Chapter 8: Getting ready
The next day, Cain went home and changed into his work clothes. When he woke up, the girls and his family went to school, and Rebecca had to work.
He was glad that the man had kept his promise as when came home his motorcycle was there safe and sound. So when he finished changing clothes for his work, he took the car instead of a motorcycle because he had plans for it later on.
As soon he stepped foot in the shop, he was greeted by Carter as he explained to Cain what to do today and what kind of cars needed repairs or fixed. While Cain and Carter were fixing a car's front bumper and window, it had an accident when the car hit an animal, but the good thing is it didn't damage the engine. But while they were repairing the car, Cain started talking about whether he could let someone work here.
He explained to Carter that his friend can do paint jobs and designs because he and Carter don't know how to do those things sometimes when he works here. He told him he overheard when he talked to the customer that if we do paint jobs, too.
Carter started to think that sometimes people ask him if he does paint jobs as he doesn't know how plus he has the automotive painter room in the back. He thought that he should do that, as it could bring more customers here, so he agreed to it and told Cain to bring his friend to come when he or she came out after school.
When it was break time, Cain texted Peta that his boss wanted to see her designs as he wanted to meet her too. A few minutes later, he got a reply from Peta saying that she was so happy to hear that and she was bringing her art book with her.
As he saw that he was happy, he was doing this because he didn't know how he and anyone, especially herself, going through with it as a stripper. he was glad, but as he was about to turn off his phone, he saw a message from YouTube about yesterday's race and death.
He looked through the emergency news on YouTube and watched about Cash didn't make it as he inhaled a lot of smoke and NOS. As he watches Cash's cause of death, Cain has this feeling: why did this reaper do that?
"You're thinking about this reaper," Zarathos said in his head as he was hearing his thoughts right now.
Cain nods his head as he remembers how it all happened "Yeah but it's how he did it that bugs me a lot more and as well his shot was" he was trying to remember why he did that in the first place and how good the reaper shot was as Cash was having fit that he moves himself so fast that he shot him in the chest.
Zarathos hums in agreement because of how this reaper has become rogue. Until Cain walks into Carter's office and knocks on the door, seeing Carter is distracted by his computer.
Carter looked up at the kid and said, "You need something, Kid". Cain didn't know how to say what he would say, but he blurted out, "Do you mind if I could use your computer?".
Carter raised his eyebrows and said, "And why do you need it?". Cain sighed, walked inside, and said, "It's for my other job."
Carter looked at him with a smirk and said, "Looking for some criminals right now, kid," but he was met with Cain having a serious face and said, "More like supernatural".
Carter dropped his smirk, had a serious face, and said, "Get in". He got up as Cain sat down on his seat and started searching for the cause of death for the last month.
When Carter saw that, he leaned over his disk to see the cause of death from different people and said to Cain, "What are you looking for, kid?". As Cain looked into the cause of death, he went into one and started reading and leaned back and said, "Well, this one and five more of this."
Carter reads out loud, "Milo Marco, the cause of death is having too much blood pressure increase when working out, which causes him to drop weights, crushing his skull when he is doing chest presses. We don't know how it happened, but it got to do with his body overworking too much, but we are still looking". He looks more at the other five causes of death this month, including Cash's death, and looks back and says, "What's this about?".
Cain leaned back, crossed his arm over his chest, sighed, and said, "Looks to why the cause that why they are searching as well their ages."
He looks to why Milo was in good condition as he was healthy, Cash inhaled just a little bit but still died along with the other but what caught his attention was that they were Cain's age and more importantly the same style as his hair, physique, any type that is close to Cain in each people as Milo has the same physical as him, Cashs style has his style a little bit, and other people as they have his skin color, color hair or one is riding a motorcycle.
Carter looked back and said, "Is he looking for you? But why?". Cain looked up and started thinking about it until he had an idea and said, "I think it was because Zarathos and I had merged into one that when I released my fire, it was like the supernatural people detected it."
