a hard breath but got interrupted by Cain laughing and said, "Let's do that again."
They looked at him deadpan face and then started hitting him as he protected himself from the girls.
Mikaela hit him and said, "What do you mean again? Are you crazy?" as she kept hitting his arm.
Daenerys hit him and said, "You are out of your mind," as she hit his shoulder.
Annie hit him and said, "There is no time for laughing. We could have got caught," as she hit him behind his head.
Hermione pushes him behind him and says, "You are a bloody maniac who thinks this is fun," as she keeps pushing him in the back.
Cain tries to protect himself as he keeps getting hit and pushed around as he tries to explain himself, but he gets cut off when they yell at him at the same time, "Shut up!" And continue hitting him.
A few seconds later, they all sat back down and took a breath as they let all the stress out of hitting Cain and what they had just been through right now.
Then Mikaela started to laugh, following along with the girls and Cain as, after all this, it was funny what they had been through.
Hermione chuckled and said, "I can't believe this Girl's night out turned out like this." The girls all nodded at this, and Annie looked at Cain and said, "What about you, Cain? Even though we had a girl's night out, why were you there?".
Cain looked back and said, "I'll tell you if you tell me why of all places you guys were there".
They all looked at each other until Mikaela said to him, "Well, we just wanted a break from school and relieve our stress, so we heard one of the girls talking about this place, so we had a great idea to have a girl's night out."
The girls nodded as they agreed with her about all the work they had to do and project with each class because they wanted to have advanced classes to have a good education when they graduated from school later on.
Cain nodded, and he was glad that he dropped out of school and had a good job and did a vigilante but he got to have time for himself to be a teenager.
"Well, I was there because at the mall when I met you, girls before I had a job that pays me really good money so I can spend it all for my family until one cashier said If I got that money from racing so I politely ask him where's the meeting of the cars are at and here we are and I got a nice car along with it", He said with a smile on his face as he holds on the steering wheel tightly.
Daenerys slowly smiled and said, "You really like the car, do you". Cain looked at her, smirked, and said, "Well, who doesn't like American muscle? I can't wait to have a family bonding time with my family modifying my car. Plus, people always want the same car from Japan or other states, but you never see a modified Mustang before".
They all nodded that it was really nice of him to use the car as bonding time with his family and agreed with him as you had never seen that many muscle cars on street races before or modified at all before.
Cain turned on the car, got out of the alleyway, started driving in the street, and said, "So where do you guys want me to drop you off then?".
Mikaela said, "You can drop us off at my house". Cain nodded and drove towards Mikaela's house. As he was driving, it was quiet, but it started to turn out to be awkward silence now as the girls didn't know what to do or say.
Cain then started to ask, "Hey, so while I'm driving, why don't you girls tell me how did you meet each other? I've never seen this kind of group, but I'm not trying to sound like a dick; you know".
When they heard that, they giggled at that as it was true even at school. Students and teachers were surprised about how they were friends.
Daenerys said first "Well for me at my home some of the people I talked to who I thought were my friends were using me to get away with everything and my money so my family called my uncles and aunts for me to live here and tried to start a new life with a different last name other than Targaryen it will be Tellerway. And I meet my real friends" looking at her friends as each of them smiles at her.
Hermione looked around and noticed she was next and said to him "Well for me I was always a bookish know-it-all girl who people hated until I went to this boarding school that I started to think I could finally make some friends but it was all the same but one friend who is always there but until three year something happened because what I did to stand up for myself as teachers aren't doing their jobs as they think they are so they kicked me out and my father wanted to start over for me until I met my true friends too." Looking at them with a lovely smile on her face as if she is not alone anymore this place has been nice to her and keeps telling her she would change the world with brilliance.
Annie looked at her hands as she started playing around with them and said "Well for me I always wanted everything perfect so I can be ready for the future but people always look at me as if I'm just Annie who thinks that she is better then them but I was this close to using drugs so I can be more confident of my self and be more energize as all those people comment who said mean things behind my back that made me feel depressed that lower my grades until I have friends who can back me up and I was so glad I didn't do drugs thanks to them" as she said that she started to have tears in her eyes as Hermione and Daenerys comfort her.
