Chapter 2: Episode one: Cruelty of the usurpers! The agony in the Pyramid of Life.
"Although things may seem peaceful from a far, history has a way of repeating itself"
Inside the halls of the pyramid of Life, the kroks toiled away day and night without rest, they were scared and frighten of the ruling Emberbloom family, especially the pharaoh of the pyramid Cedric Emberbloom himself. Cedric Emberbloomd cleared the lower area of the pyramid of life to making it into a living area for the manders and human wizards to talk, rest, sell goods, and for entertaiment which the kroks were forbidden entering...well unless they were called by either a mander or human wizards for duties which a rule that cedric emberbloom put it place. From a standpoint this could be seen a move by a kind and loving pharaoh, but in reality this was the cruelty of the usurper Cedric Emberbloom was for the true pharaoh Aten-Ka would never allow that for he wanted everyone to be treated fairly.
inside the halls of the pyramid Cedric most feared warriors Ankhtef Shepsu patrolled the area making sure the kroks knew heir place, and if one krok didnt follow the orders of either a mander of a wizard they would be severely punished and sometimes the kroks would be summoned to watch in unfold to get the message across and it was much crueler when manders werent present just to show the kroks they are getting their karma for all the suffering they caused the manders. meanwhile in the throne room of life, in the pharaoh section, Cedric Emberbloom was getting information from his adviser Talmic.
"My pharaoh, the kroks are complaining again" Said,Talmic. "The Kroks want their food increased and want more water, also they request more rest my pharaoh. they want that pathetic Aten-Ka back." the name Aten-Ka alone was enough to anger Cedric easily.
"Those blasted kroks should be thankful i let them breath!" said, Cedric. "What they are getting is but a fraction of what they did to the manders, but no that pathetic Aten-Ka wanted to forgive this pathetic kroks of their sins, but i will show the kroks no mercy." one of cedric warriors entered the room.
"My pharaoh i bring urgent news, Julia Icestone has defeated several of our warriors and has given food to the kroks." Cedric was furious, for there was even one name which made him angrier...hers.
"YOU PATHETIC FOOLS!" shouted, Cedric. "You let that traitorus Julia Icestone defeat you?! its bad enough that you loss to her, but allowing her to helpe the kroks are much worse, do you realize she is a member of that blasted order of the fang? she'll ruin everything, search for her and bring her to me alive!" the warriors didnt hesitate as they followed orders.
Meanwhile within the pyramid in the krok quaters, Julia Icestone gave food to them and water so they could feed their families. She had more than enough for them all, if they share it will last for a long time. a krok that was thankful, came up to her quickly.
"Julia, the warriors are coming towards this must flee." Said, the krok. "We will hide the food, please get yourself to safety." Julia Icestone wasnt going to do that easily.
"No, Krokom i wont." Replied, Julia. "That's what that usurper Cedric Emberbloom wants, Aten-Ka believe that you show bravery by facing your fears and when that happens you give strength to others." Julia heard footsteps coming, it was the guards.
Julia Icestone was a fire wizard who was also a hot head, but in battle she was one of the most feared members of the order of the fang behind Khai Amahte the Great and General Khaba. with her switch and firey magic she took out the guards easily while the others fled to heal their serious burns. the kroks cheered and they were gaining courage now and with that getting bolder.
Even the manddrs were cheering, for not every mander supported the usurper Cedric Emberbloom. One such mander was Salam Ibn'Dur. although he didnt like the kroks, he would never wish the same suffering they had upon them when the kroks ruled. Salam Ibn'Dur was a close friend to the wizard Julia Icestone and helped her escape the pyramid easily as julia smirked.
"Salam Ibn'Dur, thank you my friend" Said. Julia. "I will return to the others now, please make sure you dont get caught by those blasted warriors of the usurper." Salam Ibn'Dur smiled for he had many friends in high places.
"Dont worry, i will be safe" Replied, Salam. "In the meantime, i will give the food to the koks in your absents, you must get back to the order." Julia was already gone once she gave the food to him.
Meanwhile at the hideout of the order of the fang near the Sphinx of Storms near the balance tree Niles the kroks were in meeting, Shalek the Wise, Alhazred, General Khaba, and Khai Amahte the Great were discussing the way to defeat the usurpers for good. the door opened to reveal a cloaked figure, she removed her veil and it was the human wizard Julia Icestone.
"Julia, there you are." Said, Alhazred. "I see thar you had a run in with Cedric's men, although you handled it bravely i would advise you to be careful my friend." Julia scoffed but she knew he was right.
"I only wish to crush these usurpers, Alhazred" Replied, Julia. "But out of guidance you are indeed right, though i would personally allow my fire magic to crush their traps." General Khaba chuckled knowing julia is the hot headed member of the order of the fang.
"At ease, Julia all in time we will fight back." Said, Khaba. "I know this is indeed personal for you, for you were the most loyal to the true pharaoh Thomas Flamefeather, you were his strongest wizard." Julia looked up with fire in her eyes.
"Yes, i was his strongest warrior, his champion." Replied, Julia. "That blasted Ignatius Flameheart stabbed him in the back to take the throne, but i know for a fact Thomas Flamefeather isnt dead, the other two true pharaohs arent dead either. I pity the kroks Khaba, history is repeating itself heavily, the kroks who tormented the manders are now getting tormented themselves.
Cedric Emberbloom, Cyrus Stormweaver, and Ignatius Flameheart are the biggest enemy so far...but i can tell you this, out of the three Ignatius is the worst, his temper and how he ushers out punishment is brutal and cruel...i have seen it first hand, remember the krok who stole some fruit and breat to feed his starving wife and children?" the other members closed their eyes, they witnessed it themselves and will never get the image out of their heads.
"Julia, where are you going?" Asked, Shalek.
"I'm going into the pyramid of Life, into my secret hideout." Replied, Julia. "Besides, that place is where most of my fire spells are. Plus only i can enter it for i have pure intensions, dont worry shalek i will keep a low profile in the pyramid. Meanwhile i would advise you to send my brother Rai Icestone inside the Sphinx of Storms to see what Cyrus Stormweaver has done, dont worry he has friends in high places so he shall be safe." Julia put back on her cloak and left the area.
Meanwhile in the Sphinx of Storms, Cyrus Stormweaver was inside the Emperor's Stormy Retreat looking at his crystal sphere. the cystal sphere is used to communicate between the three pharaohs. Cyrus lauged.
"So, the great Cedric Emberbloom men couldnt defeat one fire wizard...such a pity" Taunted, Cyrus.
"Don't act so high and mighty, Cyrus." Replied, Cedric. "I remember that same fire wizard crushing your balance warriors, it was such a pathetic sight." Cyrus hissed for that hit his pride.
"Don't toy with me Cedric!" Shouted, Cyrus. "You know she's Thomas Flamefeather's champion, if she is the member of the order of the fang its over for us. We cant let those pathetic members of the order of the fang destroy our plans, the kroks are getting what they deserved for harming the manders, Yet, why do i have the feeling they are planning something." the crackling storms brewed in the throne room.
as the winds swept through krokotopa and night fell on the land, the kroks were uncertain of their future that was to become of them. what will fate show us during the battle of good and evil...perhaps the sands of time will reveal more for us soon.