Carter nodded his head as he remembered Cain letting himself out of his hellfire as he felt the heat radiating out of him.
Cain looked at the computer and said "I think he knew about me when I started because this is a reaper". Carter looks at him until he gets it and says, "Because Reapers are divine supernatural beings that are responsible for escorting deceased souls to the afterlife. But because of that, the regular reapers come when you kill the criminals, but he's a rogue one, and why is he coming after you then?".
Cain looks at the computer and searches up all the deaths back to every year until 1979. As they both look to every cause of death. They noticed every detail of how people died for simple things. Like a race car driver who had a good condition car but died because the engine blew up as he crashed into a wall because his tire popped along with every other death that caused them having an accident by dying after it.
And complete silence after that as they were taking it all in until Cain said in an angry tone "He's killing for sport that's why he's good at doing what he does because he was evolving even now that he was using a sniper and kills them with shadowy dark curse bullets and no one can see it and make people have an accident but now he was getting bored he wanted a challenge so he followed the reapers who are picking up the bodies I killed and he was studying me".
Carter was taking it all in as he was getting used to the news he was hearing right now and said, "Kid, I have been here a long time, but I have never seen any supernatural one like this but evolved over the years. The only thing I know is Zarathos but no one else".
Cain got up off the seat and started pacing back and forth and said, "I don't get it. He knows who I am and where I live, but why hasn't he hurt anyone I love then?" looking at Carter desperately as he started to get worried for his family if he knows who he is then.
Carter looks at him and says "Because what you said he's doing this for a game but he wants you at your best and it looks like he has a code only kill the target not kill people who are getting in his way but I hope you are ready for this kid because it's your first time encountering a supernatural".
Cain nodded and stopped as he slick back his hair and sighed and said, "Yeah, but there's one problem about that." Carter looked at him and said, "What's the problem then".
Carter then looks at the shadowy disk table on the floor and says, "I can't get close to him. He reappears and disappears in the shadows, and at night time, I'm going to be trapped but I'm going to need something".
Carter walked to him gasped his right shoulder, and said, "What you need, kid." Cain looked up straight into his eyes and said, "I need Guns."
Carter smirked and said, "When you're about to do Ghost Rider come to my house, okay". Cain nodded, and Carter said, "Good, now let's go to work".
Peta, Mikaela, Annie, Hermione, and Daenerys walk into the shop and see some classic cars parked inside the shop. That made Peta feel good about it as this feels like this is going to be a good job for her along with the girls.
She called out, saying, "Hello Cain, you in here." As soon she said that Cain walked out behind a car and wiped his hand from the oil, and said, "Hey, so glad you made" and looked at the others. "And you guys too," look at them in confusion.
Peta looks at the girls and Cain and says to him, "Well, they heard about you hiring, so they wanted to see if there's a job here, too".
Cain looked at them as they nodded as they agreed with her, but he just smiled and signaled them to follow them to Carter's office.
Cain knocked on the door and opened it as he allowed the girls to go inside the office. Cain walks in front of them and says, "Carter, I'd like you to meet Pete Banes, the one I was telling you about, along with her sister and her friends who were looking for a job here".
Carter smiled as he got up and introduced himself. As he was getting to know each girl, he looked back at Peta and started asking some normal things you do when you interview for a job until he asked about artwork she had in her book, which she handed to him.
He looked through her artwork and was impressed by all the pages he turned of all her sketches as well as her paintings.
He looked up and smiled and said, "I got to handed to you; you really know how to draw as well as paint. And I'm glad the kid persuaded me because it's a good idea to bring more customers you hired".
Peta smiled as she got a job and hugged Cain by surprise. That even surprised Cain, too, as she repeatedly said thank you to him three times.
Carter chuckled as he saw this he looked at the girls and said, "So how kind of job you here for girls?". Mikaela started first as she said she could do the painting as she was as well as her older sister as she showed him her art book.