Cain looked, put his right hand to reach behind and patted her legs in comfort, and said, "Hey, It's okay now. People who are here care for you". Annie had a small smile as it was true that she has good friends who have her back even when she's down.
He looked to his right and said, "And what about you?" and continued looking forward. Mikaela smiled and said, "Well, for me, I didn't want to be someone else to be popular, I just want to be myself, and sometimes boys ask me for a date or girls to hang out, but they were all just trying to reach my older sister to sleep or be more popular. Even my Sister hated it as she has never dated anyone, but she's popular because of her body that she loves and hates it as people just want to bed her, even me, or be popular. Until I met these girls," looked at the back, who was smiling at her, and continued, "I can be myself along with my sister, who wanted to come for a girl's night out but had to do something, and I'm glad that we all met each other."
Cain smiles at what he just heard of how they met each other. It's nice for those girls to become friends, including Mikaela's sister, since he forgot about her, but it's nice they met and became friends.
Then the girls started persuading him to tell his story. So he did as he told them why he wasn't at his school as he got a job for his family as soon they heard that he has a big family along being the oldest of them all was a big surprise except Mikaela and following along how his job was going but not about his mutant and him being the ghost rider.
Cain parked his car in front of Mikaela's house as they got out of his car. As soon he saw them all get out, he was about to drive when he heard a knock on his passenger side window and saw Mikaela telling him to roll down the window.
As soon he rolled it down, Mikaela smiled and said, "Hey, do you want to spend a night here? I don't want you driving in the middle of the night as cops cruising around, and I don't want Rebecca to get mad at you" making a good excuse to see him more.
Cain looks at his new phone to see the time and see if he comes home, he'll make noises that will cause his brothers and sisters to wake because of him, and he looks up and says, "Yeah, sure, and thanks."
He turned it off and started to walk until he had something in his mind so he reached his hand and grabbed Hermione hand and said to the girls to make the excuse so he could talk to her alone "Hey do you mind if I talk to Hermione alone because I wanted to her what she said to teachers that made her get kicked out".
They looked over at Hermione, who was blushing as she felt how big his hands were holding her little hand and how close he was to her. As soon the girls saw her blushing, they felt a little jealous about her holding his hands, but they nodded and reached inside the house, leaving Cain and Hermione alone.
As soon they saw them close the door, Cain let go of her hands, and Hermione started to miss the feeling of his rough, warm hands that were holding her hands.
He crossed his arms over his chest and said, "So how did you get kicked out of Hogwarts?" As soon as he said that, Hermione body froze when he said Hogwarts.
She looked at him in surprise and scared a little bit and she heard him say to her "Come on I can feel a little bit of magic coming out of you" As she was about to speak he interrupted by saying "And No I am not one of those old wizards who uses dildos who think they are superior but I'm something more" looking at her with a smirk as his eyes slowly turning to a fiery orange glow.
When she saw that she started to use brilliance and intelligence to put the pieces together of how tall and muscular he is and his style and the glowing fiery eyes and her eyes almost pops out to see who she was meeting right now.
She is a big fan of his and his work, and when she was about to scream, she saw him putting his finger in front of his lips as if keeping it silent.
He shook his head and said, "So are you going to tell me, you little witch, or do I have to throw water at you to see if you can melt?".
Hermione giggled at his joke and when she calmed down she took a breath and said: "Well it's because of how the school is acting towards students and especially their houses about house points and it pointless about house points as in where is a prize about that and it's not going to show them about how their house was winning when go to a job interview".
Cain nodded because what is the deal with that and continued when she keeps on going "And especially pure-blood people who think they are superior, but the truth is they are weak as hell as all the people who made magic spells and potions were made by half-blood and muggle-borns. That the people who follow the dark Lord is a half-blood who pretends to be pure-blood. And how they treat my friend Harry Potter like he's a tool, especially our headmaster Dumbledore, who is not a godfather or the caretaker to take care of him. He just leaves it to his horrible aunt and uncle for what he said for the great of good. And all those witches and wizards are total dumbasses".
