Chapter 1: Prologue: the defeat of the kroks, the wizards rule over krokotopia...but betrayal can happen at any time.
After the defeat of Krokopatra, the the manders were freed at last and the were thankful for the wizards help. the wizards Thomas Flamefeather, Ha'Ram Thundersong, and Aten-Ka Purity Caller were celebrated by the manders, so much so that they wanted these three wizards to rule the houses of the former krok rulers. although this was a big jump from wizard to pharaoh, the three wizards agreed and helped the manders well.
the Pyramid of the Sun became the Pyramid of Life under Aten-Ka rule and treated the manders with respect and kindness. meanwhile the krokosphinx now called the Sphinx of Storms is ruled by Ha'Ram Thundersong, despite his roughness he ruled justly and was wise beyond his years, finally the tomb of storm became the Chamber of Flames which Thomas Flamefeather ruled with kindness and wisdom. the kroks who were defeated knew what was coming next, they were waiting for the moment for the wizard pharaohs to unleash their vengeance on them.
however to the kroks surprise, the three wizard pharaos were merciful and didnt want vengeance since that would solve nothing, for the first time in krokotopia history, there were three pharaohs who cared about both kroks and manders. it was a new era in krokotopia where kindness and wisdom ruled and the three pharaohs were also strong for their kindness was not weakness but strength. however not everyone like that the pharaoh were showing mercy to the kroks,
the three strongest rival families of each area wanted to rule krokotopia and crush the kroks. for in their eyes the goody two shoes pharaohs were showing the kroks mercy when they deserved none, the three rival families were: the Emberbloom family of the pyramid of life who was lead by Cedric Emberbloom, the Stormweaver family of the Sphinx of Storms lead by Cyrus Stormweaver, and finally the Flameheart family of the Chamber of Flames led by Ignatius Flameheart. they staged a coup to oust the three kind pharaohs to finally clame power.
its unknown what happened to Thomas, Ha'Ram, and Aten-Ka, but whats for certain is darkness is coming to krokotopia again and this time it might be worse for the kroks than the manders...the order of the fang might have to intervene again.
somewhere in the hidden liar of the order of the fang, Julia icestone a strong and blistering wizard who can be a hot head at time looked at Shalek the wise a krok of great wisdom.
"I dont like the sound of this Shalek" Said, Julia. "those foolish families want to crush the kroks just as the kroks did to the manders, its foolish and worse of all my pharaoh Flamefeather has gone missing." Shalek the wise looked concerned.
"hmm, Flameheart was his undoing wasnt it?" Asked, Shalek.
"No Shalek, Flamefeather is not dead!" Replied, Julia. "However i feel as if Ignatius Flameheart wanted the throne more for he wants to personally punish the kroks...i wont let that happen, for he is the most cruel out of three usurpers, we must find the true pharaohs and restor order once and for all!" the battle for krokotopa has begun.
what troubles will the order of the fang go through...perhaps the sands of time will reveal more soon.