As he turned pages, he looked up and said, "What about you three? What can you do for the shop?". Annie stepped forward and said, "Well, you said you want to get more customers. Why not we create a website and good offers of deals we can make?".
Hermione nodded as she followed Annie She said, "Yes, and we noticed how little technology here. We can be on disk duty when people meet with us to deal with their problems. We can save them on hard drives using alphabetical order so we won't lose the customer names when they come back".
Daenerys then follows along saying "Well she said that because it is true and I bet right there is a folder you always have to find the customer name and information about" Carter looks back at what she was saying is right, as right there on his disk table was a big folder that is carrying documents of all the customers. And she counted, "We can make great deals for the customers who come here. While other shops are always the same, we can have a free repair on the tenth time they come here it can bring a lot of customers to come here more like the street racers we can spread about this shop they can modify the car or repair something because last night we saw what happens when someone drove fast".
Carter just blinks after hearing all that and looks at Cain seeing him having his arms across his chest and a smirk on his face and says "Don't look at me while you got 2 girls now who can paint designs and 3 smart and intelligent girls that can bring in more customers. I'll just say this" he chuckled as he looks at the girls and winked at them and looks back at Carter and said, "You just hit the jackpot".
Carter chuckled, looked at the girls, and said, "You all hired, and I'll see you girls tomorrow for your first day on the job". The girls celebrate as they hug each other. Carter chuckled at seeing this and started walking out the door but stopped and looked at Cain and said, "You can leave early, kid. Tomorrow, we're going to be busy. I'll start locking up the shop".
Cain looks back but is met with the girls giving him a group hug each of them kissing him all over his face as they thank him for doing this for Peta and them.
Cain was thankful as he was trying to hold himself back, starting to feel the heat, but he calmed down as he asked if he could take them home. They felt grateful for him and said yes as they reached for his car. It was crowded, but it was okay thanks to Peta sitting as Mikaela sat on her lap and drove away to drop them off.
At night time, we see Cain in a Ghost Rider outfit along his motorcycle disguised as black ash. As soon he stops in front of Carter House, he takes off his helmet and sees Carter coming out the front door.
Carter takes a look at Cain out and nods as he says "I like your outfit along with the bulletproof vest kid and-" he looks at the chain that wraps on the right side of his hip and says "Along with those chains. So the story are true once you get hit with that you lose some of you skin".
Cain got off his motorcycle and said, "Thanks. I want to be ready for anything, especially the bulletproof vest, as I know my healing factor is getting better, but can't be too sure, you know".
Carter nodded and motioned him to flow as they walked to the side of his house. Once they were there, Carter kicked the dirt and found a chain. He gave the chain to Cain and said, "Pull it."
Cain grabbed it from his glove hands and started pulling it as it was covered in sand and dust once he finished pulling it, he was met in a dark hole that had a ladder attached to it.
He gets down inside along with Carter, and it is totally darkness until Carter switches the light on. He was met with full guns that had been dusty of who knows what, but it felt like he was in heaven.
Carter looked at him and said, "What do you think, kid". He looked around and looked back at him and said, "I think I need more guns".
As soon as he said that, Carter laughed at that. As Cain was about to say something until something caught in his eyes he looked out the end and saw a table that had a blanket that was covering something big.
He took off the blanket and said in a surprised tone, "Holly shit". He was met with a minigun he grabbed it and turned around.
"So what do you think" he said with a smirk on his face. Carter slowly nodded his head and said, "It looks good on you'."
Cain chuckled as he put it down, grabbed a duffle bag, and started putting guns in it. In a few minutes, it was back to Cain's motorcycle. As he got on his motorcycle, he strapped the bag tightly and looked at Carter. "Thanks for this, Carter".
Carter looked at him and said, "Good luck, kid". Cain nodded as he put on his helmet and drove away, leaving Carter. As he watched Cain go, he said to himself, "I hope you are ready for this kid because it looks like some of the supernatural are evolving, and you're the only one to stop them, so show them what Ghost Rider can do. "