As she took a breath she heard Cain laugh about how she explained to all what she thought about them as it was true and she finally explained why she got kicked out "And when I hit puberty something happened to me that I don't need a wand to cast spells because here out in the world I'm a mutant so when they discovered it when I saved my friend from a wolf all the grown-ups were acting crazy seeing I can do magic without a wand and especially pure-blood who felt insulted about that they can't do that but I can do they kicked me out with that perfect excuse" she looks at him as her eyes slowly turned into purple for a second for Cain see the most beautiful eyes.
Cain looks at the beautiful eyes until they are brought back to her brown chocolate eyes as she slowly smiles at him, seeing she's not the only one who is a mutant, and meeting the ghost rider was a great honor meeting him face to face.
Cain put his hands into his leather jacket pocket and said, "It's a good thing you hear now, not with them." She looked at him as to why he thought it was good for her to stay here rather than in the magical world that was full of magic, but she wanted to see why he said that.
Cain shook his head and said, " You know what is sad about that magical world". She shook her head as to why he said that, so Cain said, "That they are all living in the past, and I mean a faraway past, and the people who think they are rich are just the middle people, and they think they are superior, look around you. The technology is so advanced, and the people who are starting to have powers like mutants and metahumans, and we have an alien who is living among us, and there are more aliens out there across the universe that we don't know, along with advanced weapons that can kill them easily".
When she heard that she started to think that the magical world was not for people to know them but they were hiding like cowards as out in the real world she started to look around and believe what he said was true that her people were making things more advanced technology for the future well the wizards and witches are just stuck there and now she was glad and really wish her friend Harry will be here to see this world is becoming so she started thinking she could persuade Cain to kill Voldemort and including killing death eaters because well everyone watches him beating and catching criminals she studies him as each day he is getting stronger and faster that made her feel that one day he could match Superman who has God level power and wants to see that within him maybe one day she can become a hero just like him.
Cain snapped his finger in front of her face to let her back to the real world. Once he saw she was coming back, who knows what he said, "We can talk later. Let's head inside" She nodded as she went inside, following Cain behind her.
As soon Cain and Hermione went inside the house they were met with the girls in small shirts that showed their bellies with short shorts that you could see their cheeks as they made an excuse that this was their pajamas but were an excuse for them to look sexy in front of Cain which Hermione followed along with them as they all played down that had blankets in the floor as they were eating snacks and drinking as they watch some scary movies that Cain doesn't know what is about but it was excuse for them to get closer to him as he was only wearing a tight shirt and black paints as he isn't wearing shoes or socks or his leather jacket.
In the middle of the movie, Cain has to get up to go to the restroom. He goes upstairs and looks for the restroom until he finds the restroom, but once he opens it, he gets a surprise of who was he meeting right in front of him.
Right in front of him was Mikaela's older sister who is just one year older than them her name is Peta Banes who is showing that she has bigger boobs and ass which just shows her why people wanted to get laid with her as she is wearing a tight sleeveless crop top with tight top jeans along with white high heels that increase her height that she's barely reach up to his forehead with high heels because of that.
Peta was brushing her teeth she looked at him in the mirror and was surprised at who she was meeting right now until she turned and said, "Cain, is that you? Mikaela said that you were jacked I thought she was joking." She turned around and looked at him as she smiled at him when she felt something that was coming out of him as she inhaled and felt the heat too.
It made her a little slutty as she tried to look sexy. That made Cain notice she was acting differently until he remembered what happened the last time with Mikaela and her friends. So he holds himself back before something happens.
Cain smirked and said, "You still look sexy as ever, Peta. Where are you going?" As she heard him say that to her, she lightly blushed as she was used to it, but coming out of Cains's mouth, it felt just right.
Peta put on a fake smile and said "Oh I was about to go to the girls' night out but they came back so I'm just brushing my teeth so I'm finishing you can go in now" She stepped out of the restroom as Cain walks in does his business he had a feeling that she was lying but he figured it out.
As he finishes his business and heads towards the living room, he sees Peta still wearing her clothes, which makes her more suspicious, but he hides it and continues watching the movie as everyone is paying attention to the movie.
With a few more movies, the group watched and fell asleep one by one until they all were sleeping around Cain but not Peta as she grabbed a duffle bag and headed towards the door quietly. As she was out, she took a deep breath so she didn't get caught. As she was walking away from her house a few feet, she was met with Cain calling out to her.
"So where are you off to sexy?" Cain said as he crossed his arms over his chest and watched Peta slowly look at him.
Peta slowly has sweat on her forehead as she tries to make an excuse by saying, "What are you talking about? I had to deliver something from my friend."
Cain raised his eyebrows as he slowly walked towards her and said, "Really, so you're delivering something in that bag for your friend?".
She nodded her head and said, "Yup, that is what I'm doing". Cain slowly walked close to her and said, "Really?".
She slowly had a sweaty hand as she clutched the straps and said, "Yeah". Until Cain was close to her face and slowly said in a low tone, "Really?".
She let out a breath, seeing how close he was as she could see his grey eyes that looked like a foggy night, and said in a shaky whisper, "Yeah".
Cain smirks as he sees her getting herself distracted that it was the perfect time for him to steal that bag.
He took the bag from her, took a step back, and said, "Then let's see it then," and started opening up the bag but was met by Peta trying to reach the bag as she kept repeating, saying, "Give it back.".
It took a few seconds of tug of war as one kept it away and the other tried so desperately to have it back, but once Cain opened it, he was met with lingeries and fake wigs and said, "Then what do we have here?".
Peta looks at him desperately, saying, "Give it back now. I got no time for this". Cain looked at her and said, "Then what is this for then?".
"I'm not going to tell you so give it back NOW!"
"Then what's it for then HUH"
"Tell me"
He looks at her as she starts crying, which makes him drop the bag. And slowly reached over her shoulders and said, "Why do you need a job?".
She slowly wiped away her tears as slowly left was red eyes and said with a shaky tone "Because we need the money because our Dad is in jail nobody is taking care of us I didn't find any jobs that were hiring until I went to strip club because I have a body for so why not make some money so I made a excuse for the girls to have girls night out so I can go to my first day on the job okay" then she slowly started to hiccup.
She was about to step away but was met with her body squeezed against a muscular tone body that made her feel safe once she noticed what was happening was that she was getting hugged by Cain as he slowly rubbed her back and comforted her.
"It's okay, you're not going anywhere." When she heard that from Cain, she shook her head as she tried to escape from his gasps, but she was failing miserably.
He slowly took a step back but still held her and said, "You can come work with me". She slowly looked at him and said, "Where do you work?".
He had a smirk and said, "I work as a mechanic." When she heard that, she shook her head and explained that she didn't even know mechanics or cars at all.
"I know but you can be the paint job plus I remember you're good at art so you Can make designs that I can call the people who start racing can have paint jobs so what do say you're in because I can persuade my boss because we both know repairing but where not artists like you" looking at her in the eyes with a smirk at her face. She was having doubts until she saw him giving her a look as he looked at the bag on the floor, saying you can work at that job.
She looked at him and smiled, and when he saw that, he smiled too and said, "Okay, tomorrow I can get you a job, so let's sleep, okay?". She was about to get out of the hug but yelped as she was picked up by him, having her legs wrapped around his hips. He laughed at her reaction, grabbed the bag from the floor, and started walking back to the house.
As they went inside, he yelled at her to go into her room and sleep. He walked back to his spot and lay down but was met again with girls hugging close to him. As he was about to sleep, he heard footsteps on the stairs, He saw Peta coming back wearing the same style as the girls and said in a shy tone, "Got room for one more".
He smiled and nodded his head. When she saw him nod she smiles and walks towards them. As Cain was about to go to sleep, he was surprised when he saw Peta getting on top of him, kissing him on the cheek, and saying goodnight to him. She felt comfortable as she slowly fell asleep, making Cain the only one awake, but he shook his head and said his final words as darkness started getting to him.
"Goodnight ladies."